Peyton's CS Side Project

I started spraying a couple of days before it went into flower & I think it's about 10 days into flower now. I'll take pics tonight when I do my update & put them up here with the correct times on. The pistils are pretty shrivelled so there's defo something happening,I just wish it'd hurry up :)

It has been sprayed for 17 days

Gave her another spray. Bottle is getting close to empty, but still a little left. The pistils that were all there the other day are browning and shriveling, so she's getting close. I hope I can get all the pollen and kill her off before the others start flowering. How's everybody else's CS project coming along?
I'll have to grab my scope and check mine closely tonight. Usually when I spray it I take about 30 seconds to eyeball it in random places. I'll take my time tonight
Alrighty, I'm putting this here cause it has to do with this project. I went and took my bigger of the two HGK clones and cut the bottom of 2 liter and stuck it onto a really tall coffee container. Figure I'll let it dig deep and get bigger for next two weeks before flower. That way if it gets big enough, I can save some of it for smoke. And now it's canopy is about the same as the others, so that's convenient. Might pull that cabinet out right before flower and let them take over in there and go wild. I'll grab pics of it tomorrow
alrighty, here we go again. here she is before being sprayed today

I checked up close on her and see what I think are the start of the balls appearing. tried to get in as close as I could

and here's the seed clone that got transplanted last night
Went and checked on the girls again, and took a real close look at my CS girl. They are definitely balls, and they are clustered on every budsite. Very happy to see that today
Got my phone manually updated to lollipop, so the camera should work a lot better. So tonight I'll try and get some close up macro shots of the balls. The real fun will begin soon...
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