First real grow,for my brother

looks good man spasms suck I get them in my legs all the time restless legs sydrome it's a real bitch and happens out of the blue really throws me off my game thats why I went with outdoor for lots of medication
thats the meds. alright- I took my ex to get groceries today and I had a bad 1 in the van just kept going,mine turn into bad charlie horses in my back,I was screaming at her to hit it kick it whatever.Finally it was over I layed there she went shopping.

my dwarf ganja farthest along.

Well bro was over this morn got more meds.he is really doing good and its made me and mom relax more knowing he is.I'm working now on the dwarf plants and they are going to be great fast,strong easy to grow,autoflower etc.Thx kannabis that is cool name,probably not as cute as kitty and the fox-not that I would know.I'm keeping the same plan I used on the durbans for the dwarfs even no worrie on light and dark stuff,I feel better keeping it as nature would have it and my first is turning out good.spike
I've made a donation to 420 and also by buying a light from a sponsor which will be another 150 watt hps,then I'll have 2 of them and 1 150 watt cfl with alum hood and 10 other 26,42,48,68 watt cfls,and thats for 3 bigger plants and 5-6 clones etc.I went with that hollywood address where I used to skate b. around when I lived in long beach and ontario.And thats when I was breaking all my bones that has come back to haunt me.spike

But I would do it all over again.
well 2nd grow over 3rd started,I feel I can grow now and bro has plenty of meds.


this is my portion but I never smoke.spike

p.s.thx happykitty,ms. fox,Soniq,southern,crimson,all who taught me more.
no prob you ever start an outdoor grow hit me up for any help
I've made a donation to 420 and also by buying a light from a sponsor which will be another 150 watt hps,then I'll have 2 of them and 1 150 watt cfl with alum hood and 10 other 26,42,48,68 watt cfls,and thats for 3 bigger plants and 5-6 clones etc.I went with that hollywood address where I used to skate b. around when I lived in long beach and ontario.And thats when I was breaking all my bones that has come back to haunt me.spike

But I would do it all over again.

You're a good man Spike

We thank you for your support. We have lots of expenses (bandwidth, hardware, software, etc.) and we struggle to keep this free site up and running.

All giving back is commendable Brother +++reps
You're a good man Spike

We thank you for your support. We have lots of expenses (bandwidth, hardware, software, etc.) and we struggle to keep this free site up and running.

All giving back is commendable Brother +++reps

soniq I wish to conclude this journal.Spike69
Well thanks so much for sharing your work with us.

I'm moving the journal to our completed journals archive.

We look forward to your next effort.

Much respect to you from the 420 staff
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