Help! I think my plant is a hermie! Also need help posting pics


New Member
I have two plants of Agent Orange growing in my sunroom with supplemental lights. Exactly the same as how I did it a few months ago, but I didn't pull and harvest quite in time so they started to foxtail. It's still good usable medicine, just not pretty.

Anyway, fast forward to a few minutes ago. I went to check in on the plants, and they had collapsed (my fault, I should have seen that coming, but that actually turned out to be a blessing in disguise) so of course I grabbed twine and scissors and ran out there. I pulled up the first branch and got it tied up, then looked down to find the best part to do next- and this is what I saw.

Those are male parts right?

What do I do!? Should I harvest today before something worse happens?

I haven't posted in here in a few months, and chemo has stolen my memory. Can someone please help me to post a couple of pictures?
Kid where are the herm flowers. Looks like separated female flowers to me just not buds.

Best way to find out is pop a few of those sacks open, see if there's any seeds inside.

But I bet there will be seeds by the end of its cycle. ;)
It's most clear in the second picture, there's a little ball thing with a long tip just on the left of the stem. But in the first picture, you can see that those same structures are all over the place on the lower portion of the branch in question.

Am I being paranoid? Maybe these are female structures?
Hey Sevenveils. They look like female parts to me. Swollen or pollinated calyxes. Sometimes those lower calyxes will get large and round like that. As suggested open one up. It might be hollow or there might be a seed forming inside. If there are seeds then look for 'nanners'- little yellow flowers. If you find some, don't panic, they're controllable in my experience.
I went out and looked again. Either the problem is worse than I had thought, or it's not an actual problem and they're just flowering. lol. Here are some other pictures, I'm hoping that they might help someone to help me.

Whew! Thank you all so much! I am so relieved!

Do you think that I should be thinking about harvesting soon? Or do I have a way to go? These Agent Orange plants are growing and flowering so much differently than my GSC and Royal Medic from last spring. I don't want to wait too long again.
I'm not sure where light leakage could be coming from. I have the lights set to be on 8am-8pm on a timer. It's dark outside before the plant lights go out at night, and it's just barely getting to be dawn in the morning before lights on.
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