Have I already messed up my first indoor grow?

The thing with growing pot is that there's so many claims made by manufacturers that it's hard to know what is working and what isn't. This product claims XX% more terpines, this product claims XX% bigger buds, this product claims XX% faster growth, and while to some extent many of the products work, there's a point of dimishing return, where you're throwing money and products at the grow, for negligable results. MJ growers are like hunters/fishermen, they'll buy anything if it claims to grow bigger, plants/buds faster, catch more fish, shoot more ducks, etc. I liken it to the health claims, eat this and your XX% less likely to die, eat that and your XX% less likely to die, take this supplement and your XX% less like to keel over, so if I add all those up, I'll never die? Just my .02 worth. (I'm on a roll today)
Hey there all, hope all is swell! Just so we are clear, I have no intention of doing, not have I ever, too much potential for resin loss as far as I'm concerned, and since my first experience with bud rot, I'm very easy of any water on my colas,, was just a question of curiosity.... Growing has evolved a lot since I first started! @Krissi1982 , the clawing is still present on the middle finger of the the next set, but the rest seems to be chilling out, there was still some nutrient in the well, that's fixed now, the girls are all starting to organise, have 6 main branches on each. My plan was to keep it on 18/6, until it's ready for some creative pruning, then flip it 24 for a couple of week stretch, then 12/12.... Thoughts anyone?
And also is it a good time to switch to super lumen setting for the 12/12 cycle? You folks are awesome, much:green_heart:
The thing with growing pot is that there's so many claims made by manufacturers that it's hard to know what is working and what isn't. This product claims XX% more terpines, this product claims XX% bigger buds, this product claims XX% faster growth, and while to some extent many of the products work, there's a point of dimishing return, where you're throwing money and products at the grow, for negligable results. MJ growers are like hunters/fishermen, they'll buy anything if it claims to grow bigger, plants/buds faster, catch more fish, shoot more ducks, etc. I liken it to the health claims, eat this and your XX% less likely to die, eat that and your XX% less likely to die, take this supplement and your XX% less like to keel over, so if I add all those up, I'll never die? Just my .02 worth. (I'm on a roll today)
That's why I'm a big fan of poo, worms, compost, soil, water and the sun:cool:
The few here recommend keeping fans, and 3 of 4 ladies may be ready for your idea. Let's get the sickly, strong and healthy before forcing it to commit when it's weak.

EDIT : Not sure what super lumen is, y'mean maximum brightness or "bloom" mode?
Thanks yes what is super lumen mode? Def agree to get miss sick a little better before you want her to start doing more for you...what are you feeding them currently, again?
I'm feeling very noobish right now, but .... switching to 24 for stretch? The plant will just continue to veg wouldn't it? Why would it stretch at all on 24h light?
I was thinking the same thing, just never know if I missed something on my one year hiatus. @nedesnik the stretch occurs during early flowering, 24hrs light no induce stretching.
I've generally found growing outdoors, that the stretch happens just before and during pre flower....I may not be explaining myself properly.... But the idea is to accelerate that briefly after it heals from pruning, before flipping it to flower. I'm not touching anything just yet pruning wise either. Sorry that this has turned into my first grow Journal:p the whole plan with this grow tent was to mimic nature as much as possible.... So only what is in the soil mix, which is soil, mushroom compost, composted sheep and cow manure, some blood and bone, the is at least one worm in each pot also, and a little chicken poo slurry I've made I'm not feeding them any nutrient except the chicken poo slurry , and ground dry banana skin later on for more pk during flowering. As for the super lumen switch, I suspect just just a boost switch on my dimmable ballast, I've no idea lol
I didn't mean to say the O2 is waste, but it is a waste product of the plant (which is good for us). Just a little aside, most O2 on earth does not come from terrestial plants, ... <snipped>...The lions share of breathable O2 comes from algae and diatoms in the open ocean, they release O2 during their lifetime, and when they die, they sink into the deep ocean where lack of O2 and cold temps keep aerobic decomposition from happening, ....
I was pretty sure that you were meaning the waste 02 was just as you mentioned and I am familiar with the importance of the oceans and seas when it come to the actual source of our oxygen. However, some of the people in today's society do not realize where their breathable 02 comes from and don't care.

I believe that the number one thing that our trees and other surface plants do is trap the carbon and turn it into the plant material that then will eventually decompose, using up the 02 the plant produced over its lifetime and returning the carbon. Only thing is that we humans are using the carbon ourselves and returning it back into our environment faster than the remaining trees and plants can capture and store it.

