Droopy plant


New Member

Hey guys. Growing a single mr nice mango haze in a 4x4 in a 8gal airpot. I'm under a 200w cxb3590 fixture and recently added 4 Rw 75 area 51s. So here's my problem...My plant droops a lot. It's usually worse in the evenings and after I water. She will droop and than look much better the next morning on a daily basis but even when she's good she's not as perky as I would like her to be. Temps and humidity are dialed in so that's not the problem. I really doubt I'm overwatering because I really let the soil dry out. Any ideas what it could be?
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It certainly looks to be over-watered.
What temperatures and RH is she at, and how often do you water on average?
A plant that needs water will react positively within minutes of getting water. If not, or the other way around, you are likely slowly drowning her.
have you checked water temp. looks indica. read somewhere but don't quote me on it that indicas are more sensitive to watering regimes than sativas. i do indicas an of late i only water when they show early leaf droop due to lack of water. big fan leafs droop first reckon because of mass and weight of bigger leaves. I`ve seen that look before with other growers having same problem. maybe let it go Little bit more dry out before watering just a suggesting. Anyhoo looks a strong plant and as you say it recovers. regards
With a plant that size in an 8 gal pot and those temp's, I think watering every 3 days is way too often. Let her dry out and see if she doesn't get perky. Checking how dry the top few inches of soil is doesn't tell you anything about how wet the roots are. I'm thinking the bottom of the pot is saturated.
With a plant that size in an 8 gal pot and those temp's, I think watering every 3 days is way too often. Let her dry out and see if she doesn't get perky. Checking how dry the top few inches of soil is doesn't tell you anything about how wet the roots are. I'm thinking the bottom of the pot is saturated.

I agree it looks over watered. I feed every three days without issue, sometimes I feed and sometimes I don't. It just depends on how the plant looks. If you have over watered for a while you can get root rot and the plant might not perform well. Try Cannazym by Canna or its equivalent. This helps your roots break down, dead roots and grow new.

I've never used it but never over watered either.
Silicon could be useful also.

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I know it looks overwatered but I am pretty sure that's not it. Today it did the same thing. Much perkier when the lights went on and even better by afternoon. Now its close to lights out and she looks like in the above picture again. I didnt water today so the overwatering theory really cant explain that.
I know it looks overwatered but I am pretty sure that's not it. Today it did the same thing. Much perkier when the lights went on and even better by afternoon. Now its close to lights out and she looks like in the above picture again. I didnt water today so the overwatering theory really cant explain that.

If the plant(s) droop like that a little before lights out (like an hour, or so), that's normal. The plants know the drill. They are resting and getting ready for their nap. My plants always look sleepy before they go into their night time / lights out.
It seems to start about 3 hours before lights out and they are very droopy towards the end, even worse than in the picture...
It seems to start about 3 hours before lights out and they are very droopy towards the end, even worse than in the picture...

That is odd. Dunno. If it isn't the watering, then I'm stumped. Best of luck bro!
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