Hey I’m new here


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I’m new here and this is my progress so far this is my first grow can anybody tell me if this normal size etc I’m using coco and all there nutes and going with there feed chart to


Welcome to 420 Magazine @Mygirstgrow

It looks like you are off the a good start. Here is the link to start a grow journal so people can follow you during your grow.

Also after you have over 50 posts, you can vote and enter our contest to win free grow stuff.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Welcome to the 420! Young one looks guud. I don’t have any experience with coco medium. Looks like maybe a gallon size starter pot. Next grow I may start in that size rather than than a peat cup with soil. Others will chime in with coco experience I’m sure.
I started out in a 12 litre pot from the get go so I don’t stress the plant while moving it into a bigger one but I’ve read somewhere that it lass not good for the root system so I’m unsure if I’ve done the right thing haha
Thank you :) I hope it goes well I was looking into dwc but though I would just take baby step haha
I'm currently hand feeding once per day and learning as I go. Baby steps is good. Ya need to walk before you can run :thumb:

there is the link to my thread and again thank you for your interest
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