Granddaddy Purple Auto DWC September 2021


Well-Known Member
Hey all!
1st Grow Journal and thought I would start from the very beginning. This is my second plant - first was a practice that turned out to be a boy (unknown bag seed). I got some great practice for about 7 - 8 weeks, though!
Started germinating seed on September 5, 2021
September 7 - 8, 2021 - there is about a 2cm sprout peeking out. Germinating in glass jar with tap water, covered and placed in a warm dark cabinet.
The plan is to get her into a Rapid Rooter. Is it too early to put her in the Rapid Rooter or wait until the sprout is a bit longer?
She will grow in a 3.5 gallon bucket using a 6 inch Rhizocore basket bucket lid w/hydroton, 2x2x4 grow tent, 300W LED grow light. Rhizocore lid came with bucket and I hope I understand how to use it! Any advice is totally appreciated!
In the tent there are 2 oscillating fans, carbon filter and inline fan outside the tent with venting outside.
Temperature in room where grow tent is stays around 75 - 76F. We live in a very humid area and will be using a dehumidifier to keep RH 50 - 55.
Will be feeding with General Hydroponics FloraMicro, -Grow, -Bloom, CALiMAGic and Botanicare Hydroguard.
This is really exciting and it is so good to have found this community!
Thanks for any and all suggestions, feedback, advice!
Happy growing y'all
Hey all!
1st Grow Journal and thought I would start from the very beginning. This is my second plant - first was a practice that turned out to be a boy (unknown bag seed). I got some great practice for about 7 - 8 weeks, though!
Started germinating seed on September 5, 2021
September 7 - 8, 2021 - there is about a 2cm sprout peeking out. Germinating in glass jar with tap water, covered and placed in a warm dark cabinet.
The plan is to get her into a Rapid Rooter. Is it too early to put her in the Rapid Rooter or wait until the sprout is a bit longer?
She will grow in a 3.5 gallon bucket using a 6 inch Rhizocore basket bucket lid w/hydroton, 2x2x4 grow tent, 300W LED grow light. Rhizocore lid came with bucket and I hope I understand how to use it! Any advice is totally appreciated!
In the tent there are 2 oscillating fans, carbon filter and inline fan outside the tent with venting outside.
Temperature in room where grow tent is stays around 75 - 76F. We live in a very humid area and will be using a dehumidifier to keep RH 50 - 55.
Will be feeding with General Hydroponics FloraMicro, -Grow, -Bloom, CALiMAGic and Botanicare Hydroguard.
This is really exciting and it is so good to have found this community!
Thanks for any and all suggestions, feedback, advice!
Happy growing y'all

Hey @enchanted65

Great intro! I'll follow along if you don't mind!

You can put seeds in the rapid rooter plugs prior to sprouting (so yes).

feel free to tag me anytime, any question and I'll try to help you out.

For the buckets, can you snap some pics?

This chart will make your life much easier
Temperature in room where grow tent is stays around 75 - 76F. We live in a very humid area and will be using a dehumidifier to keep RH 50 - 55.
Would love to see that grow tent, I'm planning to build one this winter, I too grow in a very humid place, just a few miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico.
I’m in for the ride as well if ya dont mind
Welcome aboard to the land of bud rot, lol. When I first found some rot on 2 plants, went to Tractor Supply and bought a 48" fan which I ran constantly 24/7. Placed the ladies (there were 17 at the time in 10 gal fabric pot) in a V shape angle so the fan could hit all the plants, somewhat. Even at that rot grew on another 2 plants which were removed immediately. Down to 15 plants and they all look good and within a few days will be harvested.
Of the 4 plants that I lost, 3 were indica the other sativa. All 4 were rich in trichomes.
Spark up
Hey @enchanted65

Great intro! I'll follow along if you don't mind!

You can put seeds in the rapid rooter plugs prior to sprouting (so yes).

feel free to tag me anytime, any question and I'll try to help you out.

For the buckets, can you snap some pics?

