Photoperiod cup grow advice


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be doing a cup grow using some photoperiod seeds I have laying about, I'm growing 1 white widow and 4 secret Valley Northern flame. And the fattest bag seed I could find as well lol.

I use soil and perilite but would like to get any advice for mixing my medium,

So damp medium into cup with drainage holes. Plant seed and under light? Am I missing something, any help would be much appreciated

Below is the pot I intend yo use, will this do?


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Yeah that's the cup I intend to use, it's bigger than the solo cup, will it be OK?
Sure, for a while. What sort of yield are you after? How much space do you have where you plan to grow? Is this for fun or are you seeking a monster plant?

Check here for all sorts of links to information & tutorials.
:welcome: to the forum!
Sure, for a while. What sort of yield are you after? How much space do you have where you plan to grow? Is this for fun or are you seeking a monster plant?

Check here for all sorts of links to information & tutorials.
:welcome: to the forum!
I have spare seeds lying around so why not have some fun, looking to try out a solo cup grow but not in a solo cup, lol the cup I Intendti use holds the same volume as a solo , any advise? And u never know I might even transplant a few if into bigger containers, will see how it goes,
That cups the same size as a as a solo cup, I checked this morning

Those things will hold 16 or 18 ounces of liquid? Look a little smaller than that to me. Regardless, at least a few people have successfully taken a plant to harvest in a 1½-ounce size Solo cup, lol, so it shouldn't be impossible. You may or may not end up with a "bud on a stick," though. Might be an easier grow if you start your seed(s) in something else, take cuttings and root them, then stick the rooted clones in the cups and send them straight to flower.

If I remember correctly, there is a thread or two here about Solo cup grows, with pictures. Both the usual size and the "shot glass" size ones.
Those things will hold 16 or 18 ounces of liquid? Look a little smaller than that to me. Regardless, at least a few people have successfully taken a plant to harvest in a 1½-ounce size Solo cup, lol, so it shouldn't be impossible. You may or may not end up with a "bud on a stick," though. Might be an easier grow if you start your seed(s) in something else, take cuttings and root them, then stick the rooted clones in the cups and send them straight to flower.

If I remember correctly, there is a thread or two here about Solo cup grows, with pictures. Both the usual size and the "shot glass" size ones.
thank you, I poured water into a solo cup then poured it into the other cup and their the same size (nearly) solo cup is slighty smaller, I plan on vegging for 2-3 weeks then change light over and move to an other tent,,,,, do you think a 80x80x1.5 would be a big enough area to grow 6 of them using either 300w or a 125w CFl,

any thing you would like to advise me on further as its always better to ask people with the experience than read loads of different things and get confused
Those things will hold 16 or 18 ounces of liquid? Look a little smaller than that to me. Regardless, at least a few people have successfully taken a plant to harvest in a 1½-ounce size Solo cup, lol, so it shouldn't be impossible. You may or may not end up with a "bud on a stick," though. Might be an easier grow if you start your seed(s) in something else, take cuttings and root them, then stick the rooted clones in the cups and send them straight to flower.

If I remember correctly, there is a thread or two here about Solo cup grows, with pictures. Both the usual size and the "shot glass" size ones.
^ use this to search the forum, torturedsoul dropped these breadcrumbs or clues, poke around the search feature. You could come across a journal documenting just what you are seeking to do. :goodluck:
do you think a 80x80x1.5 would be a big enough area to grow 6 of them

Sure. That's somewhere in the neighborhood of 6⅔ square feet. I wouldn't expect six plants in small containers like that to require more area than that, especially as you're a new grower and growing sequoias in thimbles might be considered to be a moderate to advanced skill ;) . One plant, if allowed to branch, might occupy two "one square foot" sections, but it won't fill them. Be sort of like you standing with one foot in your yard and one foot in your neighbor's yard; there would still be room for someone else to do the same thing. Plus, you could choose to encourage/train/trim the plants to just grow one stem with no side branches. If you do that, and cram the plants in there, that's what is known as SOG (Sea of Green). I have seen planting densities of up to nine plants per square foot. Which, again, is something I'd consider moderate to advanced skill level (and a royal pain in the ass). But four plants per square foot, I've seen more of those. If you think you'll enjoy small-container gardening and wish to continue, you might be interested in an old journal thread, done by a person who is no longer a member. He grew plants in two-liter pop bottles, in perlite (or maybe a mixture of perlite and vermiculite) "hempies." A lot of plants, about four per square foot...

He kept mother plants, which produced clones, and they went straight to flower. Four per square foot, give or take. Hand-watered (passive) hydroponics. His yield per plant was low, but he made up for it with plant count. It was a popular journal thread for a while. But, really, it was a simple grow. And he explained what he was doing with text and pictures, so it's a good reference if you think you might be interested in something of that type.

using either 300w or a 125w CFl,

If the "300w" is truly a 300-watt LED, then it'd be more or less nearly adequate if it's a blurple. It'd probably be absolutely adequate if it's this:

...and could end up filling your tent with plants and, eventually, buds if you went with a more traditional grow (in regards to root zone size).

A 125-watt CFL (et cetera) is inadequate for a space of that size. IMHO. It'd be okay initially, because your plants would be smaller, and could be shoved together to one side of the tent. But then you'd want more/different lighting. Therefore, if you could get something better to begin with, you could save money in the long run. The product I posted the link to is adjustable (wattage), so it would work from start to finish. The price might seem a bit high if you're comparing it to "300w" blurple LED grow lights on Amazon's website - but that's because it's actually a 300-watt device, it's adjustable, it's white light, it's far more efficient, et cetera.
^ use this to search the forum, torturedsoul dropped these breadcrumbs or clues, poke around the search feature. You could come across a journal documenting just what you are seeking to do. :goodluck:

Here are a few "freebies," lol:

i did the one hempy clone in a shampoo bottle with about 750ml worth of perlite.
fed once every two days in veg, and once a day in flower. anything smaller would have me doing multiple feeds / day.
Here are a few "freebies," lol:

Lead a horse to water and all that...nice collection of freebies, thanks!
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