Hello all! Unsuccessful so far, begging for help


420 Member
Hello everyone, I'm Andrew, 30, no gardning experience whatsoever.

I have been trying to get a decent indoor grow for a few months now, I'm finishing my second unsuccessful try in a few days now. I have attached a photo of my not so proud about result :)))

I tried growing in soil, using a 1x1x2m tent, 2 Mars Hydro 600 led grow lights, with Advanced Nutrients for both grow and bloom stage. Didn.t quite get it right yet.

I tried my best,bought all the equipment I understood was needed, PH meters, TDS meters, etc, I read quite a lot of stuff but... still got a lot of problems.

Can anyone point me to a guide/book/source of complete (but not too detailed, keep that for later) growing information, for both outdoor and indoor? Something... step by step, easy to follow, for the nob I am :))

I would be very grateful!



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Welcome Big L to 420 magazine
Wow now that needed to be in a journal on this site.
Can we have a pic without the lights, we could see more?
I say success!
Well, if you'd bent that primary "top" over, early, so that it was no longer the highest part of the plant, said plant would have redistributed some auxins - which would have provoked the secondaries to grow lengthier, and you'd have been able to maintain an even canopy... which would have enabled you to lower your lights to get more of their output onto the plant (and thus, have given you more/bigger/denser buds at harvest time, assuming that lighting was that grow's limiting factor).

Can anyone point me to a guide/book/source of complete (but not too detailed, keep that for later) growing information, for both outdoor and indoor?

Some of the information is a little dated now, but how about this one?
How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

Aside from that, just start reading threads here on the forum. More information than a dozen books - and most of it peer-reviewed, too. Also, pick a few completed grow journal threads
Completed Journals
and read them through from beginning to end.

Then, pick a few ongoing ones
Journals in Progress
and follow along "as it happens" (so to speak). By that point, you should have absorbed/digested enough knowledge to be able to understand what you are seeing, and to ask intelligent, specific questions.
Welcome Big L to 420 magazine
Wow now that needed to be in a journal on this site.
Can we have a pic without the lights, we could see more?
I say success!

Hey there!

I don.t think we should talk about my current grow, because I.ve started from 4 seeds, Sensi Skunk regular seeds from Sensi Seeds Amsterdam, and had numerous problems, killing plants as time passed... burning them with nutrients ...

This grow I consider a failure because the remaining plant is 7 weeks into flowering and the buds on it are... well... very small... and have no weight to them. One plant was a male, so killed it, and the others that I killed You can see in the pics below. Added 2 pics of the last plant alive

I am now reading some grow jurnals here on the forum and discovering stuff I neglected, until I finish a few jurnals to make an idea about how other people are successful... I was thinking about finding a step by step grow book


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Agree, with all said,, listen to the soul,, the tortured one,, a full on book full of info in the post posted with soul

A journal would be the way to go. you must have had some literature from the beginning,, so how is more going to help?

YYer plants look perty good actually, tho I did not blow it up

SSlow and steady is the way to improve,, one must make adjustments,, then sit back and. Wait. For the results to show themselves. no quick fixes with this stuff

KKarma sent friend,, cheers

And read some more

Never go over half strength nutes, keep yer heat down and light at best distance at all stages of growth

Plant looks pretty good

Patience is a big key, and read, read, read
Some of the photos are showing classic Sativas, they will produce long spears of buds that are not as full and dense as the indicas and hybrids. They look pretty good actually. I think you need to start a grow journal and at the start detail every you have and are using to grow with. We can walk you through the process that way.
Hello everyone, I'm Andrew, 30, no gardning experience whatsoever.

I have been trying to get a decent indoor grow for a few months now, I'm finishing my second unsuccessful try in a few days now. I have attached a photo of my not so proud about result :)))

I tried growing in soil, using a 1x1x2m tent, 2 Mars Hydro 600 led grow lights, with Advanced Nutrients for both grow and bloom stage. Didn.t quite get it right yet.

I tried my best,bought all the equipment I understood was needed, PH meters, TDS meters, etc, I read quite a lot of stuff but... still got a lot of problems.

Can anyone point me to a guide/book/source of complete (but not too detailed, keep that for later) growing information, for both outdoor and indoor? Something... step by step, easy to follow, for the nob I am :))

I would be very grateful!

Haha think that’s noob, don’t be so hard on yourself
Nice plants Broski. as a new grower the only thing i can see are beautiful plants. check out some training techniques and you're golden !
Welcome to the 420 Mag community!
We are all about sharing knowledge and helping spread the love. :yummy:

I am an experienced indoor grower and if you want to see easy, sound methods for indoor growing,
I invite you to click this and follow my journal:


I use hydro but even if you grow in soil or coco there is much that applies. It's all there my friend!

Best of luck,
Peace, Hyena
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