Newbie watering question


New Member
This is my first grow and I have read a lot of books and haven't been able to find a straight up answer. I have 4, 2 gallon pots in my tent how much water am I supposed to give them. They all drooped this morning and I know it's cause of over Watering any advice is welcome

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To really spur a larger root ball you wait, in veg, to water until the plant shows signs of being under watered. That will stimulate the plant to grow more larger and deeper roots. The above ground plant is limited by the size of the root mass. So developing a large oversize root mass in veg helps make the best of the genetics in bloom.

And of course the opposite happens. If you over water the best thing that you can expect is an undersized root mass which can lead to a whole host of problems. During bloom it will eventually stop growing roots and focus on flowers so you need to get them big in veg. Also it will slow growth tremendously to keep the soil moist.

The worst thing that can happen from over watering is you can kill the plant outright. This is usually caused do to untreated Rot in the soil. It can also happen from drowning the roots. The root s need oxygen more than water. I could go on and on about what can go wrong from over watering as the list is long.

I usually save this nugget for people with real nutrient issues...but today I am feeling nice.

Something many Cannabis growers don't know about general plant operation is well more than 99% of the water a plant absorbs is not used in any way by the plant for anything. It is all used for transportation via transpiration and is just turned into humidity.

Transpiration - Wikipedia

Transpiration - The Water Cycle, from USGS Water-Science School

So to understand that the plant is only using water to get the nutes from the soil to the leaves...AND understanding that the nute uptake early on is VERY low should help you to understand why over watering is not helping at all. You only need enough in there that every few days some nutes can get stored into the leaves. That is why it can be dry for days before it looks under watered. (OH SNAP!)

no worries, happy to pass it along! thank the author, Emilya, when you get a chance.
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