Gotta say Hey

Second time growing, but truly first time learning. First time 40 years ago with bag seed and no clue. They got big like Christmas trees and then ripped off. Oh well. This time 2 in the ground and 2 in 5 gal pots outside.. It is cool how you can manipulate these weeds. Manifolding, twisting, tie down, pinching and bending and purposeful injury makes these weeds grow shot like bushes. Very sensitive and reactive to their environment I do have questions though so that is for some other post. So hey Hi.
Welcome to 420 Magazine
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Second time growing, but truly first time learning. First time 40 years ago with bag seed and no clue. They got big like Christmas trees and then ripped off. Oh well. This time 2 in the ground and 2 in 5 gal pots outside.. It is cool how you can manipulate these weeds. Manifolding, twisting, tie down, pinching and bending and purposeful injury makes these weeds grow shot like bushes. Very sensitive and reactive to their environment I do have questions though so that is for some other post. So hey Hi.
Hi @40 years since first grow ,

You've come to the right place! There's a section here where members can post questions. Highly recommended reading West Hippies link.

Welcome to the forum @40 years since first grow :welcome: ...Man you could have picked a shorter avatar name :rofl:

If you take a walk through my garden, you'll see everything you're talking about :thumb: love me some bondage...on my plants that is :rofl::popcorn:
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