Icemud's LED Grow - The Tangie Pheno Hunt

Well I checked on my girls today and it looks like I have quite a bit of females :) hooray!!! I love the ladies! haha

So even though its very hard to tell still, it looks like these plants are female: #1, #2, #4, #5, #6, #8 so out of 8 plants, it looks like so far I have 6 females. Nice ratio of F to M if I do say so myself! Definitely no sausage party in my grow area! hahaha I'm wondering if these seeds were feminized or I just got lucky :) either way I will have quite a variety of girls to choose from for the best pheno :) Its odd how when the plants were young they had such different looking leaves but now as they matured, they look much more similar to each other than in the early veg days.

I am going to check every day and see how they look until I can confirm which are exactly females and males as they still are not quite in full bloom yet and still in that "inbetween" stage where they should pop any day now!

Today I'm filtering my next 5 gallon bucket of R/O water and will be mixing up some Earthjuice tea for use in 2 days :)
Looking good Icemud,

Glad to hear you got more ladies, that is always a plus in any book.
looking forward to seeing how they look at the finish line :goodjob:

Thank you Oldergrower! Yep Ladies are always welcome in my casa :)

Me too :) can't wait to see how they turn out, and with the different phenotypes I am very excited to see the differences in the final products :)
UPDATE time!!!! Wooo hooo!!!

Can you tell I'm excited...haha

Day 7 of flowering!!!

The Tangie Tent!
Upon the lights coming on today and inspection of the Tangies, I have great news.... all 8 plants are female!!! I was shocked to see this and I am guessing the seeds I was gifted were feminized seeds or I just got majorly lucky and the ladies could smell a bachelor :) haha

I am absolutely stoked that they all turned out to be female which means I will have plenty of pheno choices to consider upon harvest time. Good thing that all the clones rooted and are growing very well :) The only downside is I was sort of hoping for at least a couple males so I could put my black diamond OG and area 51 in there to see what they are about, but I guess they will just have to wait until the next grow :)

Since the RH has been really low the past few days (about 20% humidity) not only my lips and body are feeling the moisture drain but also the girls have been sucking up water pretty fast, so I was planning on feeding them either tomorrow or friday, got bumped up to today since they already were on the verge of getting wilty. I had an earth juice tea bubbling in which was a mixture of:

5 gallons of R/O D/I water:
50ml of EJ grow
70ml of EJ bloom
40ml of EJ catalyst
40ml of EJ Meta K
40 ml of EJ micro

40 ml of Humboldt equillibrium which is a calcium carbonate, magnesium supplement with a 1-1-2 ratio and a 12/2 Ca/Mg ratio.

Each of the ladies got 2 cups of water (cups as in the measuring unit) and I took some photos and closed them back up :) Wow I am excited for this grow as their health looks great, structure looks great and I have 8 different plants of the same strain to enjoy :)











The Veg/Mother Tent:

Things are coming along in the veg/mother tent as well, and all the plants are looking good but are recently showing a slight cal/mag deficiency but my feeding of the above earth juice tea should cure that right up :) I still am having issues with my blue dream not wanting to grow properly, so I may take a few clones in the next day or 2 and see if I can replant the strain, I feel that something in the soil or roots is causing the plant to just sit in limbo as all the others that were ordered at the same time are now full and bushy. I always have problems with sativa dom strains for some reason. Other than that things are looking great in there and I still am only running the 1x Advanced XTE 300, and not using the EX Veg lights.


Ogiesel Back, Area 51 front

Blue dream back, Fire OG front

Harlequin Back, Fire OG front

Black Diamond OG front, Black Cherry Soda Back

The Tangie Clones:

The tangie clones are growing very nicely and filling in quite well. Since I really want nice firm rootballs I have not watered them in about 2 weeks and they still have some room to grow before another feeding so I expect that in my next week or so they will need a watering/feeding, especially with the low RH lately because of our offshore breeze here in Socal :) Also it looks like Its time for me to repot my Aloe plant as it has overgrown its tiny little pot :)

Congrats on the scoring all the ladies! :) Great update and happy for your good fortune with the tangies.

Thanks Bamalabrat! I was quite shocked to see all ladies! I didn't really know what type of tangie seeds they were so it was definitely a surprise!
Hadn't really planned on eight girls, did you Icemud? Can you accommodate eight full-grown lovelies in that space? Congratulations on getting all females and best of luck keeping them happy. I'm sure you will. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Nice looking garden Icemud,
Though from you I would expect no less.

