High! Old Stoner Here

Never heard of those. I never did hard drugs, just weed. I love weed. Evansville is just right down the road from me. In southwest Indiana close to the Illinois border.
I have an old friend in Eville who has a little farm out away from everyone. He has a nice crop growing at his place.
Use to drive from Calumet City, Ill. to Eville just for the weed parties.
I can't afford the rent on $732 a month disability. My daughter's hubby is ringing me for $250 a month in rent. But they have all kinds of credit cards, buy lottery tickets, and eat out a lot. And they always complain that they are "broke." If I knew I could go back to work without pain, I would. I made a lot more money working as a registered nursing assistant. Funny thing about moving in with my daughter. After my mom passed and my brother and I split up the estate, I gave both of my girls $25K each as their inheritance. My daughter told me not to buy a car since they don't have room for a third. One year later, I have to say mother my I to get them to take me somewhere. All of a sudden I'm not allowed to drive their car because I have seizures. But I haven't had a serious one in years. And I found out its not seizures but PTSD from childhood trauma. I should have just let my brother have the money from the sale of the house and I should have kept her jeep that was a 2012 model but it was in pristine condition and only had less than 50K miles on it. I knew I was in trouble when my heart went into a-fib and I needed to go to the hospital, my son-in-law was too busy folding towels to take me to the E.R. He told me to call an ambulance! I don't know what my daughter said to him over the phone, but she came home from work to take me to the ER!
I left living somewhere I loved (Florida) because my two older sisters couldn’t be bothered to help take care of our 81 year old bedridden Mother. It sickens me to see how some family members treat each other. Smh CL🍀
That speaks volumes about you @CaptainLucky
I’m sorry I just can’t understand how anyone could treat the woman that first off carried you inside her for 9mths. even though it changed her body. Changed your diapers, fed you, pampered you while you were sick. Sheltered, clothed, fed and loved you for 18 years and now when she needs a little help you’re too busy. What’s wrong with some people. People say how great of a son I am. I say b.s. I have a great Mother. CL🍀
...love it, love it all, brother. Well said and so true. I'm a screw up, but because of what she has done alone leaves me in debt and unable to ever pay it back. All I can ever do is try my best. That in and of itself makes the effort limitless.
I left living somewhere I loved (Florida) because my two older sisters couldn’t be bothered to help take care of our 81 year old bedridden Mother. It sickens me to see how some family members treat each other. Smh CL🍀
Yeah, tell me about it. When my mom was going to be released from the hospital, I told my brother that I was going to need help taking care of her. She was going to need around-the-clock care, she was what we called in the nursing field, "total care." She couldn't even turn over, couldn't feed herself, and was totally incontinent. My brother told me that he and his wife could only stay during the day. 9 to 5. I told my mom that I couldn't get him to help and that around that clock nurse was going to be expensive. I had no choice but to put her in a nursing home which I knew she didn't want to go there. It was a big mess with my brother. The whole time he was worried that he wasn't going to get his inheritance. And I wasn't thinking that far ahead. I was worried about paying the bills and getting her better so she could come home. She never did and passed away in June 2021. After the way my brother acted while mom was sick and after I settled her estate, I was POA and Executor, I stopped talking to him. I never thought in a million years he would be the greedy one, I thought it was going to be my half-sister that would show up with her hand out.
Hey there @Stargazer32862 I feel your pain. Unfortunately there are a few states left in the union that have an absurd view on this herb. The most we can do is to reach out to our local organization that is trying to help pass legislation, or at least collect signatures to put our concerns on the ballot.

Doing so will also get you aligned with others in your area that are like minded. Someone somewhere is getting their palms greased; ya know what I mean. Legal access to cannabis would alleviate a myriad of symptoms for sufferers everywhere. That in turn would also lessen demands for opioids. That takes money away from pharma as you mentioned.

It is all corrupt, it truly is. All we can do is help push change and reform to the current laws we are at the mercy of. Wishing you all the best, and hang in there. There has to be more of us than them.

A quick search on the web will give you your local organization such as Home | Indiana NORML There could be a couple others more local to where you are located. The fight isn't over for some of us. ✊

I hope you don't mind. I'm just going to stay logged in if that's ok. Beats trying to remember my password. Sometimes I can't remember how to get to the bathroom. :ganjamon:

