Danny Terpintine's Private Oasis

Eutierria 5
eutierra 5.png

Eutierria 6 (I was hoping this one would be a male, and I’m 95% sure it is!)
eutierra 6.png

Eutierria 27 (Female)
eutierra 27.png

Eutierria 15 (Mac stomper terps dom male) - throw-away. Looks great, smells great, but I’m not working towards that side atm.
eutierra 39.png

Eutierria X Mango Bubba… since I only got TWO seeds out of the whole plant, I think I will be opening her up to f2s… I think I’ll find some really unique fire terp profiles in the f2s. That Eutierria keeper terps were sooo unique, and the mango bubba has such a complex terp profile.
Eutierria X Mango Bubba 2
eutierra x mango bubba 01.png

Eutierria X Mango Bubba 1
eutierra x mango bubba 02.png

Eutierria 27 (female).png

Euttiera (15) ms dom Male.png

GTR 1 (male).png

GTR 11 (female).png

GTR ohhhh MAN!..
GTR one - male… this shit smells like OGGGG KUSSHHHH like that SHARP GAS/KUSH profile you smell on some DANKKK OG!
GTR 1 (male).png

GTR 11 - female, similar vibes to the no1 male but not quite as sharp and strong on the terps. (I’m crazy excited for the male though!)
GTR 11 (female).png
Mango Bubba no1 - still love love love her! Terps, growth, vigor, everything!
mango bubba 1 01.png

mango bubba 1 02.png

Mango Bubba no2 - also a female
mango bubba 2 (female).png

Mango Bubba 11 - female. Veryyyy nice structure on her!
mango bubba 11 01 (Female).png

mango bubba 11 02.png

Sour D (dt cut) x Panama Haze BX2 - these are starting to get strettchhyyy. Having smoked both parents, the terps I’m getting from this have me real excited for some niceee sativa’s with full body effects.
sour d (dt cut) x panama haze bx2.png
47 Days Veg on the pheno hunt. Mothers moved to the flower room. Organized Chaos becomes organized peace. …maybeee after this run if I have it in my I’ll get some mylar up LOL.
Flower Room.png

Bubba Kush (matt berger cut)
Bubba Kush mb.png

ECSD (still feeling like the DT cut absolutely destroys this cut… at least so far!)

Eutierria Reveg
Eutierria reveg.png


GTR 11 (finally shedding that yellow!)
GTR 11 01.png

GTR 11 02.png

Limed Orange - Absolute BEAST!
Limed Orange.png

Mango Bubba - excited to see how she will develop!
Mango Bubba 1.png

Eutierria 1 male.png
First pic was my bigger hydro setup. 6x HLG, CCH20, chiller, ac's, whole nine yards. This was a very pricey build out.
osd cch20 diablo.png

This is where I got my foot in the dirt at 16... They had Multi rooms... 8 hours of transplanting, 8 hours shifts of hand trimming, 8 hours shifts in the middle of the night of working towards what I knew was my dreams and aspirations. Always and forever super grateful to the opportunities they afforded me and the knowledge they shared with me.
soco mentored here 01 copy.jpg

soco mentored here 02 copy.jpg
You really put the "go big or fuck off" in motion!
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