GHS WW & WRhino by Flyfishinrock

Thanks guys, always appreciate your input. I really wish I could blame GHS but the fact is they did receive some stress from me. I think good genetics should have been able to take it though. I forgot to mention today I also reduced the feedings from every 1hr to every 1 1/2 hrs, as the dampness could be causing an availability issue with some of the nutes. We'll see.
^ nice hope she does well. My double strawberry diesel showed up yesturday. I soaked them overnight till they started to crack then did the paper towel method this am. I got one showing the taproot and waiting for others to do the same. Soon to be another journal. I am also trying to work up a clone exchange for a black indica a friend has but dont really want to trade him till I know I have worthy genetics to wheel and deal with. I hope to do a little breeding between the two but I'm counting the chickens befor the eggs now huh? lol
Heres a pic update-1-29-09

Mis starting to get some buds under the hairs
Wow guys thank you much.
I am really hoping that the colas on Demi continue to thicken up and the buds continue to run together. I am not happy with this grow at all, its going better than the last disaster but that was a disaster, I love the vigour that mis has shown through veg, and maybe she will come on strong at the end but she looks like a lame yielder to me. I have some mis test plants one is uncut, one is topped once and another is fim'd. I want to see if she reacts differntly (higher yield) with one of these methods rather than the multi-topping that I gave the original. Right now they are all doing well, and I think better than the mom, the uncut mis seems to putting on substantially more buds at this stage than the momma. I also have some of both strains in a soil grow, for the same reason. I may be pulling the WW#1 early as I am losing the battle with powdery mildew on it, its not spreading at all but It is looking pretty scary. :{}

The Double Strawberry Diesel germination is doing well, all cracked and all but one shot a root in less than 36 hours. I put all ten in rockwool that I treated in ph 5.5 water for an hour, then put one tablespoon F.F. Big Bloom and one teaspoon G.H. Vegan Blend Compost Tea to a gallon of water and flushed it for a few minutes prior to putting the lil ones in. 2 are up out of the cubes in 12-18 hours and most of the others are up to the top of the holes already. Yee Haw!!

I did a few tests on the FF's nutes as this is the first time I've tried organics in hydro. I mixed up a batch of week 11 ferts, using only the chemical nutes: GroBig, Tiger Bloom and Cha Ching. After checking the ppm I noticed its about thee same strength as the GH I was accustomed to, EC 1.8. Next I added the BigBloom which took me to 2.1-2.2 EC
My thinking after doing this is that maybe I wasn't locked out after all, perhaps I was starving them because I bumped the strength down so much. And maybe I should mix the chem nutes to the EC I want then add the Big Bloom. What do you guys think of this "epiphany"? It looks like the plants liked the strong nute change after one day, but we'll see.
They look great flyfishinrock! Lookin forward to seein the pics of your new babies!

You know, that's the thing about nutes. Every strain is different, and what I've found, it does take some effort to find out what works for your particular plants. ;-) Good job!
thanks ms Fox, always nice to see your pretty face at the door!! shh don't tell Florida i said Your totally right, each strain is a learning experience; and not always good ones at that! But I guess as long as we can learn from the not so great results, the knowledge gained is worth the troubles.
Heres some shots of demi

this is the WW#1

This is a clone from demi, about week 3 in flower

I really expected more stretch from the widows, guess I will have to veg them longer if I keep the strain around. Looking forward to givin demi a a try, got a ways to go though.....
Hi mate,
lovely looking ladys Mr Fish,but whats up with ya cat ? and i really hope he/she gets better soon.
best regards..creamm :peace:
Thanks guys, me and "Boots" appreciate the good thoughts. He had a bad cold (didnt know cats could get em) and was sneezing all the time. It got worse, the vet says it progressed to pneumonia. I feel guilty as hell, he's 'm lil buddy. Ever try to put 5 drops down a tough cats mouth? lol aint fun!!

It looks like my MIS are enjoying the nute mix at the moment but the ww dosent like it!! $H1T!! These two are killing me with the different nute requirements. Both are starting to get more solid each day, the mis more slowly though. I have some kick ass strains a few days from my possession, all clones: Grape Crush, Black Indica, DJ Short Blueberry, and Bullrider!! That should make things a bit more interesting round here come harvest time. I cant wait.
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