Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

:yahoo:wooohooo:yahoo: Amazing buds!
80 days Bloom
So I was looking in my tents tonight when I realized, I have come a long way.

I joined 420 about 1 1/2 years ago. I had lurked and read for probably 6 months before that. I started with CFLs and quickly moved to LEDs. I started with 2 small closets, now I have 2 tents.

I have 4 plants in flower, 1 Incredible Bulk, 1 Dream Machine and 2 Critical Super Silver Haze.

In the veg/clone tent, I have a lot more going on. 2 IB clones, 2 DM clones, 2 Blue Berry Kush clones, 1 CSSH clone. 1 Blue Blood clone, 1 White Widow Clone, 1 Cali Jack clone, 1 Ice from seed and 1 Strain Hunter Money maker from seed.

I have come a long way in my journey. I don't think I pictured myself 2 years ago where I am today. I feel better then I have in a lomg time thanks to the meds I have been able to grow for myself. Thanks to everyone who has participated and helped me along the way. :peace:

Dude. Did you take a page out of my diary? lol Are you looking over my shoulders??
:rofl: This sounds like me - less all the clones. Clone taking starts next week. :rofl:
It all started when a buddy brought over a piece of shit 100wt HPS light cause one of my outdoor plants was late in the season and had to come indoors.....sigh. How many thousands have I spent since then? Put it this way, at one point a few months ago, I was rolling my own cigs.....but the girls were all well taken care of.
One closet.....
Two closets......
Two closets & a clone box.....
Two closets & a clone box and a 4X8 tent.......
Two closets & a clone box and a 4X8 tent and a 30"X60" tent and considering a third tent for clones.......
AAAArrrrrrrggggggg!!!!!!! hahahahahah. Maddness. Shear maddness. I love it.

so how do you like to spend your time in your garden?

I can tell you how I like to spent mine... :cheesygrinsmiley:
just remember to do your work first before you take a "smoke break" and stay hydrated




"These are a few of my favourite things..."
Is it from 'The Sound of Music'?
:circle-of-love: hi Gnarl, I am sorry about this. It's very impressive about the your management, very tough. :thumb: I couldn't help to think of one classical debation " A successful leader need to be loved or feared":cheesygrinsmiley: Before I prefer to be loved, everybody wants to be loved. Now, it may depends.:hug:
This misinformation happened before. As we are cooperating with the warehouse, more specifically, we are just one of many partners of the warehouse, we ask them to send the parcel. They send us the tracking number. As long as we receive the tracking number, we deem it will ship out by them. Under most situations, they work perfect and ship out the light on time. In some cases, they will make mistakes, like this, and didn't send it, tell us they send it and blame the fault for UPSP. However, we can avoid this if Lucy has checked the status earlier and spot the abnormal situation. It's our negligence, too, so sorry about this. :Namaste:

I took good care of my employees and they loved that, but they also knew that I had certain expectations and there was no way to get over on me because I watched my business like a hawk so they didn't try. They took pride in their work and were rewarded accordingly.

A tracking number means nothing until the package has been scanned. Until it has been scanned nothing has been shipped.

Quite frankly I think you need a new warehouse that works only for you. No, make that two warehouses. One on the west coast and one on the east coast. You also need to stop shipping repair parts critical to the operation of your lights by parcel select lightweight. You need to spend the extra couple of dollars and send priority mail. There is no reason for a valued customer to have to wait more than 48 hours for shipping.

It's nice to be loved, but it's better to be respected. I know that Lucy is doing her best and I love you both, but we have a saying here: "Trust and verify" Trust your warehouse person's words but verify that he does what he says or kick his ass to the curb. It would be a shame to lose respect of your customers due to a rusty cog in the machine.

Lucy sent me a new tracking number and I intend to verify what is happening each day this time and help her to understand how things work here. We are a tough crowd here in America with very high expectations and we don't miss much.

