High! Old Stoner Here

The snow is only part of the problem it’s that and the negative zero temperatures. What part of Az. are you in? CL🍀
El Mirage, AZ. It's just a few miles outside of Phoenix. Our low temp so far this year was about 42F at night. Daytime low was about 55F. I did see snow here one time back in about 1985. Didn't stick, but it was fun to see it.
You can always put more clothes on to stay warm. Can't take enough clothes off to cool down when it's 120F in the summer.
El Mirage, AZ. It's just a few miles outside of Phoenix. Our low temp so far this year was about 42F at night. Daytime low was about 55F. I did see snow here one time back in about 1985. Didn't stick, but it was fun to see it.
You can always put more clothes on to stay warm. Can't take enough clothes off to cool down when it's 120F in the summer.
I was stuck once in Needles,Ca. I was running team with a girlfriend in a truck and we got into a huge argument because I turned the RPMs up on the truck. I told her she had to back out of it on hills and downshift or she would blow the motor. She blew the motor anyway I quit and was in a hotel waiting on a bus in the morning for Fl. I spent the night drinking n checked out to wait @ the bus station. What I didn’t know is it only opened for a half hour for a bus. So I was stuck outdoors carrying my duffel bag and it’s 118 in the shade. I thought I was gonna have a heatstroke. I had no money, a hangover and it’s 118 degrees. I begged a waitress in a little cafe to please let me sit in the A.C. until the bus arrived and she felt bad for me and let me in. Oh but it’s a dry heat they say. B.S. hot 🥵 is hot! Lmao 🤣 CL🍀
I was stuck once in Needles,Ca. I was running team with a girlfriend in a truck and we got into a huge argument because I turned the RPMs up on the truck. I told her she had to back out of it on hills and downshift or she would blow the motor. She blew the motor anyway I quit and was in a hotel waiting on a bus in the morning for Fl. I spent the night drinking n checked out to wait @ the bus station. What I didn’t know is it only opened for a half hour for a bus. So I was stuck outdoors carrying my duffel bag and it’s 118 in the shade. I thought I was gonna have a heatstroke. I had no money, a hangover and it’s 118 degrees. I begged a waitress in a little cafe to please let me sit in the A.C. until the bus arrived and she felt bad for me and let me in. Oh but it’s a dry heat they say. B.S. hot 🥵 is hot! Lmao 🤣 CL🍀
Remember __someone out there has it worst that you - That little saying "kick's myself" in the ass and I get going - But easy for me to say - I'm not there GO to a fire station and they will help you out. One time a highway patrol officer picked me up and gave me a ride to the interstate highway
Remember __someone out there has it worst that you - That little saying "kick's myself" in the ass and I get going - But easy for me to say - I'm not there GO to a fire station and they will help you out. One time a highway patrol officer picked me up and gave me a ride to the interstate highway
I was on foot in a town I never seen before with a hangover from hell. I could hardly breathe it was so hot. I don’t think I could have made it to a fire station. CL🍀
They can't arrest me for subscribing or they would have to arrest everyone working in a local big book store that sells all kinds of cannabis magazines.
In the US the police are not allowed to base a search just because they see a book or magazine when they look through a car window or house window. They cannot claim that a person is breaking a law because of what the reading material is and do an immediate search and possible arrest. Nor can they go to the DA and request a search warrant because of the magazine or book being visible.

For years many police departments were encouraging officers who notice gun magazines or books being visible during traffic stops as a reason to do an immediate search because the occupants of the vehicle might, repeat might, be in possession of concealed guns without proper permits. Gun rights groups, national and regional gun clubs and private citizens banded together and eventually carried the issue to the supreme court and won.

That was about 25 years ago. And, that is the way I am remembering it. Might be off on a point or two but the basics should be correct. Too tired to look it up myself but anyone interested can have a go at it.

