P-91 - CFL 12Pack - SCROG - DWC 1st Grow

Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

Mr. DIME. :grinjoint:

I love coming to your journal, it's just plain old fun! :cheer:

So lets get you another green block. + Reps. my friend! :high-five:

Well darn...I can't give you anymore! Already did it....it's the thought that counts anyway! :Namaste:

OMM, it's fun having you here and a BIG THANKS... the thought does count! :high-five:

Gorgeous dime! I'll take a man hug haha.

There's so much confusing/contradictory info going around about our plants.

I do think, from my experiments and readings, that removing fan leaves will both stop stretch and give more light to the buds.

I've never noticed my plants going into any kind of 'shock' when I defoliate. But I've read you should only defoliate 2x to keep the shock to the minimum. IMO that's another myth. The only time I've seen plants in a state of shock or whatever is when I try revegging.

Once the plants are the size you want them and in flower I feel quite comfortable saying to remove fans as needed. In the case of clones I would try and wait as close to 21 days as you can before you grab the fiskars just to let the roots continue their development. I suspect there are ties between the fans and roots but don't have any proof.

As we grow and share we'll hopefully get into a best practices/continual improvement cycle. Can you tell I'm a refugee from corporate America? LOL.

We need to think outside the box and shift our paradigms and whatever the latest buzz phrases are.

Onwards and upwards! :party:

We gotta get working on 5 stars for your journals too!

Thank you very much for your help and advice... the compliements are a nice bonus :cheer:. Thanks you guys for the reps and the stars :Namaste:

Sorry for the late replies guys and gals, I went to bed early last night and woke up to find some damn PM again. It was sitting on a few fan leafs so I treated them ever so carefully and removed a few that were blocking air flow down low. I think defoliation is almost going to have to happen.

I must of spent close to three hours inspecting all the buds with my little microscope. One little popcorn bud down low looked like it may of had some on it (hard to tell with all the trichs) so I snipped it off and walked it out of the growroom. Wifey picked me up another fan this morning and It is putting a lot more air throught the plants now. I guess the tight node effect from the CFLs has it's positives and negatives.

No pics of the PM (I can't get the image out of my head as it is :)) but this mornings pics to follow...

Thanks everyone!
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

Well I thought pics were in order as the buds have swelled again and actually have dropped the canopy down around a 1/2 to 1".

From this angle the canopy looks further from the light than it really is, but over half the buds have lowered themselves :). I've been keeping it closer than 2" away.


Little buds down low are getting bigger.


Little Ashley looks to finish a bit earlier than Mary-Kate's big butt.
Ashely's bud on the left... MK's on the right.


These are both Ashley's...


Get my new camera lens sometime today so I'll try and get some close ups later.

Now I'm gonna try and catch up on some journals! :high-five:

Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

DIME, your buds are looking gorgeous! :bravo:

You're gonna be very happy you waited the extra time for harvest, my friend!
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

:bravo: +reps to you!!!! You deserve it.
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

"The SCROGLESS-SCROG" patented and copyrighted dime style!!!
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

They look friken nice man! Absolutely loving the look of that strain. Awesome job bro. :bongrip:
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

Well, it just got 5 stars from me. NICE growing Dime - dime - DiMe - DIME. :)

I can't say enough about how great of a grow you have going, man. Simply fantastic looking buds and great even canopy. Very well done my friend.

As you've figured out, I wouldn't worry about those amber trichs. Stick with the program and you'll be trimming for daaaaaaaayyyyys. :thumb:

I totally agree. 5 stars from me, my friend.:high-five:

DIME, your buds are looking gorgeous! :bravo:

You're gonna be very happy you waited the extra time for harvest, my friend!

:bravo: +reps to you!!!! You deserve it.

Seriously great work with those two plants. I cant get over what a solid lst job youve done. 2 pants looks like 5 or more. Its a scrog, without the screen! Great work man. And those trichomes are insane.
What are you thinking with any further defoliation. and hows the feel as of now?

"The SCROGLESS-SCROG" patented and copyrighted dime style!!!

Holy crap, I sit down to eat, check back and see all of these awesome replies!


You guys are too cool!

I will have to see what happens tonight when I see them before making a decision on trimming again. They stopped stretching already and the way things are swelling I'd also say shock is not an issue right now. Hopefully the new fan is mixing the air up enough and the PM treatment will do it's job... hopefully :).

A big :Namaste: to all you guys!
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

They look friken nice man! Absolutely loving the look of that strain. Awesome job bro. :bongrip:

Looks like you posted as I was typing :)

Thank you too MG! Much appreciated!

This strain is a bit strange... to me it looks like a bit of a lot of different strains, buuuuuuut I like them all.:rofl:

Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

That lens is seriously witit. good work on those photos. Isnt taking photos of your plants almost as fun as growing them? Cant wait to grow, and take photos, while im smoking them!
but great work. I dont know how much rep i have to spread around before i can rep the same person, but the list seems endless. So, im repping you with good vibes! Great photos dime.
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

Great pics bro!

I'm with farnorth... what's better than smoking what you grew and then taking/posting pics of what you're growing :cheer:
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

Geez, DIME! You're really making want to go out and get a real camera. Your pics are awesome and the buds are gorgeous! Awesome trichs! :welldone:
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

Thanks you guys, I took a bunch of pics but they took forever to upload. I'll get some more up soon :high-five: I love taking PICS!

farnorth, I appreciate the thought!

