Modest First Time Grower In Charge Of Success

Works like a charm. If you want to change what it says, here's how to do it. Go back to where you edit your signature and you will see the current gobledygoop that makes up your signature. Here is one of mine...

I removed the URL from right after the first [ so it will display the gobledygoop instead of the link. You'll see what I mean when you look at yours. You are not going to change anything between the first set of [ ]. The text, "Click here to laugh at my avatar." is what my signature says. You can change yours to whatever you want by replacing everything between ] and [/URL] with what you want the signature to say.

I am already in the mountains. It's only a 90 minute drive :)
OK, I'm doing something kind of fun. Brought my SammyBook into the cab. I screwed around with my signature, too. Gonna make this quick, but I did want to say something 'specially to the Blue Man. No one snickered at your blue paint, but I would like to check something out--like an experiment? Only because I am noticing something in my place. When I turn my pots, the side up against my back white wall is noticeably perkier than the side facing out into the empty space. Is it the whiteness? Is it the reflectivity? Your blue paint looked pretty reflective if memory serves. I was just wondering if you would care to tape up a piece of white typing paper near one of your pretty ladies, just to see if you see a diff.

Off on a tangent. I'm supposed to be checking my signature to see if it's clearer. Back in a minute.
There are two sets of brackets. [blahblah blah]gab gab gab gab gab[blah]

what ever you replace the gab gab gab gab gab with will show up as the clickable green text. Don't mess with anything inside the brackets.

You may want to start over and repaste you journal address in a blank box.
good god, make me stop!
There are two sets of brackets. [blahblah blah]gab gab gab gab gab[blah]

what ever you replace the gab gab gab gab gab with will show up as the clickable green text. Don't mess with anything inside the brackets.

You may want to start over and repaste you journal address in a blank box.

I need to put your directions up on one page and my signature on the other. I think this gab gab vs blah blah thing may stick with this brain. I'm not ready to growl yet, but gettin' there. Hold on!
it just gets worse!
I'd be embarassed if i wasn't laughing so hard! Can I try this agiain tomorro? Do they still sorta work?
They work, you even have three of them! The blah blahs are quite long between the first set of brackets. So is the gab gabs that aren't inside brackets. The second set of blah blahs inside brackets is very short.
Modest First Time Grower In Charge Of Success

OOOOOKkkkayyyy. This is the very last thing I am going to try doing. I have a Samsung Chromebook and it's wonderful but it has a shitty built in mouse. I own up to most things, but honestly, part of the problem is I have to hit the touch pad j-u-s-t so to do crap. There are shortcuts I should read up on, but you all know I am lazy.

I am going to TRY to..well, let's just see if it works.

YAYYYYYYYY!!!!! Thank you PeeJay!!! I did three then kept trimming them away until I had sugar trim.
Many apologies to anyone who was disconcerted, discombobulated, or disgusted by my signature struggle

OK, I just need to put the past behind me and march on. PeeJay, you really know how to party. Toast with a schmear and camomile tea. Whoo wee, be still my heart. Add that to daily nose hair plucking, I just can't stand it!
I found these notes I made about butter weeks before Larry was a twinkle in her mother's eye.

Notice ratios. ;) Here's the thing, i used expensive stuff but could only afford one stick of butter. No buzz at all. Could be good doesn't mean expensive. I'm sure I was just being too cheap. But, look close. What kind of ratio is this? The entire gammit is shown. 1:1, 1:2 1:3 1:4. What's a newbie to do???

Never fear, I intend to do it again with the trim. With pictures. And, hopefully with Betty's scale, so that I can do an experiment with numerical data. Gosh, sounds like far too much fun. All you number geeks, be on stand by. Of all my goals, cooking is a biggie. I could seriously make some bucks, or at least a whole buncha friends, if I can make some delish gluten-free products that women in their prime (my age +or- 15 years) with expendable income and the need to keep up appearances of the olfactory sort. If this modest dream is to come alive, then I HAVE to be consistent on the product.

More than that, Mom doesn't inhale.

NOW I am involved directly in the product. Today's thought on edibles is I should be able to smoke a hit, then know how much to use to keep the butter at even keel. Reinventing the wheel is my nature, but that's how I get to the Captain Obvious moments. Today, brownies, tomorrow dense double chocolate cheesecake drizzled with a rich pistachio raspberry sauce.

Off I go to water. I'll be back in a bit.
The link works but it puts me in the middle of your journal. You seemed to have copied the journal entry address . Try copying the address from the top address bar , from the beginning. Yup go to the 1st page, and copy the address for your journal and not the post.

<---taking deep breath and trying agin. Hold on to yer hats!
Let's hope I can draw a curtain over this whole signature thing. Soon. I finally made a bookmark of page one, then copied that. WHEN this works, 2J's, you and PeeJay should ^5! You both have patience, and make a great team when you are learning me. It just warms my heart that you care.

Shot, my heart ain't getting warm! Just dropped a hot ash on myself!
Nice notes on butter making. Are you going to offer up the edibles for barter at your Red Hat Society gatherings?

Dosing can be problematic. It's mildly amusing watching your friends sit with a blank expression, contemplating if you should offer them a napkin to wipe away the spot of drool on their chin, wipe it away yourself in a tender gesture of pity, or merely ignore the situation... Over the long haul I'm sure you desire a situation where your associates crave the treats, not step around them as if they were a suspect stain on the sidewalk.

There are some variables that you have limited control over, most notably the potency of the marijuana you use. Then there is the issue of how effective the extraction is. Don't hold back! You want to make strong butter. I'll tell you why.

Various recipes for tasty treats have differing butter to portion ratios. What you need to do is figure out what one tablespoon of butter does to a test subject each time you make a batch. I volunteer Betty. I feel that you are better suited to patiently observe and take notes than Betty. It's just a hunch but my gut sends a signal that Betty lacks the patience required to sit and study your reaction to the medication over the course of a couple of hours... Smear a tablespoon of butter on a piece of toast and drizzle it with a little honey. Feed it to Betty. I hope she does not have cholesterol issues....

Based on the test subject's response you can peruse your vast collection of Martha Stewart books in search of recipes with a desirable butter to portion ratio. That is where concrete control lies.
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