Crop King Seeds Grow #2 White Cookie & Crown Royal Grow

I started out feeding them floranova bloom at 400ppm, switching to floranova grow today, and this weekend i will pick up the raw nutes and see what we can do.
Hey G00ch,
I am so stupid, I love the idea you just started your next journal while your 1st is still finishing up. Oh well perhaps on my 4rd grow I will figure that one out the 2nd is already screwed up since all my ladies for my getting ready to jump in to the game and I also have clones just planted into 3" pots for the grow after that. I hope you do not mind if I use your method for my journal. I think it is great.

Oh and save me a seat in the front row, being old my eyes are not what they use to be and I want a good view.
Popping over to your other grow to catch up and reserve a seat for the grand finally.
I moved the girls to new homes the 2 seedlings and the clone are all in cups now, and hopefully will take off quickly with the fresh 1/3 strength grow fert
ok so a couple days have passed since my last update, I was waiting for the transplant into bigger cups, which happen on friday night and they got a drink of 450ppm grow nutes with a dash of phosphorus, and a pinch of amino acids and here is the results
ok so a couple days have passed since my last update, I was waiting for the transplant into bigger cups, which happen on friday night and they got a drink of 450ppm grow nutes with a dash of phosphorus, and a pinch of amino acids and here is the results

Subbed... I'll get to read your other one tonight ;) Looking good Gooch!

here is my update its a day or 2 late but its all good, I am going to germinate 2 more white cookies this weekend, except i am going to be soaking them in seaweed extract, and from NPK RAW. Pics will follow, the 2 seedlings and the one rooted clone seem to be doing better every day
here is the white cookie seedling

here is the crown royal seedling

and the crown royal clone
here is an update on the 2 seedlings that are not in full growth
Here is the crown royal seedling

here are the roots

Here is the white cookies seedling

Here are those roots
quick image update
the white cookies has about a 1/4" node spacing i am so pumped, the crown royal gave me a 1 1/2" stretch im not happy with but it is what it is
white cookies


cr-seed that stretched
Just did a nute change, added 1.5ec of base nutes and supplemented with amino acids, vitamin b, kelp, and i stopped the phosphorus for now as i have a massive root structure and it has done its job. I also topped the crown royal and the clone. I did not top the white cookie yet but that will be soon
Man they looks so healthy. I thought mine looked good. Lol I can't wait to get my EBB system I feel I will have way better yields and quality doing a flood and drain instead of mixing and top feeding by hand 3xa a day haha
well after a successful transplant it is always important to remember to make sure the nutrients are making it to the roots or this might happen
when i moved them to the larger STG final location, i did not add enough water to reach the roots so they went 18 hours without food or water and that is what i walked in to
here is the start of recovery
when i moved them to the larger STG final location, i did not add enough water to reach the roots so they went 18 hours without food or water and that is what i walked in to
here is the start of recovery

Thanks goodness they will recover. It would have been a sad day. Cannabis flag flown at half mass lol
Yea i believe using the the various raw ingredients both gave me the solid mass of roots and allowed the plant to go through such a traumatic shock and still come back in less then a couple hours, i was amazed i thought maybe a day or 2, nope in an hour they were responding just like Harley said they would
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