Icemud's How To Make Feminized Seeds Using Colloidal Silver

Is it ok to use 200 PPM?

I'm not sure, I would have to look into it.

If I can recall, what I remember reading was around 50 PPM is ideal. You could always dilute the 200ppm using distilled water :)
One of the best posts I have read on here. Thanks and very well explained.

I just started spraying a NYC diesel auto so glad you took the time to do this.

Just wondering if you ever heard of using the natural feminised seed spray. I seen it after I ordered my C/S


Thank you for that! I appreciate your kindness!

I've never done Autos, so make sure you reference others that have used this method with Auto's, as I don't know when you would want to start spraying with CS or how the process differs in dealing with autos. I've only done light schedule dependent strains.

I would think that all colloidal silver is "natural" as it is just silver ions suspended in water, both natural substances?
Wouldn't that just be grand? Ah yes, I second this option!

I wish I could "legally" sell and send out seeds to those that wanted them... unfortunately I don't know the legalities of it so I don't at this time... hopefully it will change or be more defined in the near future :)
The video testing and review of the new Budmaster HPS lights should be ready tonight... hopefully. All the video content is shot and I just have to edit it. Most likely it will be up late tonight and at the latest tomorrow :)
Here it is! The All new BUDMASTER HPS!!!

Ice mud. Hoping you can help. I wanted to know whether or not I can take two feminized seeds of the same strain and use the colloidal silver on one and take the pollen from that plant and pollinate the other.

An example would be if I had two blue dreams. I would take one use the silver spray grow the pollen sacs and then with the other plant that I did not use the silver spray on polinate the flower to grow the seed of the same strain. I hope that makes sense I didn't know if I had to Cross it with a different strain. Or if I could just produce a reliable way to continuously get seed from the Strain I enjoy.

Looking forward to your reply! Thank you
Ice mud. Hoping you can help. I wanted to know whether or not I can take two feminized seeds of the same strain and use the colloidal silver on one and take the pollen from that plant and pollinate the other.

An example would be if I had two blue dreams. I would take one use the silver spray grow the pollen sacs and then with the other plant that I did not use the silver spray on polinate the flower to grow the seed of the same strain. I hope that makes sense I didn't know if I had to Cross it with a different strain. Or if I could just produce a reliable way to continuously get seed from the Strain I enjoy.

Looking forward to your reply! Thank you

Ok, lemme recite this back to you because I think I understand what you are asking but want to make sure...

So you have strain "A" that you like and you want to make seeds of it...

So you take two clones of "A", lets call them "B" and "C"

You grow B and C out and when you are ready you spray "B" with colloidal silver so it develops pollen.

Then you use "B's" pollen to pollinate "C".

and you are asking if this will work to create seeds of A?

If I got your question right then the answer is Yes, you can use 2 clones of the same plant (B and C), using CS on one of them to pollinate the other.... The results will be feminized seeds...


Will the offspring of B+C be identical to A? Not exactly.

How close the offspring of B+C are to A depends on how stable plant A's genetics were. Strain A will have dominant and recessive traits so depending on which ones are showing in plant A, the offspring of B+C may exhibit these traits, and may exhibit traits that were recessive in plant A, but came from plant A's parents.

So ideally what you would want to do is keep plant A as a mother plant, in a separate grow area. Once you are done breeding plant B with plant C you have the F1 seeds.

Now you would want to plant these F1 seeds, at least a good handful of them, label each one of the F1's, and take a clone of each one.. (label it).

Grow out the F'1s all the way through harvest and take note on which F'1 was most like the parent (in flavor, trichome production, plant shape, height, looks...etc...) find the best F1 that is closest to the original plant A, with the traits you like and then you will want to take the F1 clone, and you will want to breed it back with Plant A. This should ensure that a majority of the offspring of F1+A share those favored traits. This next batch then would be F2 and most of these should showcase those specific traits that you like... if not, then you may need to repeat the process, each time selecting the favorite offspring, and breeding it with plant A (the original mother).

The more you do this, the more the offspring become stable.

Now I am still learning about selective breeding and "working a strain" to get it to breed true, so I would definitely seek a second opinion to make sure that I have this correct as well as its still fairly new to me. With the use of Genetic mapping and marking, this process can be made much quicker by being able to read the plants genetic profile and tell exactly what traits you will get out of that plant... so instead of planting a room full over thousands of plants looking for that 1 perfect phenotype, now they can read the genetics and do this with less plants. There are also other methods that will be introduced to cannabis in the very near future that are used on other plants which can pretty much make this a 1x cross and you get true breeding right away... but there are only a handful of people on earth that can do this, and it doesn't work on all plants. Its common though on crops like corn.
Quick update:

Well the bad news... I lost my plant of Candyland as it died on me due to overwatering and my soil being way out of wack... so luckilly I took a few clones not too long ago and hopefully they will root. If not I gave one of my extra clones (before my plant died) to a buddy, so hopefully he can clone it for me if my clone doesn't survive... either way most likely it will not be part of the breeding project unfortunately.