Thank you Oldergrower!!!! Should be quite a show this grow :) I'm excited!
Filling the space up with ladies...:yahoo::slide::yahoo:
Looking good Icemud, REAL GOOD!!


Hey Hozona!! Thanks a bunch!!! yep this garden is packed full this time :) first time I have flowered 8 plants in the tent...we shall see how they grow, I read that tangies can continue to slowly stretch for up to 5 week so it may get very interesting :)
I've been away from this forum for a long while. Glad to be back. Looking good Icemud. Congrats on the lottery win ;)
Cheers !

Hey Cleetus!!! Glad to see ya around again!!! WElcome back!!!
Hadn't really planned on eight girls, did you Icemud? Can you accommodate eight full-grown lovelies in that space? Congratulations on getting all females and best of luck keeping them happy. I'm sure you will. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Hey SweetSue! I definitely was not expecting 8 females, I was thinking more like 4 would be female and 4 might be male, and actually was planning on moving my black diamond OG and Area 51 into the tent, but now it looks like I will have a complete tangie grow. Ive actually never flowered 8 plants in my tent so it may get interesting. I know in about 2 weeks once the buds really set and take on growth I will be doing a heavy defoliation to allow more light to get to the lower sites as it is pretty crowded in there. I'm happy though that 8 of them are female and can't wait to have a sample session of all the phenos :)
I was thinking about the potential testing sessions and couldn't stop laughing with glee. :laughtwo: You would be advised to formulate a series of questions you want to have answers to concerning the effects of each. There must be some way to quantify the high, know what I mean? Otherwise you're really just relying on how you felt when you started the test. A good day will give a different response, I would think, than a really bad day as a lead in.

I'd never considered what a challenge doing a pheno hunt could be, or how one would determine the best one of the bunch. I suspect that given good soil, great lights and a caring cultivator I'd have a hard time finding enough variation in the harvests to choose one as the best, unless one is clearly ahead of the others. I'm watching with interest.
I was thinking about the potential testing sessions and couldn't stop laughing with glee. :laughtwo: You would be advised to formulate a series of questions you want to have answers to concerning the effects of each. There must be some way to quantify the high, know what I mean? Otherwise you're really just relying on how you felt when you started the test. A good day will give a different response, I would think, than a really bad day as a lead in.

I'd never considered what a challenge doing a pheno hunt could be, or how one would determine the best one of the bunch. I suspect that given good soil, great lights and a caring cultivator I'd have a hard time finding enough variation in the harvests to choose one as the best, unless one is clearly ahead of the others. I'm watching with interest.

Hmm very good point that I will have to think about, I really would love to have them all tested, but the prices are way too much to test 8 different buds, as I think the tests still run about 80-120 bucks a test for cannabinoids and terpene profiles. I know flavor is what I am really looking for, trichome density, plant structure and overall yield, so it will be most likely based on those main facts along with the overall high, taste and smokeability :)

I honestly am surprised how similar the plants look now in flowering, as when they were young in veg they had very distinct traits that really showed them apart but now that they have matured they really all look much the same, other than some leaves have a jagged edge with a lot of "sharp points" where some are more boxy and have like 90 degree angle sawblade type edges. A few of the plants are much much larger than the others with excellent structure, where some are much smaller and frail. I do have to document the growth traits again now that they are in flowering so I'm glad you reminded me by bringing this up :)
Day 12 flowering!!!!

Well after watching an amazing comeback by my football team tonight... I am smiling ear to ear.... yep, I'm a Bears fan :) haha

So my last feeding was 1 day ago and I decided I would give them a TandJ tea which was composed of just a few ingredients:

5 gallons of water,
1 spoonful of TandJ tea activator
1 large spoonful of Biominerals
Yucca extract about 1 tbsp
Earth Juice catalyst

This mix was bubbled for about 36 hours and fed to the ladies :)

and wow, does that TandJ really perk up the girls and give them a vibrant green color.

The next feeding will be another earth juice tea and I started it on bubble today for use in 2-3 days. The mixture is the same as usual:

5 gallons of water
40ml of EJ grow
80ml of EJ bloom
40ml of EJ catalyst
40ml of EJ micro
40ml of EJ meta K

and 30ml of humbold equillibrium which is a 12:2 Ca/Mg with 1-1-2 NPK.

Here are the photos of the girls today:

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