Someone gave me several boxes of High Times, Heavy Metal and Playboy magazines from the 1970s through 1990s so I should be safe if I put them on a table and try to sell them when I hold a garage sale.;)
No nothing like that here. The only thing legal here is CBD and Delta 8. And they tried twice to make it illegal but it never passed. The only stores here that sell anything legal are the vape shops and it's all CBD.
Ok, sounds sparse. Well if you see a "hydro" store, they will be selling things related to our growing. You may not be able to speak of growing to the people there, that's how we got started here in my state.
In the US the police are not allowed to base a search just because they see a book or magazine when they look through a car window or house window. They cannot claim that a person is breaking a law because of what the reading material is and do an immediate search and possible arrest. Nor can they go to the DA and request a search warrant because of the magazine or book being visible.

For years many police departments were encouraging officers who notice gun magazines or books being visible during traffic stops as a reason to do an immediate search because the occupants of the vehicle might, repeat might, be in possession of concealed guns without proper permits. Gun rights groups, national and regional gun clubs and private citizens banded together and eventually carried the issue to the supreme court and won.

That was about 25 years ago. And, that is the way I am remembering it. Might be off on a point or two but the basics should be correct. Too tired to look it up myself but anyone interested can have a go at it.

Someone gave me several boxes of High Times, Heavy Metal and Playboy magazines from the 1970s through 1990s so I should be safe if I put them on a table and try to sell them when I hold a garage sale.;)
CPD would either laugh at you or kick your azz if you told them that they needed a warrant. They would go to court and lie about there being probable cause. It’s a little better since they wear cameras and there’s cameras everywhere but they turn them off now. CL🍀
Playing one of the Blues Brothers, eh?:)
Yeah, I guess. The guys last name was Kamiel & he lived in Evansville so we always called him Eville Kamiel. Blues bros. was a good movie. Sure aint looking to go out on Belushi's though. Well.... maybe, if we get nuked by China, Russia, No. Korea & Iran all at once. Looking like that could be possible in the near future. A Belushi would have to be a better way to die than from nuclear fallout.
I am a medical marijuana patient, or at least I hope so in the future. I live in Indiana where any and all forms of cannabis are illegal, except for Delta 8 which I use to help my arthritis. The medical industry has a chokehold on the state. I found out that a large pharma company is donating to the Republican party to keep medical cannabis out of the state. There are two, that I know of, doctors in the Indiana General Assembly. Now, why would they run for office when they have a practice? Yes, I have called my legislator to vote for several cannabis bills. And you know what I got as a reply? Sen. Mike Bruan (R) told me that smoking is bad for me. The email made it sound like I was a child. I would love to go back home to Kentucky. At least there I can legally purchase cannabis in another state as long as I have a letter from a doctor. I feel like I'm flogging a dead horse.
Welcome Stargazer. Fairly new here myself. You'll find a very welcoming and helpful bunch here

Be safe ✌🏻👌🏻
Ok, sounds sparse. Well if you see a "hydro" store, they will be selling things related to our growing. You may not be able to speak of growing to the people there, that's how we got started here in my state.
Hydro Store??? Sorry, I haven't heard of anything like that. I have just gotten back into cannabis after my years of being off and on opiates and I'm sick of the way it makes me feel. A doctor almost killed me in the hospital prescribing too much for one dose. I was sitting in the chair in my hospital room and the nurse started me on a new pain pill. 4 tiny dark rust-colored pills. I took them and less than an hour later I was out. All I remember was that it was dark and I kept hearing someone call my name, but it was very faint and seemed to be far off. I came around and there were my mom and two nurses standing there. Scared the hell out of me.