Now the good news... to prevent my plant issues that I have been having, I dumped all my 3 year old recycled soil, and mixed up new soil, which won't be used on this seed project, but will be used from here on out.

Here is my new soil mix...

Base Soil Mix
18 (3 gallon pots) of Promix HP
4 (3 gallon pots) of Ocean forest
approx 5 (3 gallon pots) of coco coir
2 (3 gallon pots) of worm gold worm castings (with kelp and lava rock)
1 1/2 (3 gallon pots) of perlite

Total Soil Base 90 gallons of above soil about a 4 : 1 : 1.25 ratio of Promix HP, Ocean Forest, Coco Coir.

The additives: each measurement is per 90 gallons of soil above.

1 1/2 cups EB Stone Sure Start: 4-6-2 Contains Blood Meal, Feather Meal, Bone Meal, Dried Chicken Manure, Bat Guano, Alfalfa Meal, Kelp Meal, Potassium Sulfate, Humic Acids and soil microbes including mycorrhizal fungi.

Sul Po Mag 0-0-22 (1 cup)

Azomite 2 cups

EB Stone Charcoal (2 quarts dry, 1 full bag)

gypsum 1 cup

Calcium Carbonate Powder: 2 cups

Now as far as my other plants, they are all growing nicely, and even my trainwreck which was not looking so healthy a week ago has bounced back and the new growth is looking great. I am just waiting a little longer until the clones I have of GDP and candyland root, then I will be taking clones of the tangie 3, tangie 5, black cherry soda and harlequin. Once I do this then we will be ready to get the feminized seed process started. I apologize for this taking so long, but I can promise that in the end the seeds will be worth it :)

Well here are some pics... By the way I am loving the new Budmaster HPS lights.. and the plants are really liking them too as they have really grown a lot since last week.

sorry to hear of your issues Brotha I know youll work it out :thumb:
on another note I'm finally going to get my ass to a cannabis cup
my flight and hotel is already booked for march weekend in vegas
I just gotta buy my cup ticket but I'm going to vegas either way :thumb:
maybe you can make it there hell everyone likes going to vegas
well maybe cept me I'm not big on gambling lol :thumb:
Great weekend to ya brother
"Road trip! Hell yeah!" Good luck fellers, and have fun. Hey Icemud- sorry to hear about the issues. I've read all of your journals and honestly started following you a long time ago on YouTube way back when you had tested your MarsHydro LED's (Topledlights back then) and then Advanced LED,and so on...I purchased my first MarsII lights after watching your video's and then "googled" your name wich eventually lead me to find your journal's on and all of these other great growers! I fell in love with the way people all came together here to share their adventures and knowledge of our beloved plant. I guess i just wanted to say thanks because if you hadn't taken the time, and the tremendous effort to document your grows as well as you have, i may have never googled you further to eventually find this site. Keep up the good fight my brotha....i considered you to be one of the "great-ones" of 420mag back then, as I still believe you to be now. I'm looking forward to seeing how and what you do next. Hope you dont mind me taking up a chair here in the back of the room and watching the show. Maybe one day I'll get myself a journal together and give back to some of the others who may be new to the site the same way that you and so many others have given back to me. Sorry for draggin on...just wanted to share, take care.
Im out, Sparks
Update time!!!!

So this weekend was an extremely busy weekend with me and my garden, as my other grow came to a close, trimming took up most of my time but I also spent some time in the seed project tent.

First I have really good news.... as of last post, my Candyland died, and right before she died I chopped off a lower branch that was awkwardly pointing out and growing into my other plants. I decided to use it as a clone, and I am soooooo lucky that I decided to do that, as I noticed late last week the Candyland clone rooted. I immediately put her into the new soil mixture, wet the soil, gave her a foliar spray of seaweed cal/mag and water and put a 2 liter bottle over her to keep the humidity up until the roots took hold in the new soil... Well happy to say that she so far is now looking healthy and showing new growth! Unfortunately the Candyland most likely won't make the seed project, at least I saved her, and she will be part of my next flowering project, as well as future seed projects, so very happy about that :)

I noticed that 1 of my tangies was just sitting in limbo, not growing, but not really dying either almost as if it was just stunted, so I decided I needed to make sure to flush the soil good (as its my 3 year old soil) and so I wanted to give it a fighting chance to survive and thrive. I drenched the soil with probably 5 gallons of r/o water and then followed it up with a ph'ed feeding as I did to my trainwreck a few weeks back. I also decided to do this to my harlequin and gorilla glue since both of them also looked like they were struggling. I flushed all 3 plants, let them drain and back into the tent they went, to get fed with a ph'ed grow solution. Hopefully I will see improvement over the next week.

