Need help: growing first time and need some advice


420 Member
Wassup guys I’m new here and new to the whole growing my own bud thing. I found a seed in my grinder after buying from my backup dealer. Ended up actually germinating it and planted 2 days ago. I’m getting my friends grow tent tomorrow, but I was wondering if anybody could give me an update on how it’s looking. I’ve read a lot about the process, but still nowhere near fully educated on the whole thing so if someone could lmk if it’s looking okay or what’s going on because the sprout appears to be bending over and one leaf appears to have split and has a hole in it. Not sure if that’s due to the light source, watering, soil, temp, or damping off or whatever it may be. Anyways any input would be helpful and thanks for your response!


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We need more info what kind of soil what your temp and rh what is your wather ph

Those leaf are normal wait to see the first set of true leaf maybe in a day or 2 you should water with ph water around 6.3 to 6.5 humidity around 40 to 60 % and dont overwater wait for your cup is light and give a good water and wait again for a light cup . For the seed you found you have big chance its came from a hermie plant so if its that maybe your plant and up hermie but if its only for you you can still smoke just have to remove the seed.
Lots of good guys and girl here can help you a lot just update your post time to time for more info
We need more info what kind of soil what your temp and rh what is your wather ph

Those leaf are normal wait to see the first set of true leaf maybe in a day or 2 you should water with ph water around 6.3 to 6.5 humidity around 40 to 60 % and dont overwater wait for your cup is light and give a good water and wait again for a light cup . For the seed you found you have big chance its came from a hermie plant so if its that maybe your plant and up hermie but if its only for you you can still smoke just have to remove the seed.
Lots of good guys and girl here can help you a lot just update your post time to time for more info

Sorry for takin a few days to respond but thank you so much for the help. So I got the tent set up (it’s homemade so not too pretty, but it’s air-tight) and got the seedling in there. It’s got its two true leaves right now and I have it positioned about 13” under my Viparspectra 600 W reflector series LED’s. I’m about to throw in some sponges or just a bowl of water to try and keep humidity up at least for the seedling stage cuz it usually hovers around 40% on its own. Water is 6.4 pH. Also tryna keep the temp around 70 cuz that’s what I’ve seen and heard to keep it at. Still would appreciate anything u guys got


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When you take pic try with your light off better idea on what going on and you shoud lift you light up a bit its kind close lift her up 28 30 inch a least you dont want to fried your little one.good luck to you i just start some last week myself


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Sorry for takin a few days to respond but thank you so much for the help. So I got the tent set up (it’s homemade so not too pretty, but it’s air-tight) and got the seedling in there. It’s got its two true leaves right now and I have it positioned about 13” under my Viparspectra 600 W reflector series LED’s. I’m about to throw in some sponges or just a bowl of water to try and keep humidity up at least for the seedling stage cuz it usually hovers around 40% on its own. Water is 6.4 pH. Also tryna keep the temp around 70 cuz that’s what I’ve seen and heard to keep it at. Still would appreciate anything u guys got
70 degrees Fahrenheit is probably a little too cool with the lights on. I know what led I think they suggest 80 to 85 degrees
Word, I just bumped it up a lil. Thanks for the advice!
Let me clarify, 80 or 85 with the LED light on and when lights are out I think it's supposed to be about 65 degrees or 70
When you take pic try with your light off better idea on what going on and you shoud lift you light up a bit its kind close lift her up 28 30 inch a least you dont want to fried your little one.good luck to you i just start some last week myself

That's hilarious

And then u post a blurple pic

You guys think she’s lookin healthy? Worried I’m overwatering cuz of the droopy leaves but I’m far from being an expert.


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You guys think she’s lookin healthy? Worried I’m overwatering cuz of the droopy leaves but I’m far from being an expert.

I’m new to this but it looks like you may have overwatered a little bit , no big deal. I wouldn’t worry at all. Just don’t water it for a few days. Read up on how to water properly. Just let the plant do it’s thing, I overwatered in the beginning as well. Good luck!
Wassup guys. Just wanted to post and update for anybody stumbling across this thread or comin back. I recently (2 days ago) transplanted her into what I assume to be her final pot. I know it was pretty early but I wanted to get her out of that random soil I had her in, although when I removed her from the cup she had a pretty decent root structure from how young she looked above the soil. Right after the transplant I was concerned about transplant shock cuz I noticed the leaves dropping more than ever, but after letting her sit and rest overnight, her leaves were up and looking healthy again. So we’re two days in the new pot and soil and she’s looking good imo, but again, I’m new to this so lmk what you guys think.

Lighting: 600 W LED Vipar Spectra Reflector Series Lamp hung at 8” from the top of seedling. Right now I actually have both the Veg and Bloom switches on just to try and give it as much light as possible, which seems to help w the heat as it gets pretty cold in my basement (esp. at night), but the tent keeps it above or at 70 when lights go off, but not sure if the bloom lights are adversely effecting seedling growth in anyway. Running a 20/4 schedule rn but might lower to a 18/6 as I’ve noticed the leaves dropping towards the end of their 20 hours. I did some reading and some say this is perfectly fine and natural as the plants “know” that night is coming, but others advised to just bump the light schedule down an hour or two. Advice on that would be greatly appreciated as well!

Temp: Like I said it usually stays pretty consistently at 70 when lights out, but during the day I keep it in the 80-85 range. I dunno if that 10-15 degree drop is too drastic but lmk. Relative humidity also givers around 40-45% consistently, but I haven’t been too worried about that now that she’s almost 2 weeks and is much more stable (and healthy as far as I can tell) than before.

Soil: Miracle-Gro Performance Organics mixed w about 30-40% perlite. I don’t really have the budget to be buying too many store-bought nutrients to add, So I’m probably gonna throw in some chopped banana peels and maybe some used coffee grounds. If there are any other things you might be able to find around the house as a source of macronutrients and if you have any experience w that and how you went about it all of that would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys!


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Waddup. Just actually topped her n thought I’d upload another update pic. Lmk if she looks healthy


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She looks just right to me.
Anybody think that they could sex this? Been more of an experiment since it’s my first grow and it was a random seed from some bud so if anybody could help me out that would be awesome!


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Not quite yet,you should know more in a week or so.
It's almost ready to let you know.
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