I always have a few windows opened in my phone with the site and stay logged in 24-7. That way I can just go right to the forums and hit refresh. It's a pleasure having ya here. :thumb:

Thank you. If cannabis ever goes legal, I'll buy as much as I can and share it with everyone to celebrate.
I’m so sorry for your loss and your brother better hope that there’s no such thing as Karma. CL🍀

Karma has bitten him in the butt so many times I don't even think it phases him anymore. And he wonders why his kids don't talk to him. I'm sure the big bite is coming if his wife dies first. He will be totally alone. Everyone else in the family is dead or moved on after our grandparents died.
If cannabis ever goes legal
I bet your goes legal before mine. As soon as the father in-law passes I am getting back at an indoor grow. I am just sitting on my seed stock for another decade probably. I will get to retire one day. Then watch out. I miss my coco oil. I would fly all day on the coco oil then finish up with joints at night.
Forgot about Boot Hill. That's where I was when all of a sudden a bunch of bikes started driving in the side door & out the front door. It was a biker wedding. It was really cool to be there for that. The good ole days !
I use to work the pits at Daytona 500 through Manpower. That was a lot of fun too.
I had a cousin that worked the pits in NASCAR. Joe Hobbs is his name. He's married to my first cousin, Cathy.
Welcome Stargazer. Fairly new here myself. You'll find a very welcoming and helpful bunch here

Be safe ✌🏻👌🏻
Thank you all for the warm welcome. A lot friendlier bunch than on Grasscity. I've been on there since October of last year. Made a few friends. And met a few nut jobs! :oops: I am giving away movies a few new, still, in the wrapper, most are used but in good condition. I bought them all new and watched them a few times. After I moved in with my daughter we both went through mine and hers and I have two boxes full of movies I need to get rid of. So if anyone wants some movies, all region 1, let me know. I'll send them to you free of charge. I just want them gone. I already have a box ready to ship to Australia to a stoner friend that lives there. If this forum will let me I have a picture of the two-page list of titles.
In the US the police are not allowed to base a search just because they see a book or magazine when they look through a car window or house window. They cannot claim that a person is breaking a law because of what the reading material is and do an immediate search and possible arrest. Nor can they go to the DA and request a search warrant because of the magazine or book being visible.

For years many police departments were encouraging officers who notice gun magazines or books being visible during traffic stops as a reason to do an immediate search because the occupants of the vehicle might, repeat might, be in possession of concealed guns without proper permits. Gun rights groups, national and regional gun clubs and private citizens banded together and eventually carried the issue to the supreme court and won.

That was about 25 years ago. And, that is the way I am remembering it. Might be off on a point or two but the basics should be correct. Too tired to look it up myself but anyone interested can have a go at it.

Someone gave me several boxes of High Times, Heavy Metal and Playboy magazines from the 1970s through 1990s so I should be safe if I put them on a table and try to sell them when I hold a garage sale.;)
I grew up in Owensboro, KY. The cops there were jerks. They always pulled over teenagers. They pulled me and my best friend over and made us get out of the car while they searched it. They didn't ask or anything, just told us to get out while another cop searched the car. They did not find anything. We didn't have any weed and we had just gotten rid of the bottle of wine we drank. Do you know how hard it is to stand in spike high heel shoes when you're drunk?:cool: I could feel myself swaying a little but not enough for them to notice. That was before breath analyzers.
I bet your goes legal before mine. As soon as the father in-law passes I am getting back at an indoor grow. I am just sitting on my seed stock for another decade probably. I will get to retire one day. Then watch out. I miss my coco oil. I would fly all day on the coco oil then finish up with joints at night.
OMG!!! I want to start a landrace seed bank for all of the 1970s strains but I'm scared to death that I will get caught. I heard that the cops here are arresting people that test positive for THC. And Delta 8 can cause you to test positive for it.
Welcome Stargazer32862 to 420 Magazine sorry for the no legal weed where you live . Just have to share here and tell no one outside of 420 we sure won’t tell . I live in Texas and you don’t have to live here to know what kind of asses our laws are . We fight for legalization a little too often.
Below on my post are a helpful link for new members, contest (which it’s the end of the month awesome bud pics) our Sponsors and rest is my grows .
Have a great day and enjoy the form .
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