Moto258 Grow Journal 2020 MoonDawg, Train Wreck & Unknown Clones From Last Grow

Setting up the new flower rooms/ clone and seed room/ and veg room. Growing has always been a passion of mine, and follow along with me and I also like to experiment any chance I get. At the moment the flower room has 8 lady’s growing and plan to hit the flower switch in the next couple of weeks. 4 unknown clones that were from last grow I put into flower room to turn back to veg after she had a little accident in the room before I had to just cut her into clones to save her life lmao! But also in veg right now are 2 train wreck and 2 moon Dawg. Stay tuned to see how these clones come back from being in flower for almost 2 weeks! Happy growing y’all!


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Update on train-wreck/moon dawg/ surviving clones from last grow! Everything’s been transplanted into 5 gallons. Had to cut a couple leaves from train-wreck! Their leaves were shadowing the under growth so had to go! Moon dawg has some crazy big leaves coming out as well so I’ll be doing the same I’m sure in the next few days. The clones are starting to fill back out about to defoliate so I can give them some time to recover before I get them ready for the flower room!


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Do you ph the water before feeding, and do you water to run off and if so are you checking your run off?
Been using fox farms line, but throwing some other goodies in with their nute intake. Great white has giving me the most white roots I’ve seen! Also during veg I give them a foliar feeding once a week with marine algae which I can almost notice a difference as soon as they absorb it up. Fish turds and your typical cal-mag. Been going with ph right at 6.4. I check run off normally once a week.


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Do you ph the water before feeding, and do you water to run off and if so are you checking your run off?
Do you ph the water before feeding, and do you water to run off and if so are you checking your run off?
just did a Ppm check and I’m at
just did a ppm ph test on run off I’m right at 600ppm and 6.2 ph. Any opinions on if I’m in anyone’s preference range? I normally grow outside and this will be my second indoor grow and I made some mistakes last grow and I’m trying to perfect them now because I definitely want soda can colas this time not them small popcorn buds! Plan on using co2 as well and will
Need some advice on that as well when it comes down to the time. Thanks for your help my friend much appreciated!!!
Hmm idk I’m not the best don’t do ppm here. (Reason is I’ve read it’s good for testing drinking water, EC or electrical conductivity is more for plants, as they take in nutrients with a slight charge. Or salinity of water. Salt based fertilizers. Etc.)And I use a different nute line. Just started a grow in promix myself couple days ago. So this is new for me as well.
But your plants look a solid green. I wouldn’t be upping strength yet. You’ve got the dank green going.:thumb: So plants must be happy with their food for now.
Hmm idk I’m not the best don’t do ppm here. (Reason is I’ve read it’s good for testing drinking water, EC or electrical conductivity is more for plants, as they take in nutrients with a slight charge. Or salinity of water. Salt based fertilizers. Etc.)And I use a different nute line. Just started a grow in promix myself couple days ago. So this is new for me as well.
But your plants look a solid green. I wouldn’t be upping strength yet. You’ve got the dank green going.:thumb: So plants must be happy with their food for now.
Right on my friend! Appreciate the kindness! I think I’m going to get one of them blue lab readers I’m hearing some good stuff with them compared to what’s out their and what I’ve been using.
Lol Ive been using some pencellant meters. Pretty cheap, and also cheap quality lol. But it got me this far. Got 1 October. Started acting funny couple weeks ago so i just bought a new one. It just came in. Still using the old one for a bit. But probably going to switch it out for the new one next I check ph and ec.
So yeah probably next week I’m going to start feeding my seedlings in promix.
will see how well I do with this transition in Mediums.Hoping it goes smoothly as I am comfortable with Testing ph and ec nutrients now. Which were my two big problems in the passed with out meters lol.
God those were the days man. Just laughing at all the dumb stuff I’ve done to my plants in the recent past lol
Lol Ive been using some pencellant meters. Pretty cheap, and also cheap quality lol. But it got me this far. Got 1 October. Started acting funny couple weeks ago so i just bought a new one. It just came in. Still using the old one for a bit. But probably going to switch it out for the new one next I check ph and ec.
So yeah probably next week I’m going to start feeding my seedlings in promix.
will see how well I do with this transition in Mediums.Hoping it goes smoothly as I am comfortable with Testing ph and ec nutrients now. Which were my two big problems in the passed with out meters lol.