Went by my favorite shop yesterday and was shown something interesting, A fungus killer made with beneficial bacteria! It's supposed to be safe on flowers/buds too. That and they hooked me up with the AN Final Phase and said that since I was using some AN stuff already...


Those guys are so cool!

Also, The DAY 39 of 12/12 feeding update... I started backing down the GH Micro and Bloom and added the Overdrive and Bud Candy again, PPMs were right @ 1150.

Per 1 Gal of RO

2.5ml GH Micro
7.5ml GH Bloom
8ml Overdrive
8ml Bud Candy
10ml Hygrozyme
10ml Cal-Mag +
30ml Budswel

PM is at bay right now, I think trimming the weird stuff off and the new fan is working. I have the new fungicide waiting just in case. I do have some roses that have a bit of PM on the lower growth...gonna test it there first :)

Also, found this info on the web that makes me drool... but still not postive if it's legit.

P91 is a clone only strain, it is a cross of Northern Lights (Thai x Afghani) cubed. Which bascially means males acquired off the original mother plant where crossbred back with the mother 3 times. P91 has a very strong body high and almost hallucinogenic at times. It has a distinctive potent flavor, and a brain freezing citrus odor. THC can reach 22%

Sounds good to me...hope they're right :thumb:

Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

Great pictures Dime, your plants look virtually flawless.

Hey just a heads-up if I remember correctly, Serenade will make your buds taste funky if you use it too late in flowering. Damn freakish leaves had me researching PM like crazy the other day!

Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

I am definitely picking up some of that fungicide. I had to cut two smaller colas that I found some grey mold (bud rot) on (very small infection--about 10% of cola, but cut the entire cola to minimize spread). I don't have any signs of it anywhere else. I have an idea of how I got it. I used a pair of trim scissors that "may have been in contact" with the mold and did not clean them before trimming some leaves.

I know have my scissors in a shot glass of alcohol. If you haven't seen the early signs of bud rot/grey mold, it is worth reading up on. My first sign was a dried leaf, almost looked burned, coming out the side of a very healthy looking bud. When I cut it open, it was greyish-brownish-black inside.

I will be sanitizing my room before next grow and spraying some of that fungicide as a prophylactic measure. Good find, thanks for sharing!
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

Great pictures Dime, your plants look virtually flawless.

Hey just a heads-up if I remember correctly, Serenade will make your buds taste funky if you use it too late in flowering. Damn freakish leaves had me researching PM like crazy the other day!


Thanks Marley :Namaste: you're very kind.

And thanks for the heads-up on the Serenade! I haven't used it yet so that's good to know.

I pick up some Organocide a while back and it smelled like dead fish asses. Used it once and now it sits alone in the corner :).

Did you figure out what was on the leaves? Only thing I could think of was a fungus of some type... from the pics it looked like it was "ON" the leaf not "IN" the leaf.

Take care!
Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

I am definitely picking up some of that fungicide. I had to cut two smaller colas that I found some grey mold (bud rot) on (very small infection--about 10% of cola, but cut the entire cola to minimize spread). I don't have any signs of it anywhere else. I have an idea of how I got it. I used a pair of trim scissors that "may have been in contact" with the mold and did not clean them before trimming some leaves.

I know have my scissors in a shot glass of alcohol. If you haven't seen the early signs of bud rot/grey mold, it is worth reading up on. My first sign was a dried leaf, almost looked burned, coming out the side of a very healthy looking bud. When I cut it open, it was greyish-brownish-black inside.

I will be sanitizing my room before next grow and spraying some of that fungicide as a prophylactic measure. Good find, thanks for sharing!

Hey stevehman, no problem... I thought that something that kills off the bad stuff while providing the good stuff (benies) would be worth sharing :). Sorry the mold got one of your buds, I'll read up some more on it, thanks!

I did a stem-to-top search for anything strange a few days ago. So far it has only been a spot or two of PM that pops up from time to time. Hopefully trimming and the added fan keep it away for good.

I'm going to give the grow room a good cleaning this weekend. I've been pretty religious about keeping it clean but want to make sure. Plus with the warmer weather lately, the bugs are comming out. I sprayed the room down before the grow, but want to make sure they stay out.

Re: dirtinmyears P-91, CFL 12-Pack, SCROG, DWC 1st Grow

Thanks Marley :Namaste: you're very kind.

And thanks for the heads-up on the Serenade! I haven't used it yet so that's good to know.

I pick up some Organocide a while back and it smelled like dead fish asses. Used it once and now it sits alone in the corner :).

Did you figure out what was on the leaves? Only thing I could think of was a fungus of some type... from the pics it looked like it was "ON" the leaf not "IN" the leaf.

Take care!

Dead fish asses..mmmmmmm.

Ya only thing I can think of is it's some type of fungus. I was not able to find any info online that helped out soo I'll just keep on pluggin away. Since I got rid of all the affected leaves it really hasn't been back around so I'm probably ok.:wood:

Hey btw what day of 12/12 were those last pics taken?

Edit: nvm I saw it up there with the feed schedule. :grinjoint:
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