Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

:thanks:Thanks for your information.:high-five:
i will consult with our engineer.:high-five:
Granted, I have already mentioned this small change to Sara in a personal message.

I am just posting this here so that others can say something also.

Since our solar system's sun puts out infrared every day of the year and all day long. I am thinking it will help our chosen plants to receive infrared exposure when "Growth" switch is turned on rather than when the "Bloom" switch is turned on.

I know we can turn both switches on if choose to and others have stated the plants grow better with both switches on. I am willing to bet if the infrared diodes where also turned on with the "Growth" switch we would have better vegetative growth, not just better flowering development.
15% Off on Mars II 1200, Limited in 15pcs, one day only: May 30th, China time

If you are interested in buying a Mars II 1200,now is the chance for you,ONLY ONE DAY.
PS: each customer can buy within 2pcs only:Namaste:
I pull my tent apart for a good cleaning between grows. Everything is always double checked for any hazardous issues. All wiring is checked to make sure there are no cracks or kinks. No worries about reminding me about unplugging anything before working on it. Thank you though. BTW, will post some first round harvest pictures. This first round was half hps and then finished off with mars reflector 144/5 x 2. Looking forward to my first complete round to be started after my holidays with the kids. Peace!!
well this sucks another one of my mars II lights is not working this time its my mars II 400 I just had this light fixed 6 months ago so that sucks the big one

for now I will just use the mars II 700 by itself in my tent I think the problem was from the heat of the two lights right next to each other and when one of the blue led's those ones are the same ones that always burn out for some reason it might have created a short plus its almost summer so the weather is getting much hotter outside and I dont have a/c

I never had this problem when I was just using one light in this tent by itself so I will finish out this grow with just a single mars II 700 that I just got fixed


Hello Sara,
I have just received my second Mars 2 700 from you and noticed that it has grow and flower switches on the unit. My first 700 only a year old has no such switches. Nothing in the new product description does it mention having them. It is not a complaint, I am curios if it is a new addition.
Morning Shaggn,You are a very careful person:thumb:,when i was a kid,i saw a wire,my father asked me to put it back to the box,we i touched it,my whole body was father forgot to unplug the power....haha.
wow,looking forward to your pics.:thanks:
Have a nice holiday with your family:circle-of-love:....the time stay with family is always enjoyable....:bravo:
I pull my tent apart for a good cleaning between grows. Everything is always double checked for any hazardous issues. All wiring is checked to make sure there are no cracks or kinks. No worries about reminding me about unplugging anything before working on it. Thank you though. BTW, will post some first round harvest pictures. This first round was half hps and then finished off with mars reflector 144/5 x 2. Looking forward to my first complete round to be started after my holidays with the kids. Peace!!
Hi db003,PM sent:high-five:we will solve this problem for you as soon as possible,please do not worry.:Namaste:

well this sucks another one of my mars II lights is not working this time its my mars II 400 I just had this light fixed 6 months ago so that sucks the big one

for now I will just use the mars II 700 by itself in my tent I think the problem was from the heat of the two lights right next to each other and when one of the blue led's those ones are the same ones that always burn out for some reason it might have created a short plus its almost summer so the weather is getting much hotter outside and I dont have a/c

I never had this problem when I was just using one light in this tent by itself so I will finish out this grow with just a single mars II 700 that I just got fixed
hey guys,there are only 9 pcs Mars II 1200 left,you still have time for it.:cheer:
15% Off on Mars II 1200, one day only: May 30th, China time
If you already placed order,please make payment soon,this activities only few hours left.Hurry up.
when i was a kid,i saw a wire,my father asked me to put it back to the box,we i touched it,my whole body was father forgot to unplug the power....haha.

By the time I was eight years old or so, I had already been told by my father not to take things apart countless times. Which is why I received a sound thrashing when a neighbor returned home to find one of his boys and myself at the final stages of disassembling an old (but still functional) television, lol. It turned out that one of us might have been severely injured from the large capacitor in the TV.

