Fungus Gnats


420 Member
can I use silicon dioxide with hydrogen peroxide to kill fungus gnats on my outdoor plants?.... i used ant and crawling insect killer (silicon dioxide) and wanted to know if i can use hydrogen peroxide as well...... they are Gnats iv been out most of the day looking for larvie....Thanks for everyone's time!


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you can certainly absolutley use hydro peroxide,, as a foliar spray and a drench,, mix one part peroxide and four parts water

I had more than just gnats, I think they went pretty much with the thrips when I blasted (and I mean soaked) my vegging plants from soil up for 3 days straight and then every week for a month with neem mixture from my pump sprayer. Also the yellow gnat cards have been really good, I think those have kept them gone because I've gotten lazy and the thrips came back but the gnats haven't! (knocks on wood). Not sure that the cards would make sense outside though.

2tbl/gal of water in my sprayer, plus I add a teaspoon of silicone since I'm applying.
The larvae are in the soil, feeding on roots.
I had more than just gnats, I think they went pretty much with the thrips when I blasted (and I mean soaked) my vegging plants from soil up for 3 days straight and then every week for a month with neem mixture from my pump sprayer. Also the yellow gnat cards have been really good, I think those have kept them gone because I've gotten lazy and the thrips came back but the gnats haven't! (knocks on wood). Not sure that the cards would make sense outside though.

2tbl/gal of water in my sprayer, plus I add a teaspoon of silicone since I'm applying.
i'm trying a mix of vinegar, dish soap, and water in a bowl x 2, placing it under the plants for tonight, first thing tomorrow i'm going to apply HP i part hp 4 parts water, which was mentioned by "nivek" Peace!
I'd use "BTI" in the form of Gnatrol.
Outside, you're basically never going to get rid of them but you can tone them down from 1000s to 10s
It's a lot cheaper if you buy mosquito dunks. I used Gnatrol for years before someone here mentioned the dunks.
I'd use "BTI" in the form of Gnatrol.
Outside, you're basically never going to get rid of them but you can tone them down from 1000s to 10s
can I use silicon dioxide with hydrogen peroxide to kill fungus gnats on my outdoor plants?.... i used ant and crawling insect killer (silicon dioxide) and wanted to know if i can use hydrogen peroxide as well...... they are Gnats iv been out most of the day looking for larvie....Thanks for everyone's time!
there getting worse, i soaked the soil in HP,
hope they get better 29%HP, raito 9 : 1


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you can certainly absolutley use hydro peroxide,, as a foliar spray and a drench,, mix one part peroxide and four parts water

Have you done that in soil nivek? Sounds like a lot of peroxide to put in through the soil for fungus gnats.
I’ve used simple neem mixed with bronners soap to manage fungus gnats. Yellow stickys are a good idea. The gnats are there for a reason they like moist shady areas with decaying organic matter.
I have never done this on an outdoor plant nor have I ever had a bad dose of gnats, but i have done this,when I had the odd gnat outbreak indoors

A combination of products is always best. Soap as well and even a mild mixture of iso alcohol and water, I think nine to one, can,help

KKarma sent friends
Have you done that in soil nivek? Sounds like a lot of peroxide to put in through the soil for fungus gnats.
I’ve used simple neem mixed with bronners soap to manage fungus gnats. Yellow stickys are a good idea. The gnats are there for a reason they like moist shady areas with decaying organic matter.
this is Bruce361.... yes i did, 29% HP down to 3 % HP worked like a charm, no signs of damage .its been 15 hrs, but what i don't know is when to start feeding them again, i'm going to just give them water for now, and keep checking i guess!
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