Large underground grow room


New Member
Hi everyone,

My Brother and I have been talking about growing our own weed but have been stuck for somewhere to grow it as we have both decided to grow it outside. Well as luck would have it the other day we stumbled across an old, what we suspect to be WW2 bunker of some sorts. Anywho the door was jammed shut (After 2-3hrs a crow bar and sledge hammer we got the door unjammed) so we can safely assume no one has been in there, and as it is the middle of no where, a short 3miles from any road we think we can grow here with no suspicion or intervention from anyone. The room is 8ftx8ftx8ft solid concrete competely void of light with the exception of this doorway.

Neither my brother or myself have ever grown weed before and would appreciate if you, the community, could help us here. Step by step explanations of how to grow, maintain and harvest. Aswell as equipment we will need and why we will need it.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask,

Kind regards,


You could probably replace the door with a smaller one, if there is room, and if you can build, and find a way to install air vents in the created space. But lack of power is a bigger problem because you couldn't have a stealthy generator setup out there, realistically. Really cool find, but better suited for other things. I'm not sure what, but for somebody out there I bet it would be a dream come true.
I don't want to throw the idea completly out the window, so what could i use for a power source? I work for a generator installation company so i know how much fuel them things use so the idea of using a petrol/diesal generator is not going to happen.

Any suggestions?


Just popt up in my mind

You could ( if there is a stream of water somewhere) generate electricity with a damm and a water rat to create motion and hook it up to a dynamo this hookt up to a big battery pack ( like 10 24v truckbattery's to create 240 volts ) this way you could run something depending on the electric current made. But its a work in prosess. Used it for my wood lab wen i used to do that kind off stuff. But then used just a few bettery's and a dc to ac converter to run a heating plate and a few lights. and a grow needs water anyway so if your at a unknownlocation water is gold esspecialy if its running fast.
For anyone that runs across this, even being 6yrs old....

Sounds a little.... illegal. Not really what this site is about.

That aside, I get it. You got this grand ass idea in your head and think the rain has come and you’re on your way to profit.


If you really want to grow, learn how to grow a plant first. Do it right, no trying to trailer trash grow it, and learn how the plant grows. Learn what it needs, when, and what to do when things go south. How it smells, what curbs that scent from leaking outside the grow. What style of growing suits your style best.

Once you have a few of those under your belt, then look at something bigger if you want and are allowed to do so.

If you had any experience under your belt already, you would see just how complex (and most likely unattainable) this “location” actually is.
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