These trees are also capturing the sunlight through photosynthesis and using the energy of the light to produce and store the carbon. Without the plants, the sunlight hits the soil and stone and is absorbed and stored as heat which is slowly radiated back. We have to give more thought to why and how to replace the plants instead of paving over everything in sight.

Plus, Google is your friend, as long as you really check out the source (scientific studies VS anectdotal evidence).
Sadly something else many people seem to want to avoid. I have been mentioning how much info in available with just a few minutes with google or any search engine and people do not want to spend the couple of minutes needed to pick up the answers to their question. Anecdotal evidence requires no effort, just read it and believe without doing any real research.

And, it seems to be getting worse, probably because many people are using their cell phones which they seem to feel are a real pain when it comes to checking out the scientific VS anecdotal evidence that you have mentioned.
Anecdotal evidence requires no effort, just read it and believe without doing any real research.

And, it seems to be getting worse, probably because many people are using their cell phones which they seem to feel are a real pain when it comes to checking out the scientific VS anecdotal evidence that you have mentioned.

with all the platforms available there is an information overload now, coupled with an excessive number of incorrect, misinformed, or willfully wrong sources.

the bad info then enters a digital echo chamber and becomes amplified far past its original footprint. folk who have a vested interest then continue to perpetuate the bad info, and gather like minded adherents to reinforce their bad practices and beliefs.
with all the platforms available there is an information overload now, coupled with an excessive number of incorrect, misinformed, or willfully wrong sources.
I understand what you are saying but @Phytoplankton and I believe that people would be a lot further ahead if they did more researching instead of going by the "in that message he said..." source.

the bad info then enters a digital echo chamber and becomes amplified far past its original footprint. folk who have a vested interest then continue to perpetuate the bad info, and gather like minded adherents to reinforce their bad practices and beliefs.
Most of which becomes the anecdotal evidence.
I understand what you are saying but @Phytoplankton and I believe that people would be a lot further ahead if they did more researching instead of going by the "in that message he said..." source.

Most of which becomes the anecdotal evidence.

the whole 2wk flush at the end comes to mind
Thanks yes what is super lumen mode? Def agree to get miss sick a little better before you want her to start doing more for you...what are you feeding them currently, again?
I'm not feeding them anything if I can help it, just what is in the soil I made, which is soil, mushroom compost, composted mulch, sheep, and cow manure, a little blood and bone and some chook poo slurry I made. I used stuff called neutrog gogo juice when I transplanted the babies, I only plan on giving them a diluted mix of the chook poo slurry and dried ground banana skin during flowering:)
I'm not feeding them anything if I can help it, just what is in the soil I made, which is soil, mushroom compost, composted mulch, sheep, and cow manure, a little blood and bone and some chook poo slurry I made. I used stuff called neutrog gogo juice when I transplanted the babies, I only plan on giving them a diluted mix of the chook poo slurry and dried ground banana skin during flowering:)
Well that is certainly a healthy mix of your own blend...sounds good if I were a plant but some actual nutes sound good too. However, I am not well read in organic farming like this so I'd like to see what you work out. I do think for a first grow, the addition of a solid nutrient line is quite helpful. To each his own though, I am not pushy just trying to be helpful :)
I do think for a first grow, the addition of a solid nutrient line is quite helpful. To each his own though, I am not pushy just trying to be helpful :)
Didn't take it that way at all, this grow is all kind of experimental , and I'm open to suggestion, and info. When I bought all my stuff, the dude in the shop was adamant that the way I was going about it was all wrong, but since 2018 , more so recently, there seems plenty of of people having success this way. I'm not a fan of using chemicals to grow, detracts from the taste, and even well flushed smoke can affect my anxiety, so hence why I'm into doing it this way. I do have some interesting organic fertilisers I might try, but I've not had much success trying to find an organic pk rich nute. But to be honest I'll be happy if they stay female:Namaste: PS... They are looking much better, will post a pic
Day 22 under lights... @backyardagain ,@bluter ,@SmokingWings, @Bill284 ,@Phytoplankton ,@Sunasun,@Krissi1982 .... If you're interested

Thanks my man,
Whatevs is in the pot on the top right is just the right amount of whatevs it's got
Hard to say, all of the seeds were different strains, except the ones on the left , the one that was clawing is the second gen of the smaller one. they all have the same soil mix, what differs is the mats and wicking substrate at the bottom, I think that has a solid layer of scoria, but I can't be sure, I'm starting to think that is the lamps sweet spot too lol, I'm still trying to get tent temps and lamp height right, getting there though:surf:
Looking good our friend!!! Whenever you can take pics out of those lights for us, we love to see all the different greens! Happy to see them on the mend brother!
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