God those were the days man. Just laughing at all the dumb stuff I’ve done to my plants in the recent past lol
I here ya on that brotha especially spending all the money for the nutes to find out they only eat up so much nutes before building up so much in the soil. I bet I spent three times the amount I do now and plants definitely love their life now that I’m not over feeding! Here’s what I was reading up on ppm tho if you are interested. I’m still doing all my scientific experiments to find what makes them happy. I’m not getting much nute burns on my leaves anymore that I’ve been checking for ppm durning veg last round I believe The girls were around 1500ppm. Now that I brought it down their growing soooo fast and leaves are bigger than my hand on the moon dawg and train wrek plants that are still getting to their 6-7 node. Growing outdoors I really didn’t pay too much attention to my roots like I do indoor set up! That was my biggest learning curve so far healthy white roots great fruits! But I’ve had good luck with promix I’m slowing going to try transitioning to hydroponic because of how much nutes cost and how much gets wasted just feeding in soil.
Welp if you are going hydro, be prepared for the noise! I got this load ass pump lol 700 gph air pump. Man you can hear that thing every where in this house. It’s a constant loud “humm”
Made a lil noise box for it and it got about 30% quieter. But it’s still loud. I just purchased an e book on amazon for 2.99 for diy hydro. I Gotta read it sometime. But yeah I’m thinking on upgrading my system this summer. To something more quite. I’m kinda thinking a submersible pump with a Venturi tube.
but yeah, if going hydro, I’d suggest trying to get something not so noisy.As it is a pain.
But yeah hydro is great once you get your system down. I kinda stopped doing weekly res changes like last month. No troubles yet. Hope it stays that way lol:goodluck:
but yeah reading your last post of promix has me feeling better about trying this again. Now that I’ve got some growing tools. And a bit more growing knowledge. With a bit more experience.
I can just see my lil plants like 3 months from now being pretty little flowers with nuggets of bud everywhere
Welp if you are going hydro, be prepared for the noise! I got this load ass pump lol 700 gph air pump. Man you can hear that thing every where in this house. It’s a constant loud “humm”
Made a lil noise box for it and it got about 30% quieter. But it’s still loud. I just purchased an e book on amazon for 2.99 for diy hydro. I Gotta read it sometime. But yeah I’m thinking on upgrading my system this summer. To something more quite. I’m kinda thinking a submersible pump with a Venturi tube.
but yeah, if going hydro, I’d suggest trying to get something not so noisy.As it is a pain.
But yeah hydro is great once you get your system down. I kinda stopped doing weekly res changes like last month. No troubles yet. Hope it stays that way lol:goodluck:
but yeah reading your last post of promix has me feeling better about trying this again. Now that I’ve got some growing tools. And a bit more growing knowledge. With a bit more experience.
I can just see my lil plants like 3 months from now being pretty little flowers with nuggets of bud everywhere
Yeah that’s some good advice on going hydro I might have to stop back in and ask you a few pointers, because I have the knowledge but not experience yet as I have never tried or even have anyone I know becides on here that even do hydro! What type of water are you using? Been told to go reverse osmosis since I already feed my plants everything they will ever need, but I just use water from here at the house and I haven’t really seen much issues with deficiencies lately but I didn’t use cal-mag last indoor grow and in flower the deficiencies came out on in a couple girls pretty badly, but luckily I was a couple weeks till harvest and didn’t do much to the buds just the sugar leaves got a little discoloring. But good luck on growing my friend if you need any advice on anything don’t hesitate to ask because I know I ask a lot!! But I appreciate all the love from the grow community out there...
Yes you can do that whenever you want. It’s what this place is here for right? The sharing of cannabis knowledge?
i found myself in your situation as well when I first started. I know there’s some locals doing dwc but they like paranoid hermits like me not talking about it keeping it to themselves haha. Love this place.“Stone” gardeners everywhere lol.
But it would have been nice having someone drop some solid tips. To be honest I just started feeling comfortable with hydro in March.
Such as I found my little daily routine about half an hour to an hour each day. for my 2 flowers and 1 veg and 1 seedling. I get up every morning about half an hour past sunrise to take down my curtain. Manually turn on my light.move my small plant in front of the window. (No room under small crap light) check the water levels.( handy to have empty bucket to put plant into while messing with reservoir) fill back up to its zone, then mess with its tds(ppm or ec) I then like to do the ph part last. Get that in its zone and put plant back into reservoir. And move onto the next plants. Takes me about an hour if I do all 4.
since I started using mega crop as nutes. And it is a powder. I like to have a separate bucket for it all week. Get it the proper ec or ppm strength. (I don’t worry about it’s ph as no plants are growing in it) and when I see the other buckets need more nutrients solution low tds. I fill we up from there and then ph and put plant back in.