As far as the rest of the plants, I decided to postpone my seed project until after Christmas, because I will be going out of town for about a week, and I don't want to be mid colloidal silver spraying when I have to leave. So unfortunately this will delay things a few more weeks, but I want to make sure things go right. So because I decided to postpone things, I also took cuttings of most of the plants which will be rooted and go into my 3rd tent to veg until my next seed project is ready. Who knows, if I get lucky and my Candyland grows really fast over the next 3 weeks it may still be included in the seed project, but only time will tell :)

I topped all the plants and trimmed them down, partly to reduce their height as some were getting quite tall, but also to help them branch out more so I can get more seeds too. So in the photos you won't really see much healthy new growth as they just were trimmed down about 2 days ago and are only starting to show the new growth. \

Well here are the pics :)
sorry to hear of your issues Brotha I know youll work it out :thumb:
on another note I'm finally going to get my ass to a cannabis cup
my flight and hotel is already booked for march weekend in vegas
I just gotta buy my cup ticket but I'm going to vegas either way :thumb:
maybe you can make it there hell everyone likes going to vegas
well maybe cept me I'm not big on gambling lol :thumb:
Great weekend to ya brother

Hey Cronic!!!

Thanks, I'm good.. could have had much worse happen, and I just happened to take 1 single clone of it and it rooted, now to baby it to full health and back in the action :)

Wow, cannabis cup sounds like a great time!! Still gotta get my butt to one of them...hope you had a blast!
"Road trip! Hell yeah!" Good luck fellers, and have fun. Hey Icemud- sorry to hear about the issues. I've read all of your journals and honestly started following you a long time ago on YouTube way back when you had tested your MarsHydro LED's (Topledlights back then) and then Advanced LED,and so on...I purchased my first MarsII lights after watching your video's and then "googled" your name wich eventually lead me to find your journal's on and all of these other great growers! I fell in love with the way people all came together here to share their adventures and knowledge of our beloved plant. I guess i just wanted to say thanks because if you hadn't taken the time, and the tremendous effort to document your grows as well as you have, i may have never googled you further to eventually find this site. Keep up the good fight my brotha....i considered you to be one of the "great-ones" of 420mag back then, as I still believe you to be now. I'm looking forward to seeing how and what you do next. Hope you dont mind me taking up a chair here in the back of the room and watching the show. Maybe one day I'll get myself a journal together and give back to some of the others who may be new to the site the same way that you and so many others have given back to me. Sorry for draggin on...just wanted to share, take care.
Im out, Sparks

Wow, Thank you so much Big Sparks! It means a lot to me when people come to 420 magazine because of me. Years ago when I joined I found this to be the most friendly, knowledgeable and diverse forum out there for growers and still to this day it upholds that honor :) I feel tremendously honored that I was able to be your "entertainment" that it inspired you to join 420 !! Such a big goofy family we all are :) lol If you do end up getting a journal going, send me a link as I would love to follow along.

Thanks for reaching out to me Big Sparks and sharing your good vibes! mucho appreciation!
Update time!!!

Well I have to say I definitely am feeling the Christmas Spirit and very excited for the upcoming holidays :) I will be traveling to visit my brother, and parents on the opposite coast so really looking forward to it, but also making preperations for my garden for being gone about 5 days. Most likely I won't have to worry except for the few plants in the smaller pots which are the GDP, 2x ogiesels, and tangie 5. I put all the other plants into 5 gallon pots, but unfortunately couldn't fit the rest in the tent in larger pots, so they will stay in the 3 gallons for the remainder of the grow.

Because of my upcoming trip, I have postponed the spraying of the Colloidal silver and the flip to 12/12 until after i get back, so as soon as I do get back, its game on, and the seed project will start :) (unless for some reason my clones haven't rooted by then.)

About a week ago I took clones of all my plants, and today the black cherry soda and harlequin were rooted so they went into soil, and into my 3rd tent to veg for the time being. All I need now is my tangie 3 and 5 to root and we can get the seed project started, as all the other plants have a vegging sister in my flowering tent already (in veg currently).