I always have a few windows opened in my phone with the site and stay logged in 24-7. That way I can just go right to the forums and hit refresh. It's a pleasure having ya here. :thumb:
Yeah, tell me about it. When my mom was going to be released from the hospital, I told my brother that I was going to need help taking care of her. She was going to need around-the-clock care, she was what we called in the nursing field, "total care." She couldn't even turn over, couldn't feed herself, and was totally incontinent. My brother told me that he and his wife could only stay during the day. 9 to 5. I told my mom that I couldn't get him to help and that around that clock nurse was going to be expensive. I had no choice but to put her in a nursing home which I knew she didn't want to go there. It was a big mess with my brother. The whole time he was worried that he wasn't going to get his inheritance. And I wasn't thinking that far ahead. I was worried about paying the bills and getting her better so she could come home. She never did and passed away in June 2021. After the way my brother acted while mom was sick and after I settled her estate, I was POA and Executor, I stopped talking to him. I never thought in a million years he would be the greedy one, I thought it was going to be my half-sister that would show up with her hand out.
I’m so sorry for your loss and your brother better hope that there’s no such thing as Karma. CL🍀
hey stargazer, i"m sorry to read whats going on in your life at the moment , the whole story saddens me deeply ,your son in law & brother sound seifish (there are other words i could or should use) , its heart breaking to hear things like that within familie, my thoughts are with u:love:
& my thoughts goes out to u to pat puffer, some laws & law makers are so pathetic , without logical reason so childish so autocratic , i can"t express my feelings adequatly ,frustration ,anger ,sadness,
& captain ,my hat off to u sir you have a good heart , take care every one :peace:
I left living somewhere I loved (Florida) because my two older sisters couldn’t be bothered to help take care of our 81 year old bedridden Mother. It sickens me to see how some family members treat each other. Smh CL🍀
Florida can be fun except around June / July when there's Palmetto Bugs (Giant Flying Roaches) every where. You don't dare leave a light on in your driveway at night or you'll have a solid floor of Palmettos to walk & crunch over. The one reason I'd never move back to Florida. Lived in Orlando, Clearwater Beach & So. Daytona. Best part of Florida, The Boardwalk, Daytona 500 , Bike Week & itty bitty teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikinis. Iron Horse Saloon & Dirty Harry's were my hang outs back then.
I’m so sorry for your loss and your brother better hope that there’s no such thing as Karma. CL🍀
Or GOD for that matter. "Thou shall honor thy mother & thy father". I'm kind of in a situation with my dad. He's 84 & can barely take care of himself. He lives about a 3.5 hour drive from me so really hard to be of help. Been trying to get him to sell his place & move in with me.... but he's too stubborn. He wants me to sell my place & move out there. There's no place to work where he lives as he likes living in the boonies away from everything. I have the best job I've had in my entire life & just can't give that up as my retirement isn't too far away & I need that 401K. I'm a few blocks from 2 hospitals. He's a 45 minute drive to the nearest hospital. What the hell am I suppose to do ? I want to help, but he's making it impossible.
Florida can be fun except around June / July when there's Palmetto Bugs (Giant Flying Roaches) every where. You don't dare leave a light on in your driveway at night or you'll have a solid floor of Palmettos to walk & crunch over. The one reason I'd never move back to Florida. Lived in Orlando, Clearwater Beach & So. Daytona. Best part of Florida, The Boardwalk, Daytona 500 , Bike Week & itty bitty teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikinis. Iron Horse Saloon & Dirty Harry's were my hang outs back then.
Madeira Beach is where I lived right on Gulf Blvd. Walk across the street to Tom n Kitty Stuart Park. Hung out at Gators on the Pass. John’s Pass has world class fishing right off the bridge. I never missed a Bikeweek,Biketoberfest or Livestock. My bar was Boot Hill Saloon and the Cabbage Patch. CL🍀
Or GOD for that matter. "Thou shall honor thy mother & thy father". I'm kind of in a situation with my dad. He's 84 & can barely take care of himself. He lives about a 3.5 hour drive from me so really hard to be of help. Been trying to get him to sell his place & move in with me.... but he's too stubborn. He wants me to sell my place & move out there. There's no place to work where he lives as he likes living in the boonies away from everything. I have the best job I've had in my entire life & just can't give that up as my retirement isn't too far away & I need that 401K. I'm a few blocks from 2 hospitals. He's a 45 minute drive to the nearest hospital. What the hell am I suppose to do ? I want to help, but he's making it impossible.
Idk maybe invite him to stay for week and let him see how much better the quality of his life will be? I feel for you bro I would be loosing my mind. Palmetto’s don’t bother me or the skeeters. But what does bother me is winter in Chicago. I love it here in the Summer but dispise being cold 🥶. CL🍀
If "Rob" is a Vet free seeds are available for veterans _ (FYI not here but at a few other sites)
Founder of 420Magazine and Warrior for our cause. :yummy:
Good to know for others though. :thanks:
Hope your weekend is going well my friend.
Take care.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Madeira Beach is where I lived right on Gulf Blvd. Walk across the street to Tom n Kitty Stuart Park. Hung out at Gators on the Pass. John’s Pass has world class fishing right off the bridge. I never missed a Bikeweek,Biketoberfest or Livestock. My bar was Boot Hill Saloon and the Cabbage Patch. CL🍀
Forgot about Boot Hill. That's where I was when all of a sudden a bunch of bikes started driving in the side door & out the front door. It was a biker wedding. It was really cool to be there for that. The good ole days !
I use to work the pits at Daytona 500 through Manpower. That was a lot of fun too.
Idk maybe invite him to stay for week and let him see how much better the quality of his life will be? I feel for you bro I would be loosing my mind. Palmetto’s don’t bother me or the skeeters. But what does bother me is winter in Chicago. I love it here in the Summer but dispise being cold 🥶. CL🍀
lol, I'm the opposite. I miss the snow. The change of seasons & all. Here in AZ. all I ever see is brown all year & people decorating a cactus for X-mas. Bah-Humbug ! "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas. Just like the ones I use to know".
lol, I'm the opposite. I miss the snow. The change of seasons & all. Here in AZ. all I ever see is brown all year & people decorating a cactus for X-mas. Bah-Humbug ! "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas. Just like the ones I use to know".
The snow is only part of the problem it’s that and the negative zero temperatures. What part of Az. are you in? CL🍀
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