DeadTour's 400watt closet

LOL ^ Geoff, I'll admit its a cool little 8mega-pixel point and shoot with macro mode.

Well If you heard of Palo Verde Power Plant, I live in the same state its in, and yes its nuclear heh heh.
Heh heh thanks guys!!! Well its time for updates and they're looking nice and green!! The only thing they lack is the correct size for their age due to the horrible MG pottin soil (MJ GROWERS BEWARE OF MIRACLE GROW!!)..... :cool:


The overall garden ^


6 of 8 two day old seedlings ^


Plant "A" smells of skunk and shows indica dominance ^


Plant "B" smells of skunk and shows indica dominance ^
The other two out of the 4 oldest just aren't that impressive. I feel they are showing traits of male/hermie. One reason is that they smell of nothing what so ever. And thats whats promising about the other two, they smell of THC!!

I'm basically waiting for the seedlings to get 4 nodes and they will be placed on 12/12. I'm also anticipating on just waiting untill they show sex, which I know is the more correct approch for maxium yeild. :thanks:
Hi Pan4 :ciao: EXACTLY right myfriend... "time relesed it was..." (typed while talking like Yoda). Junk for sure, its litterally for tomatoe plants, heh heh.

I decided to take a pic of Plant "A" the same as "B" cause she's even greener!!


The 4 were watered yesterday with Recomended doseage of nutes.
StoneyGeoff, I still haven't gotten any run off due to not watering that much yet in the new pots and with the seedlings, but I will test it. The distilled water tests @ about a 5.6.

Now I got home today to find the temps in the closet were at 82F, which was the highs for it as well. I'm a little concerned about that temp, now I could run my evap more but its not going to make much of a difference. Right now the cooler starts at 745am and runs for 2 hrs and is off for 30min and back on for 2 hrs(this repeats 6-7 times/day), and thats the cycle its on now.

An easy solution is to switch to running the light at night when temps outside are 15-20 degrees cooler. I'm thinking I could pull that off for this summer and in the winter whatever's clever.

Its cool the buddy from work I'm going to The Dead shows with also is a vetern grower who had one of the last NL#1 plants, yet didn't take a clone of it after harvesting his last crop a few years ago :(. But he showed me his grow tent, cabinets and closets in his house that he's used and plans on using again real soon, I got him back into it I think ;). I really hope after the Shoreline show we zip up to the Sacramento area and grab some clippings, shoot I'd be happy with some beans, we'll see!
No worries and thanks for the illustration as well!!! That makes sense, and honestly I'm seeing a slight difference in growth between the two I did it with. Now its still grwoing quite well, and I did work it towards that posistion over a period of 5 days. Each day working it that much closer, here it is tonight 24hrs later, first pic is last night when I did it just to compare easier......


Thank you L8 and pan for stopping by!

Updates with the garden:
Today the temps in the closet hit a high of 84F, its getting too hot too guick!! It was about 100 outside today :/
I plan on setting my timers for the light and fan to kick on at night. I'm just trying to decide when the on/off time will be.

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