How is my soup coming?
:thumb: thank you for the instruction. I totally agree with that "Trust and Verify", very good point :yahoo: The manager will check the thread. She may well make another rule called " Trust and Verify " for us in the next meeting. :winkyface: We will make it. Thank you, Sir! :riskybusiness: If only we had our own warehouse in US! It's hard to achieve this goal in a short time, but we will eventually. Then maybe I can move to US for American Dream and treat you the soup. haha. :party:
I took good care of my employees and they loved that, but they also knew that I had certain expectations and there was no way to get over on me because I watched my business like a hawk so they didn't try. They took pride in their work and were rewarded accordingly.

A tracking number means nothing until the package has been scanned. Until it has been scanned nothing has been shipped.

Quite frankly I think you need a new warehouse that works only for you. No, make that two warehouses. One on the west coast and one on the east coast. You also need to stop shipping repair parts critical to the operation of your lights by parcel select lightweight. You need to spend the extra couple of dollars and send priority mail. There is no reason for a valued customer to have to wait more than 48 hours for shipping.

It's nice to be loved, but it's better to be respected. I know that Lucy is doing her best and I love you both, but we have a saying here: "Trust and verify" Trust your warehouse person's words but verify that he does what he says or kick his ass to the curb. It would be a shame to lose respect of your customers due to a rusty cog in the machine.

Lucy sent me a new tracking number and I intend to verify what is happening each day this time and help her to understand how things work here. We are a tough crowd here in America with very high expectations and we don't miss much.

How is my soup coming?
We are looking for local hydroponic stores who are willing to stock our lights and sell our lights at the same price as the website. Gnarl, maybe you can recommend some... :Namaste:
Tell me how I can help.
:thumb: thank you for the instruction. I totally agree with that "Trust and Verify", very good point :yahoo: The manager will check the thread. She may well make another rule called " Trust and Verify " for us in the next meeting. :winkyface: We will make it. Thank you, Sir! :riskybusiness: If only we had our own warehouse in US! It's hard to achieve this goal in a short time, but we will eventually. Then maybe I can move to US for American Dream and treat you the soup. haha. :party:

If it means more Asian girls in the neighborhood and free soup, I'll build the warehouse myself. :)
:yahoo: that will be terrific. now we already have one repair center. Maybe we need more:goof: why not? :dreamy:
As a matter of fact I can. When I make it to 50 posts I'll PM you. Maybe you need a local repairman as well?
:party:really, a huge wave of Asian girls is coming to the east coast of US, looking for Gnarl:wood:
If it means more Asian girls in the neighborhood and free soup, I'll build the warehouse myself. :)
I took good care of my employees and they loved that, but they also knew that I had certain expectations and there was no way to get over on me because I watched my business like a hawk so they didn't try. They took pride in their work and were rewarded accordingly.

A tracking number means nothing until the package has been scanned. Until it has been scanned nothing has been shipped.

Quite frankly I think you need a new warehouse that works only for you. No, make that two warehouses. One on the west coast and one on the east coast. You also need to stop shipping repair parts critical to the operation of your lights by parcel select lightweight. You need to spend the extra couple of dollars and send priority mail. There is no reason for a valued customer to have to wait more than 48 hours for shipping.

It's nice to be loved, but it's better to be respected. I know that Lucy is doing her best and I love you both, but we have a saying here: "Trust and verify" Trust your warehouse person's words but verify that he does what he says or kick his ass to the curb. It would be a shame to lose respect of your customers due to a rusty cog in the machine.

Lucy sent me a new tracking number and I intend to verify what is happening each day this time and help her to understand how things work here. We are a tough crowd here in America with very high expectations and we don't miss much.

How is my soup coming?

You, Sir, have my admiration. Those last few post from you have been spot-on. Well written, as well. I mean no disrespect by this, but the quote Sara made me think of the entire Asian mentality when it comes to work ethics or moral. It seem driven into their culture to act as coggs. Maybe I miss interpreted. If so, I apologize. In any event, Mr. Green, I just had to commend you for you thoughts.
Peace, Andy.
You, Sir, have my admiration. Those last few post from you have been spot-on. Well written, as well. I mean no disrespect by this, but the quote Sara made me think of the entire Asian mentality when it comes to work ethics or moral. It seem driven into their culture to act as coggs. Maybe I miss interpreted. If so, I apologize. In any event, Mr. Green, I just had to commend you for you thoughts.
Peace, Andy.