If you read new hydro growers using MC you will see many complaints of ph going wild. I believe it is the silica or some other nutrient just fully dissolving and rising the ph of the solution as it dissolves more into the water. But it does take a couple days for Mc to dissolve in my experience. I find having it bubble overnight isn’t enough time. Maybe two or three days.
but I was having problems with ph also until I read it may take a few days to dissolve and once it does that ph is pretty stable in my opinion.
Oh yeah. Forgot to mention I just use my tap water for my plants it tests at 140 ppm or 280 ec
And a ph of 7.41 just tested it. Been doing me good.
Haha yeah your right and I definitely believe in secrets lmao! But honestly I’ve noticed either you have the green thumb or you don’t, and the ones who don’t find out pretty quick end up going to dispensery haha!!! But the ones who have it know what’s up! I’ve never been good with anything other than things that produce adrenaline and things that sprout out of the ground... passion has always been what it’s about to me you have it for things or you don’t. But that’s funny you say that about moving plants in and out of the sun inside lmao been their as well! Really for me is I normally start with a lot of seedlings or clones and which ever ones I like and look good to me I tipicaly can’t tell many no once their already up up and away! I also mix my nutes together a day or two before I feed them so that the ph does it thing and if it needs attention I just fix it right before I feed. But the ph solution I have is pretty strong shit I only need two tiny drops of this stuff to 3 gallons of water to change it from 8.50 down to 6.0-6.5. Also since you said your ppm ec is at 140-280 are you checking seedlings or more larger vegging plants? Reason why I ask is some of my flowering lady’s are eating right around 1000-1500ppms before I do my final flushes.
That’s just my plain tap water. Lol I am at 950-1050 max ec for my lil plant.
My larger one I keep right around 1050-1250 max. Lol.
I find myself just maintaining these levels every 2 days. 1 day I’ll add just a quart or two of water and ph then the next day I’ll add more nutrient solution to bring it back up to the 1250 max ish area. Kinda notice weird things going on with the leaves like curling and what not when I go higher then 1400-1500 ec but that’s with my plants. I think I’d be able to go higher, if I had better lights, idk.
Yeah I hear you on the passion part. I just like smoking so much. I just had to learn how to grow just to save what lil money I have instead of spending it on 20 dollar grams. 450-560 an oz. here.
it took me some years. But now I find that I have my system set up. And pretty much dialed in. With my nutes already paid for.
I just have to pay for electricity and vigilant patience, with some skill= about 100$ oz electric bill. So 5 grams from the dispensary . For 100$ or I wait a couple months and get 100$ an oz lol.
turned this crap into a lil math equation.
And I am liking this so much more then buying it. I Can easily smoke 2-4 grams a day. It’s nice not spending so much money on pot anymore. Feel bad for my friends and family stuck paying 100$ for 5 grams from the dispensary lol
Been trying to get them to grow. But idk. They don’t want to. They want me to do it for them and I’m like
shit brotha, I’m already planning on the max plants allowed per household . 3 veg and 3 flower. And those plants are all for me dude.
and they say something like well my job won’t let me smell like weed. So they want to grow, but are afraid of the odor in there homes. I’d get fired. (don’t think that’s how things work lol) if you bring it to work yeah you will, show up high. Yeah. Fail a test yeah. But smelling? I don’t think it even sticks to my clothes lol.
So eff it there on there own for now.
Some people are just set in there ways it seems. I’m not trying to get in trouble with the local law by growing more then 12 plants. And I don’t think I’ll ever have more then 3 in flower. At 1 time because then I can get butt effed raw by the law if the show up and do a head count on my plants. And find 4 + flowers.
As I’m in Alaska if you get in trouble with the law example where you have to go show up for court. You can lose your yearly dividend.
And I don’t want that either lol. 1,000-3,000 a year for living here and staying out of trouble. Pays to be a good sumaritan/citizen :rofl: :green_heart:
They happy with there 450-560 oz dispensary bud lol. Good for them. Glad they can afford it. Me I couldn’t really afford buying an oz a week. Maybe an oz a month was what I was getting at most. Much better things to spend spare money I find nowadays after growing, like furniture lol. Got me a new bed last week. Love it. A freezer a couple weeks before. A washer a month ago. A couch like maybe two months ago lol. Some power tools. Some shit I thought were to pricey before when I was buying bud lol.
