First Grow Journal

Still just watching RT and RH and feeding. Strong feeding today.
6 micro 12 bloom, 1.5 armor si, 2 calmag plus, 2.5 kool bloom, 1 floralicious plus in ml / gal. was about 1100 ppm.
I've figured an easy way to estimate the ppm of the GH Trio. 50ppm per ml / gal. it's pretty close.

probably wont do 4 kinds at once again lol. 2 of them look like they're gonna finish 2 weeks before the others. but I'm super happy with how they're looking and the one in particular is so nice i'm so happy i got clones of her. thinking about doing just that one after i finish up the blue rhino and white widow.

also my camera sucks.

Well done sir. Things look great over here :adore:
Its a jungle man! You’re crusin it! Those leaves are super green and healthy lookin, those plants gotta be stinkin too! 2-3 weeks to go?
Thanks man. Yeah they stink. Should be about 3 weeks or more. First signs of flowers was dec23
Well done sir. Things look great over here :adore:

Just so greatful for all the help you've all been. Would have taken countless grows to learn without help and advice.
Look at those girls. They look great. I can tell that you've doted over them.

Thanks, I'm 40, single and have no kids. YES i have doted over them lol.
Watch your trichs as you approach the finish line. More amber trichs can equal more couch lock. More cloudy and less amber, a bit more uplifting and energetic. Of course Strain comes into play, but as a general rule it's fairly accurate.
Watch your trichs as you approach the finish line. More amber trichs can equal more couch lock. More cloudy and less amber, a bit more uplifting and energetic. Of course Strain comes into play, but as a general rule it's fairly accurate.

it's gonna be tough with 4 different plants, but I was planning to let one of them go pretty far into the amber. I'm a hyper person and i need some sleepy time weed lol.
checked my run off today LMAO!! i'm not gonna say what the ppm was. the ph was super low like 5.3 so i've been adding too much bloom booster i think. gonna feed at half strength for a few days and feed 2 times a day.
I'm sure i haven't been giving enough every day for the size of the pots. only been getting 1 gal each in 10 gal pots. getting run off but not much. gonna double that and half the strength.
when the run off levels out i'll go back to full strength feed.
i need to get automated bad.
gonna flush again as the ppm was still really high in the run off after flushing at 1/4 strength last night. I'm considering doing a flush with only some floralicious and a little bit of florablend only. then feed at regular strength. I'm also wondering if i even really need to worry so much as the pots are massive and the roots don't even stick out the sides or bottom. gonna flush again anyway.

All leaves praying throughout lights on tho so they're still happy and healthy.
Many people don't like to flush, it was something many people did, but that has changed. Lighter feedings to lower the PH a bit, but not starving the plant. I just learned this recently... like a coupla weeks ago.
Many people don't like to flush, it was something many people did, but that has changed. Lighter feedings to lower the PH a bit, but not starving the plant. I just learned this recently... like a coupla weeks ago.

Thanks for the input. Half strength it is.
Agreed. Never flush coco.

If possible don't let the coco dry past 50% of its saturated weight. Water each time it gets there until 10 to 20% runoff. Runoff depends on your outflow EC. If it's more than .3 ec higher than infeed, go for the higher end of runoff.

Flushing coco is just asking for problems.feed with every watering, and keep the ph/EC right.

If you really need to "flush" your coco. All you need to do is dilute your nutes and go for lots of runoff. That way you don't screw with your calcium/magnesium buffer and create more issues going forward.
Agreed. Never flush coco.

If possible don't let the coco dry past 50% of its saturated weight. Water each time it gets there until 10 to 20% runoff. Runoff depends on your outflow EC. If it's more than .3 ec higher than infeed, go for the higher end of runoff.

Flushing coco is just asking for problems.feed with every watering, and keep the ph/EC right.

If you really need to "flush" your coco. All you need to do is dilute your nutes and go for lots of runoff. That way you don't screw with your calcium/magnesium buffer and create more issues going forward.

Right on. i just watered hard for 2 days at half strength then fed at full today 775 ppm.
How are they responding. Although my NL is in soil, shes bouncing back. I over watered, over fed, and defoled pretty drastically. Im lettin her grow!

not a lot going on with them the last week. but there's no sign of issues due to the high ppm. maybe it wasn't even that high and i'm just feeding low lol. I'm feeding 775 ppm and i know that some feed like twice that in flower. Going into week 7 really hoping they start to swell up a bit.
Hi plugger :hug:
Simple logic :)
Why starve someone when they need food the most?
Same as bud wash.. Do you eat your fruits/vegetables straight from the garden/supermarket or you wash them first?
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