Osmocote Plus Plant Food: Discuss Its Use With Cannabis Here!

On existing plants to add OC+ :

I just mix the OC+ prills into the loose perlite on top as far as I can go down using my fingers so I can feel if I'm hitting the roots. I'm just guessing that the less distance between nute and root, the better. Plus, the perlite near the surface stays wet from wicking, so I'd guess that it'd transport nutes better than the dry stuff on top. It'd still work on top, but I think the nutrient supply would be more intermittent to the root zone, only replenishing with waterings.
what would you guys says enough? ill dump the whole thing on top.lol.

na i just dont want to mess with my roots, i am trying to figure out if i should just stick to my maxi bloom or use some OC+?

what about the food i was talking about on my grow the MG shake and feed contuios feed bloom food. the only bad thing is that it dosent have any cal/mag i would have to add some. but you think that would work better for top dressing?

The doseage is listed online in several places.

As SS said, incorporating works "best," but I think most people use it as a top dressing, especially with perennials and long growing seasons. The product is designed for both uses.

OC+ has all the micro's and the NPK. Why not add some and watch it work?

As far as I know, everyone on here who is using it is "surprised," "blowin my mind," "Working great," etc. I haven't seen a grow using it yet that didn't feature really healthy plants!
On existing plants to add OC+ :

I just mix the OC+ prills into the loose perlite on top as far as I can go down using my fingers so I can feel if I'm hitting the roots. I'm just guessing that the less distance between nute and root, the better. Plus, the perlite near the surface stays wet from wicking, so I'd guess that it'd transport nutes better than the dry stuff on top. It'd still work on top, but I think the nutrient supply would be more intermittent to the root zone, only replenishing with waterings.

we're on the same page here OBX.

The top of a perlite Hempy bucket is quite dry except right after watering, and perlite will *not* wick to the top of a container that's over 6" or so tall.

The perlite that's down 2-3" stays a lot moister and, as you say, the nute supply would be more consistent with the prills down into the bucket a few inches.

Like OBX, I've also been able to use my fingers to work the prills down to 3" or so without harming any roots.

A sharpened 1/2" dowel could also be used to make some holes down into the medium and then drop the prills in. As long as the dowel is sharpened, it will just push the roots out of the way and not harm them, but if you feel any resistance, find another spot.
The doseage is listed online in several places.

As SS said, incorporating works "best," but I think most people use it as a top dressing, especially with perennials and long growing seasons. The product is designed for both uses.

OC+ has all the micro's and the NPK. Why not add some and watch it work?

As far as I know, everyone on here who is using it is "surprised," "blowin my mind," "Working great," etc. I haven't seen a grow using it yet that didn't feature really healthy plants!

It does seem to be performing well for peeps.

Once a few grows are done, we should be able to regroup, compare notes, and discuss how best to use it for growing cannabis.

I wonder how progressive a company Osmocote is?

Maybe in a few years, we'll see a new bottle color ;)
alright guy's change of plan. i am going to do something different that i haven't seen yet. i was at the store to get the OC+ but i bought the Dynamite Flower & vegetables 9 month time release ferts. the NPK is 13-13-13 witch i think is great. the reason why i got this is because Homedepot mess up and had the 2lb container for $3.00. if i new they worked good i would have bought more. the only thing i dont like about it is theirs no Cal in it, but i have cal/mag plus sitting. since i haven't seen a grow using this stuff i thought it would be cool to see how it works.
alright guy's change of plan. i am going to do something different that i haven't seen yet. i was at the store to get the OC+ but i bought the Dynamite Flower & vegetables 9 month time release ferts. the NPK is 13-13-13 witch i think is great. the reason why i got this is because Homedepot mess up and had the 2lb container for $3.00. if i new they worked good i would have bought more. the only thing i dont like about it is theirs no Cal in it, but i have cal/mag plus sitting. since i haven't seen a grow using this stuff i thought it would be cool to see how it works.

That's great! I've been wanting to see a grow using the Dynamite. Would you mind posting a pic of the analysis on the bottle? I couldn't find it on their website. :reading420magazine:
Florikan sold Dynamite to Black Gold. Home Depot is discontinuing it. I got mine for $3.19. I bought 3 2lb red jars. Check your local HD discount shelf in the garden dept. I should have bought more... Dohhh
Problem with discounts and discontinuing products, is that's it guys. They are likely not going to re-register the product for sale for the next year. Which means as with everything else, you find something good, they get rid of it. That's retail!

I just got my oc+ today. I have started with feeding of one vegging bagseed. It is in a 6" pot, I was going to go 1/2tbl. onto the top of that pot, but felt it was a bit overkill. I simply sprinkled the granules on top of the soil until it looked like a nice scattered pattern. I watered in, and to my amaze, the capsules actually sunk into the soil slightly. Which is perfect. So unless your soil is tightly packed, it seems sprinkling on top works wonders! It would still seem, however, that the preferred method would be to mix into your media, but say you already have a vegging plant as I do. Sprinkles!

Day one! We shall see!!!! The next OC+ application will be on some auto's I have going at the moment.

I will keep y'all posted!

I predict OC+ will destroy Maxibloom. If I'm wrong, Setting Sun will eat my shoe.


Well...that's quite the deal now isn't it Doc and SS. :morenutes: be like that...only with something larger I would presume...

I have faith in the OC+. Have known the brand for years and years.

sorry for the mindless rant...uhm...:tokin:

that's great! I've been wanting to see a grow using the dynamite. Would you mind posting a pic of the analysis on the bottle? I couldn't find it on their website. :reading420magazine:
i will do that for u bro
florikan sold dynamite to black gold. Home depot is discontinuing it. I got mine for $3.19. I bought 3 2lb red jars. Check your local hd discount shelf in the garden dept. I should have bought more... Dohhh
i need to stalk up i can always use it out doors to the peppers and stuff
i predict oc+ will destroy maxibloom. If i'm wrong, setting sun will eat my shoe.

i would love to see that.lol. My theory is that the dm will beat my maxi bloom, for a few reasons, nice balance npk, no salt build up, and this ferts made for different weather condition's so it puts off the right amount the plants need is different temps, the maxi cant do this only i can and its hard to know how much to feed in the hooter temps then the cooler temps. So i will say dm will do better and will flower 1st
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