I tend to be out spoken and direct.

I have the greatest respect for Asian people, not so much for Asian governments. Their lives are nothing like our own. Our government here in the US is at our mercy. If they screw up they are voted out of office or like Richard Nixon, humiliated and ran out of town.

Most countries in Asia the people are at the mercy of their governments, who really care less about an individuals' human rights.

Mars Hydro is learning to adapt and I admire their determination. They make mistakes like all of us, but they will succeed.

The Chinese government on the other hand, with their island building on disputed territories for example, is going to have to learn their lesson the hard way.
Hi Andy,I hope I get it right, if not, please forgive me, I mean no disrespect too. This case, I hope, will not be taken as a doubt for the ENTIRE Asian mentality. In every community, there is bad and good. Even in one's whole life journey, you will see bad in a good guy and good in an assumed bad guy. We couldn't veto one person for just one bad thing he has ever done, let alone a whole race for one mistake. The worker in the warehouse is from US. I will not judge them or their culture to be unethical or something else. :Namaste: The whole Asian people will hate us and maybe expel us if they know our behavior will be so serious as to dishonor the whole community.:cheesygrinsmiley:
You, Sir, have my admiration. Those last few post from you have been spot-on. Well written, as well. I mean no disrespect by this, but the quote Sara made me think of the entire Asian mentality when it comes to work ethics or moral. It seem driven into their culture to act as coggs. Maybe I miss interpreted. If so, I apologize. In any event, Mr. Green, I just had to commend you for you thoughts.
Peace, Andy.
Hi Andy,I hope I get it right, if not, please forgive me, I mean no disrespect too. This case, I hope, will not be taken as a doubt for the ENTIRE Asian mentality. In every community, there is bad and good. Even in one's whole life journey, you will see bad in a good guy and good in an assumed bad guy. We couldn't veto one person for just one bad thing he has ever done, let alone a whole race for one mistake. The worker in the warehouse is from US. I will not judge them or their culture to be unethical or something else. :Namaste: The whole Asian people will hate us and maybe expel us if they know our behavior will be so serious as to dishonor the whole community.:cheesygrinsmiley:

Speaking only for myself here, I didn't think that Andy meant what he was trying to express in quite the way you took it, but after reading your reply I can see how easily you might have understood it that way.

No one is questioning any one's honor or judging an entire race of people. Just for the record I knew all along that the problem was in the American warehouse. We have some professional slackers here who spend more time trying to figure out how to get out of working than they do actually working, but those INDIVIDUALS are not representative of most American workers.

All of my comments were meant to improve the relationship between customers and Mars Hydro and certainly never intended to ridicule any individual, let alone a whole race.

:) Only five more to fifty. :)
:circle-of-love: Gnarl, your comments for the goverment is spot-on.

That is the case. It is said that every citizen has the right to vote. Seriously, in the past five years, I have never sent a single vote... wait... I did vote once in the college. We've been asked to vote for the Local Representative. That is the only vote I have ever sent although I didn't know who I have voted for.

There are two reasons for this situation. One is from ourselves, we don't have the sense of human rights. The other is from the goverment. It weakens our sense on purpose. Then we will believe we are happy with the goverment becasue we will never know how happier we will be if the goverment will run as that of America. :goof::goof:
I tend to be out spoken and direct.

I have the greatest respect for Asian people, not so much for Asian governments. Their lives are nothing like our own. Our government here in the US is at our mercy. If they screw up they are voted out of office or like Richard Nixon, humiliated and ran out of town.

Most countries in Asia the people are at the mercy of their governments, who really care less about an individuals' human rights.

Mars Hydro is learning to adapt and I admire their determination. They make mistakes like all of us, but they will succeed.

The Chinese government on the other hand, with their island building on disputed territories for example, is going to have to learn their lesson the hard way.
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