How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Thanks for the initial instructions on page 1 (post 1) Motoco. Just went through the process with no real problems and came out with almost 4g of oil from 30g Vanilla Kush.

Only thing I'll need to change is my roaster oven to a rice cooker (was hoping to get away with it but it's too slow), and a heavier ss measuring cup (mine floated on the oil).

With the 250 deg max temp of the oil - this is the cannabis oil temp yes? Not the vegetable oil temp?

As this was the first time I'd done this process, after the initial alcohol washes I was thinking "there's no way I'm going to get 3-4g of oil out of this"; just didn't look like it would be in there (but it was).

Thanks again. Will let you know how the tacking process goes over the next few days.

Congrats on your successful first oil process! :circle-of-love:
:love::goodjob:Congratulations on making your first RSO SAMtheAPman!!! :cheer::high-five::thumb:

I believe Motoco uses a magnet under his SS cup. Canna? Am I right?
Thanks for the confirmation Sista. :love: :high-five:
I have a couple of questions about the decarb process. One, when I make anything in my MB2 I put my cannabis is a covered dutch oven @ 250 for 1/2 hour. Do I need to do this for oil?

My second question, is do I need to do the olive oil step, or can I raise the temp slowly in a non stick sauce pan on the induction top? Wouldn't that serve the same purpose or am I missing something? :peace:

You can decarb prior to the wash or during the process.
Some transfer to a smaller container for decarbing.
You can decarb in a non- stick pan. Watch the temp though & remove the second it's decarbed.
Thanks for the initial instructions on page 1 (post 1) Motoco. Just went through the process with no real problems and came out with almost 4g of oil from 30g Vanilla Kush.

Only thing I'll need to change is my roaster oven to a rice cooker (was hoping to get away with it but it's too slow), and a heavier ss measuring cup (mine floated on the oil).

With the 250 deg max temp of the oil - this is the cannabis oil temp yes? Not the vegetable oil temp?

As this was the first time I'd done this process, after the initial alcohol washes I was thinking "there's no way I'm going to get 3-4g of oil out of this"; just didn't look like it would be in there (but it was).

Thanks again. Will let you know how the tacking process goes over the next few days.

The SS cup should be heavy enough.
250°f is the max temp for the canna oil. But, if you're olive oil is that temp, the CO won't be far behind so keep close by.
Just to clarify a point:
If you decarb prior to the wash, you don't need to transfer the solvent to a smaller cup. The smaller cup is for a smaller surface area if you're decarbing during the process. The smaller surface area uses a longer time period to get to 230-250°f as it needs to.

If decarbing prior to extraction, you can use the same container (rice cooker, MB mach, non-stick skillet) to purge the solvent & final product.
Hi folks,

Just stopping in to say hi to all. Happy healing to all! It was a SS washer in the double boiler method. So the SS cup wouldn't have suction on the bottom when pulling out the SS cup. Using the olive oil prompts the decarb method as it heats the sides of the cup also.

Ok. One more question. When I make butter, coconut oil etc in my MB2 I always add sunflower lecithin. Is there any benefit in adding it to the Cannabis oil? Hoping to make my first batch in the next few weeks (next harvest.) :peace:

High SG,
Adding lecithin boosts the bioavailability in edibles, but it's not really necessary in undiluted oil.
I have one question for everyone who has made oil so far.
If I'm getting 3gms of oil from around 10gms of hash(not necessarily high quality) or around 1 ounce of buds so shall I believe that this 3 gms is pure THC/CBD that that hash or buds are having or there could be different meaning to it as well?
For buds I can understand that there are other parts as well than resin/trichomes but with hash (even if it's not high quality) then what ever oil it gives should be all THC /CBD(depending on strain) right? I'm a little confused . Pls guide.
HighHope, nothing is pure. there are no 100% pure substances in our world. but if u want to make 99% oil u should know chemistry well and use only purest reagents.
I have one question for everyone who has made oil so far.
If I'm getting 3gms of oil from around 10gms of hash(not necessarily high quality) or around 1 ounce of buds so shall I believe that this 3 gms is pure THC/CBD that that hash or buds are having or there could be different meaning to it as well?
For buds I can understand that there are other parts as well than resin/trichomes but with hash (even if it's not high quality) then what ever oil it gives should be all THC /CBD(depending on strain) right? I'm a little confused . Pls guide.

No, not necessarily. If it's low quality hash, it still has waxes, lipids, fats & other fun stuff to it. 3 grams from hash is not a great yield though. The better your flower quality, the better the yield. The oil from the hash is probably very potent, usually is.
When I decided to quit chemo, my oncologist at the time fired me as a patient & told me to get a general practitioner. No chemo... no help.
So, going on the oil 100% is still spooky when I'm in lots of pain or other symptoms show up.
Hang in there...

It's a damn shame that it has to be that way. An acquaintance of mine had the same thing happen, the assistant to the Oncologist told him that the reason is mainly due to later possible malpractice lawsuits. They said keeping a patient on that is knowingly using illegal substances instead of traditional medicines and procedures as required could make it appear that the Doc is supporting something illegal, untested and dangerous. This could get him in trouble with insurance companies and with other entities of the health profession.
Made sense to me, but it's still a damn shame.

Is that how they explained it to you Cajun?
It's a damn shame that it has to be that way. An acquaintance of mine had the same thing happen, the assistant to the Oncologist told him that the reason is mainly due to later possible malpractice lawsuits. They said keeping a patient on that is knowingly using illegal substances instead of traditional medicines and procedures as required could make it appear that the Doc is supporting something illegal, untested and dangerous. This could get him in trouble with insurance companies and with other entities of the health profession.
Made sense to me, but it's still a damn shame.

Is that how they explained it to you Cajun?

Oh no. My oncologist didn't have half that compassion.
He said that if I'm not on chemo, he won't even perform labs or scans. I told him that I need him as my specialist for labs & stuff. His reply was that it didn't matter cause I wouldn't see my next birthday anyhow.
Went Ragin' Cajun on that one.
Thanks for the link Cannafan. I had not seen that post from Motoco.

I think she is using a washcloth to dry her gums already.

Thanks for the advice everyone.

I'll watch her do it tomorrow morning and see what is happening.

Good luck with that dishwasher Motoco. :thumb:
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