Have I already messed up my first indoor grow?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I'll try to make this as brief as possible... Last night I woke up for a pee, and checked my tent temp for the first time in the dark cycle.... I'm running a 600 watt hps lamp in an 8x4 ft tent, but using only half the tent, and having it separated by the drip tray mat, on the empty side I have a heater set for colder nights, my fingers crossed ladies are all less than 6 inches but in various stages of growth due to germination time, and were started in natural light, because it's the start of the outdoor season here in Australia, and have only been under lights for 5 days now. I'm an experienced grower, but a novice under lights... Anyway after my pee I checked the temp and it was a bit lower than I wanted, so half asleep, I unzipped just enough to turn the heater on which is right next to the zip for this reason.... The room light is poor and it was only for 10 seconds, And is separated by the drip tray,but it still happened. Have I fucked up? Should I start again instead of wasting time and energy? Thanks in advance for any advice. I've added a visual scenario, hoping it will help, thanks again, feel like a mega tard

I just want to be clear, you are concerned because they got light for a few seconds? If that's the case, no worries friend
I just want to be clear, you are concerned because they got light for a few seconds? If that's the case, no worries friend
Yeah, so unsure of myself, the dude who I bought most of my set up from expressly told me no light!!!! So was hard to get back to sleep... So much anxiety with this grow, just want to get it right, rather do it outdoors, but can't, and can't afford to get caught again, thanks Krissi ☺️
Yeah, so unsure of myself, the dude who I bought most of my set up from expressly told me no light!!!! So was hard to get back to sleep... So much anxiety with this grow, just want to get it right, rather do it outdoors, but can't, and can't afford to get caught again, thanks Krissi ☺️
No problem at all, it can be stressful but you're in a great community of caring growers here to help! Try not to stress, think happy bud thoughts :peace::Namaste::passitleft:
Hi everyone, I'll try to make this as brief as possible... Last night I woke up for a pee, and checked my tent temp for the first time in the dark cycle.... I'm running a 600 watt hps lamp in an 8x4 ft tent, but using only half the tent, and having it separated by the drip tray mat, on the empty side I have a heater set for colder nights, my fingers crossed ladies are all less than 6 inches but in various stages of growth due to germination time, and were started in natural light, because it's the start of the outdoor season here in Australia, and have only been under lights for 5 days now. I'm an experienced grower, but a novice under lights... Anyway after my pee I checked the temp and it was a bit lower than I wanted, so half asleep, I unzipped just enough to turn the heater on which is right next to the zip for this reason.... The room light is poor and it was only for 10 seconds, And is separated by the drip tray,but it still happened. Have I fucked up? Should I start again instead of wasting time and energy? Thanks in advance for any advice. I've added a visual scenario, hoping it will help, thanks again, feel like a mega tard

Hey @nedesnik hope your having a good day.
When you turn you timer on your lights to 12/12 that starts them flowering.
This is when you aren't supposed to interrupt their sleep.
When you turn off your lights your ladies start producing a chemical that tells them fall is coming I better produce buds.
It takes 12 hrs to build enough of this chemical to make them flower.
When you interrupt the production by letting light hit her she reverts back to veg mode.
Seeing as you said your girls are only 6" tall still in veg interrupting their sleep won't effect them at all.
You can give them 24 hr light if you want but most go 18/6 in veg.
When you do finally flip to flower you require absolute darkness for 12 hrs.
Having a light beside them might not be perfect. :Namaste:
Throw a smoke detector in there Amigo.
Stay safe.
Lol you mean the copper tube next to the fan? I did as much research on EMF/RFI as possible.... Is a mini Faraday housing for extra lamp cord length..... So what is this business about CO2? I remember back in the day, a heavy duty garbage bag taped over the plant at the base of the stem was used to starve it from oxygen for a day or 2 before harvest
, whether for yield or resin increase in not sure....
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