Perhaps your father had the better idea - you probably did not disassemble any televisions as a child ;) .

And there may still be a scorched-looking outlet or two in Mom's house to this day, lol. I know that for years there was one above the bottom of the stairway that had one prong of a night light stuck into it from the time I thought it'd be fun to tie a string to the night light, go to the top of the stairs, and send a coat hanger sliding down the string. Somehow, it jumped over the night light and shorted out the two prongs that were partially pulled away from the outlet due to me pulling on the string, and the wire coat hanger shorted it out. I actually didn't get beat on for that one, lol, because I managed to remove the string - AND the coat hanger - before Dad got home from work. Mom told him the night light wasn't working, he tried to remove it from the electrical outlet, and part of it remained melted (welded, lol?) in place. He just shrugged his shoulders and told her that they better not use that outlet any more.

Err... I do not know what any of that has to do with your grow lights. I just felt like sharing ;) .
:circle-of-love:thanks for your information.
Happy growing:high-five:
Ha k I'll give ya two 300w for a 1k lol I'm happy of your happy .

Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Morning Eugene1,Yes Mars II series have growth and flower switches.:high-five:
Before we had some lights mixed with no switches at some of our international warehouse.:Namaste:
Hello Sara,
I have just received my second Mars 2 700 from you and noticed that it has grow and flower switches on the unit. My first 700 only a year old has no such switches. Nothing in the new product description does it mention having them. It is not a complaint, I am curios if it is a new addition.
:circle-of-love:Based on your growing space,you need 2 pcs Reflector 96,Reflector 96 coverage is 2'x3'.
Or you can consider a Mars II 1200,the coverage is 4'x4'.:high-five:
Today we have 15% off discount for this light,it's only few hours left,it will be finished at 24:00pm,May 30th,China time.Hope you can catch it.:cheer:
If you missed that discount,we have coupon for 420members,with the code:420magazine,you can get 2 month extended warranty with 5$ off.:high-five:
Which mars hydro lights would you recommend for a 4'x3'x5' grow space? I will be doing 4 DWC buckets and want the most light for the best price.
Your plants will like it.:bravo:
You may send your order NO or purchase information to, we can check for you.:high-five:
Just ordered my 2nd Mars Hydro! A Reflector 96 this time to get more power in the middle. Happy a month or two with the R 48.

Waiting for the truck won't be a long time, I'm sure.
SmokeSara, I know you're always looking out for us to tell you when we find any pages on the website with outdate info. Here's one I found this morning that still shows Reflectors as 3-watt LED devices. Not that I care, but I see that you want to catch all of these little glitches! Have a great Memorial Day.

LED Grow Lights
Thanks for sharing with us:thanks:
haha,we all had some stories at our childhood.But sometimes when we rethink about it,it was so funny and it's precious:circle-of-love:
Sometimes we just like to share funny moments in our life.:welcome:
By the time I was eight years old or so, I had already been told by my father not to take things apart countless times. Which is why I received a sound thrashing when a neighbor returned home to find one of his boys and myself at the final stages of disassembling an old (but still functional) television, lol. It turned out that one of us might have been severely injured from the large capacitor in the TV.

Perhaps your father had the better idea - you probably did not disassemble any televisions as a child ;) .

And there may still be a scorched-looking outlet or two in Mom's house to this day, lol. I know that for years there was one above the bottom of the stairway that had one prong of a night light stuck into it from the time I thought it'd be fun to tie a string to the night light, go to the top of the stairs, and send a coat hanger sliding down the string. Somehow, it jumped over the night light and shorted out the two prongs that were partially pulled away from the outlet due to me pulling on the string, and the wire coat hanger shorted it out. I actually didn't get beat on for that one, lol, because I managed to remove the string - AND the coat hanger - before Dad got home from work. Mom told him the night light wasn't working, he tried to remove it from the electrical outlet, and part of it remained melted (welded, lol?) in place. He just shrugged his shoulders and told her that they better not use that outlet any more.

Err... I do not know what any of that has to do with your grow lights. I just felt like sharing ;) .
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