This chart will make your life much easier
Thank you Rexer, I don't mind at all, glad to have you help me along! The chart is Fab, thanks! I germinated the seeds per the seed banks instruction just in case I needed to take advantage of their guarantee. Here are some pics of the bucket empty and the Rhizocore lid. I plan to set it all up this weekend, hopefully. More pics to come!
Would love to see that grow tent, I'm planning to build one this winter, I too grow in a very humid place, just a few miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico.
Will definitely share more photos once I get everything set up. I live a few miles inland from the Gulf as well. Fortunate that the room has a convenient space for the tent and the window close so easy to vent outside. Hope you enjoy building your grow tent!
Hey all!
1st Grow Journal and thought I would start from the very beginning. This is my second plant - first was a practice that turned out to be a boy (unknown bag seed). I got some great practice for about 7 - 8 weeks, though!
Started germinating seed on September 5, 2021
September 7 - 8, 2021 - there is about a 2cm sprout peeking out. Germinating in glass jar with tap water, covered and placed in a warm dark cabinet.
The plan is to get her into a Rapid Rooter. Is it too early to put her in the Rapid Rooter or wait until the sprout is a bit longer?
She will grow in a 3.5 gallon bucket using a 6 inch Rhizocore basket bucket lid w/hydroton, 2x2x4 grow tent, 300W LED grow light. Rhizocore lid came with bucket and I hope I understand how to use it! Any advice is totally appreciated!
In the tent there are 2 oscillating fans, carbon filter and inline fan outside the tent with venting outside.
Temperature in room where grow tent is stays around 75 - 76F. We live in a very humid area and will be using a dehumidifier to keep RH 50 - 55.
Will be feeding with General Hydroponics FloraMicro, -Grow, -Bloom, CALiMAGic and Botanicare Hydroguard.
This is really exciting and it is so good to have found this community!
Thanks for any and all suggestions, feedback, advice!
Happy growing y'all
Hope everyone is having a great day!
I was reading about GH Armor Si (silicate supplement) and was wondering if I should consider using it? Any thoughts?
Hope everyone is having a great day!
I was reading about GH Armor Si (silicate supplement) and was wondering if I should consider using it? Any thoughts?
Hey enchanted65!
For a Silica additive look for something derived from Mono-silicic acid or MSA. If you do a search on here that should pull up plenty of reading material for it.

Just looking at your equipment, do you have an airpump?

It's very doable in those buckets, but you know you're gonna have your hands full with that small of a dwc bucket when the roots get massive? I'm not trying to discourage you, just making sure you know. @Tokin Roll could weigh in much better, as he's actually done DWC
Is that a 3 gallon bucket?

You could get away with that size bucket, but you will limit how big your plant can get. Also, once the root ball gets large you will limit the amount of solution in the bucket because the size of the root ball.

I have one plant in the 3rd week of flower that takes up 11/2 to 2 gallons of solution a day; and that is a 5 gallon bucket.

Hope this helps.

Stay safe and Grow well my friend,

Hey enchanted65!
For a Silica additive look for something derived from Mono-silicic acid or MSA. If you do a search on here that should pull up plenty of reading material for it.

Just looking at your equipment, do you have an airpump?

It's very doable in those buckets, but you know you're gonna have your hands full with that small of a dwc bucket when the roots get massive? I'm not trying to discourage you, just making sure you know. @Tokin Roll could weigh in much better, as he's actually done DWC
Hi Rexer - I do have an air pump 7.8 lpm, cylinder 4x2 air stone and black tubing, sorry forgot to include. Not discouraging, encouraging! Nothing but love!
Is that a 3 gallon bucket?

You could get away with that size bucket, but you will limit how big your plant can get. Also, once the root ball gets large you will limit the amount of solution in the bucket because the size of the root ball.

I have one plant in the 3rd week of flower that takes up 11/2 to 2 gallons of solution a day; and that is a 5 gallon bucket.

Hope this helps.

Stay safe and Grow well my friend,

Thanks Tok…! Your input and Rexer have convinced me to get a 5 gallon bucket. This is exactly what I was looking for when I joined 420 mag. All input helps!
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