First Indoor grow 12/12

The pic 5 down, is it a single cola plant with no limbs? Reminds me of Lowryder I grew, but LR doesn't get that tall. LR2 gets 2' but has lots of side shoots. I think this is the exciting time of the grow, when everyday you check they are fatter and you drool a little more. Whatever strain it is, it looks tasty.
2 - 2 ' and 2- 3 ' Thanks Blacklab im going to check that out now . Ok checked it out and I dont think it took me to the right place ..

Sorry about that I forget I'm in America LOLdamn I was ok a few tokes ago.....:bongrip: Here is the link Greenhouseseeds(Non-420 link)
Thanks everyone Iv always dreamed of having my own indoor grow and Im so happy to have started this is just the tip of the iceberg , Verry pleasing smell I close my eyes and open my mind and take in a breath The smell is like a mild mint aroma mixed with a light musk .. Some days the smell is louder than others is there a reason for this ?? Boss you say 4 weeks .. Thats crazy as that is also my birthday . I may have to go a week early so I can try some on my birthday ... Best present I ever got myself lol. Ans yes that one is just growing one main cola up the middle .. It seemed to be growing and maturing quicker than the others and then just stopped .. I haven't noticed anything growing on it in about a week
You will start to see the growth soon ;-):clap:

Thanks everyone Iv always dreamed of having my own indoor grow and Im so happy to have started this is just the tip of the iceberg , Verry pleasing smell I close my eyes and open my mind and take in a breath The smell is like a mild mint aroma mixed with a light musk .. Some days the smell is louder than others is there a reason for this ?? Boss you say 4 weeks .. Thats crazy as that is also my birthday . I may have to go a week early so I can try some on my birthday ... Best present I ever got myself lol. Ans yes that one is just growing one main cola up the middle .. It seemed to be growing and maturing quicker than the others and then just stopped .. I haven't noticed anything growing on it in about a week
hey man nice looking ladies bro!. patience man.:grinjoint:
patience is right lol takes alot of it .. My stupid timer glitched on me again ! I got home to find the lights on never went off .. I am getting a new timer but I think I may have to cut them an hour short and just turn off when I go to work manually . I started sowing seeds just have had two sprout . I found an old phone that had pics of my outdoor on it but I will have to get activated to send them to my e-mail but they will be coming :) Thanks guys ! Smoke on .
does that extract all the image files out of the phone?
Thanks man ! Quick and to the point +rep got around 5 weeks on them then i need to take pics this weekend .. They are doing great. I am guessing you don't want to wait to long ?
another update . I forgot my cam at the house so I will have to get pics of my parents tomorrow but I managed to get a few of mine b/f the batteries craped out on me .. I am worried I may need to harvest my oldest one a little early Its leaves are looking badly but the buds still look nice and fresh . I maybe wrong so let me know what ya think . Pics will be up soon.

I haven't been able to find any sea tea . I do believe it is a ph prob my water is at 6.8 to 7.0
rain water was 6.8
fresh out of tap 6.6
tap water that sat for a day 6.8 - 7.0 . Thought it was good enough but its only 20 or less days untill i was going to chop anyway would you think it wold make it that long or would you better be safe than sorry and vut it early
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