Amazing how much money you have left over when your not spending it to get high XD
Brotha I here lmao ever since I started growing financial issues have been getting much nicer to deal with! Especially since I too smoke a lottt some times more than what you mentioned lol, but a few years back I got into a pretty nasty car accident that almost took my life. Flat lined more than once I was told on the heli ride to the hospital, but I wasn’t conscious to even know what happened. To this day I don’t even know what happened or how it happened. Apparently their was one witness that claimed someone ran a stop sign and I tried to avoid hitting the person at 60 miles as hour but hit a big ass tree dead on! But reason I’m mentioning this is because I used to be a recreational smoker but now that the docs tried loading me with percriptions that made life hard to handle I told the docs no more and had enough of it, and Marry Jane in my opinion saved my life from being worthless and today I can say I love life and everything about it now that meds don’t controle my life!! I also grow for a couple card holders that don’t have the green thumb and rather have good quality that’s also why I have so many girls lined up ready for flower. But highly believe cannabis will one day take over big ol pharmaceuticals and I really pray the world can some find a way with out all that poison shit in the world today! Not saying some people might need meds and all but I just believe in the nature and going all natural is the way to live! But on the light subject I’ve been using 4 s/fs 1000s plus a few supplemental lights this time around indoors, but before I just set up the new rooms I grew in a closet with just one 1000 and 9 10 watt supplemental lighting and I ended up making a huge mess trying to get all the top colas under the 1000 lmao this time they all have room to breath so I’m hoping for a much nicer harvest this go around.
Oh yeah, glad cannabis has helped you out as well. For the passed couple years I was pretty much a problematic alcoholic, and all the troubles that come with it. Then I started growing in October more seriously (willed myself to stop buying booze, was pretty hard) and just used that money on my current hydro set up. Lol can’t buy booze when your broke from spending it on growing :laugh:
but yeah man that’s pretty much what got me out of the alcohol hole. So much better off this way. Health wise, socially and financially.
the days are brighter. People Are more friendly and respectful. Don’t have to deal with police every few months lol.(drunk drama)
Things have just been soo much better then before. Hope it stays this way.
(compared to the other group I was with)
Glad them days are behind me. But I am kinda nervous as those days aren’t so far off in the distance yet. So I’ve got be careful not to mess this up for myself by allowing myself to drink again and fall into that crowd again.
Was pretty tempted to last week, girl that I had a crush on hitting me up one night, To go party. But was like man. I just can’t. That’s not the guy I want to be again. Tried it out already sucked and hated my life lol. Told her we can hang out but she just wanted to party. So I did something drastic that I have never done before in my life lol.
I added her caller information to my blocked list:rofl:
It’s never like me to turn down a woman wanting to spend more time with me haha.
still adjusting my life
But yeah, once I fix things up around the house more I definitely need to invest in more lighting.
It’s a pain like you said growing two plants under one 240 watt led (from wall)
But there are far better things I should be focusing on now then just my grow room. Two flower plants is good for now. But man once I have my Other stuff sorted out.
My grows definitely getting the upgrades it needs lol. Probably a dab press also. A Bubble hash machine. Magical butter machine. And “the source” extractor machine. Are just the things I would really love to own in the future.
I’m happy to hear all that brother keep it up many have made it back to the good side of life and it can also make you stronger in life when it comes to battles like that your having as well and lessons in life Ive learned stay stored in your memory so it’s easy to say no because you remember the struggles , and that’s amazing to here about others getting past their troubles in life with Janes help! Im personally getting out of a Buisness I started 7 years ago because I can no longer do that type of work but luckily growing has a lot to do with what I did for a career before and it’s turned into more of a passion now. Shit I even have moon phase calanders to give me a better reading on time to feed, foiliat, and harvest which most people don’t even pay attention to now adays! I definitely want to get a nice nug smasher to get live rosin tho so upgrades are definitely in my near future as well!!
Update on train-wreck/moon dawg/ surviving clones from last grow! Everything’s been transplanted into 5 gallons. Had to cut a couple leaves from train-wreck! Their leaves were shadowing the under growth so had to go! Moon dawg has some crazy big leaves coming out as well so I’ll be doing the same I’m sure in the next few days. The clones are starting to fill back out about to defoliate so I can give them some time to recover before I get them ready for the flower room!
Update defoilated the 4 clones almost ready to go into flower! Train-wrek are both trimmed up for the under growth to catch up, and same with mood dawg.. before and after pics of the defoliation. Topped one train-wrek waiting for the others to catch up to do the same to them.


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Wow do you have like a moon phase chart or something? I just recently read about them myself :hmmmm:
But my knowledge on the subject is pretty much limited to this,
When the moon is waxing(growing) the plants shift growth to above soil things. Strongest at full moons
And when it’s waning(shrinking) it shifts to root growth.
and I’m not sure if I got that right
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