So my apologies for this seed project taking so long, but I wanted to make sure everything else was situated. I promise as soon as I get back from my vacation we will get it started finally :)

Other than that, the 2 plants I flushed last week, both the gorilla glue and the harlequin look very good and have healthy new growth on them so I think the flush really helped. The tangie 5 that I flushed still has not quite recovered, so I transplanted her into the larger pots with the new soil and I think she will be fine by the time I'm ready to flip to 12/12 in about 2 weeks.

I decided to remove the black cherry soda from the seed project tent, to make room for the other plants, as I already have BCS x Ogiesel seeds from my last seed project and even though more would be nice, I figured more room for the other plants would be better :)

So here are the pics for today :)

I'd like to invite you all to my new (2nd journal) here featuring my new strains I picked up (Grand Daddy purple, Candyland, Trainwreck, Mendo Grape Kush, Racefuel OG, Ogiesel and a mystery bagseed) as we finish vegging them out and put them into flowering...

Here is the link Icemud's Budmaster LED grow light journal: Hybrid LED's and 730nm Far Red triggering

I still will be continuing this journal too, just wanted to keep the 2 different grows separate :)
Quick update...

Well just wanted to pop in an update of how the tent is going. The girls are still getting used to their new soil and most of them are still growing fairly slow after I topped them a while back. I noticed that a few of them were ready for a feeding so I fed them but others still were pretty moist so those I let be until they suck up what they have.

I'm really please on how the harlequin and the gorilla glue turned around after the flush as they were looking very unhealthy, now are showing nice healthy green leaves again :) I'm still hoping that my tangie and mendo grape turn around as they both still are a little in shock from the transplant, but I do have clones of each in case anything happens.

Other than that I will be leaving for vacation in a couple days and gone for almost a week, so I will be giving them a good feeding right before I leave. Right now I am only feeding them about 1x per week anyways, so not big deal being gone that long. After I get back though as long as the plants are all in good health we will get the party started and the seed process will finally begin :)

Well here are just a few quick pictures of the garden :)

Sorry for delayed response but that's exactly what I was asking. Thank you so much, I appreciate it. Happy holidays to you and yours!!! I am following this thread, all the best!!
Ok, lemme recite this back to you because I think I understand what you are asking but want to make sure...

So you have strain "A" that you like and you want to make seeds of it...

So you take two clones of "A", lets call them "B" and "C"

You grow B and C out and when you are ready you spray "B" with colloidal silver so it develops pollen.

Then you use "B's" pollen to pollinate "C".

and you are asking if this will work to create seeds of A?

If I got your question right then the answer is Yes, you can use 2 clones of the same plant (B and C), using CS on one of them to pollinate the other.... The results will be feminized seeds...


Will the offspring of B+C be identical to A? Not exactly.

How close the offspring of B+C are to A depends on how stable plant A's genetics were. Strain A will have dominant and recessive traits so depending on which ones are showing in plant A, the offspring of B+C may exhibit these traits, and may exhibit traits that were recessive in plant A, but came from plant A's parents.

So ideally what you would want to do is keep plant A as a mother plant, in a separate grow area. Once you are done breeding plant B with plant C you have the F1 seeds.

Now you would want to plant these F1 seeds, at least a good handful of them, label each one of the F1's, and take a clone of each one.. (label it).

Grow out the F'1s all the way through harvest and take note on which F'1 was most like the parent (in flavor, trichome production, plant shape, height, looks...etc...) find the best F1 that is closest to the original plant A, with the traits you like and then you will want to take the F1 clone, and you will want to breed it back with Plant A. This should ensure that a majority of the offspring of F1+A share those favored traits. This next batch then would be F2 and most of these should showcase those specific traits that you like... if not, then you may need to repeat the process, each time selecting the favorite offspring, and breeding it with plant A (the original mother).

The more you do this, the more the offspring become stable.

Now I am still learning about selective breeding and "working a strain" to get it to breed true, so I would definitely seek a second opinion to make sure that I have this correct as well as its still fairly new to me. With the use of Genetic mapping and marking, this process can be made much quicker by being able to read the plants genetic profile and tell exactly what traits you will get out of that plant... so instead of planting a room full over thousands of plants looking for that 1 perfect phenotype, now they can read the genetics and do this with less plants. There are also other methods that will be introduced to cannabis in the very near future that are used on other plants which can pretty much make this a 1x cross and you get true breeding right away... but there are only a handful of people on earth that can do this, and it doesn't work on all plants. Its common though on crops like corn.

Re: Icemud's How To Make Feminized Seeds Using Colloidal Silver
Sorry for delayed response but that's exactly what I was asking. Thank you so much, I appreciate it. Happy holidays to you and yours!!! I am following this thread, all the best!!
I wanted to share this video for those that are in California and want to know how Prop 64 effects them, and what now. Give it up for 1 of the cameramen :) me :) haha

Very informative:

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