Help please

Okay thanks. I just got a cheap $40 grow light from walmart. Doing the research now on good lights. We had some setbacks with our greenhouse and had to start over with that, now we are building a building for indoor. I have a couple of 200w heat lamps and the sun but its been to cold here to leave them outside in the little dome with a small heater even couldn't keep the temp up unless the temp was in higher 50's at night. they are under the light about 12 hours a day. My new seedlings have been under the heat lamp about4-6in from them. since i put in the pods.
I don't think soil or pH has anything to do with it this soon. One knuckle 3 or 4 inches from a tiny plant is a mile, especially since the water travels down. Small watering more often till they harden up, support for the stems, let the new plants go for a while unless they are stretching also then bury them and do the small watering often thing for those to. You need more light though or all this is effort will be for naught. What specifically do you have for light now?

I bought a Spider Farmer-4000 today. I have it about 12'' from the plants. I am going to leave them on 18/6 cycle.
I propped them up but I don't think those are going to make it, all the leaves are shriveled up. The lady at the grow house gave me some Recharge and said to give it to them today to see if they would pull through.
Bought a proper ph meter. My well water is 6.9 . She said between 6.5-7 is good but to measure it again after I added nutes to my watering because adding nutes will bring it down some too. She said I could water my seedlings with it from the get go however to just give it half of what it calls for.

Between Sunday and Wed my new batch of seedlings have stretched. Tomorrow morning I'm going to go ahead and pot them up. When you say bury them, how much of the top should be above the soil?'
A heat lamp is not good. You would be better off with a LED or CFL bulb.

:) Thank you, I didn't use the heat lamp. Just the regular LED, till today was the soonest I could get a good grow light. SF-4000. I am going to adjust it to 24''. I have it about 12" right now but I only had it on for about an hour, then shut it off till I can do it in the morning. Thanks again for your help.
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