Please help first time grower


New Member
About a 2 to 3 week old plant just threw the seeds in the potting soil set it under a bulb and watched it grow but I feel like the stem is to long but I belive them to be healthy won't let me upload any pics for some reason so I will describe them they are long stem with second set of leaves coming in but drop down on the top
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It's pretty easy if you take it in steps first time, after that you can do it w/o thinking. As pictures along with more information helps folks give you a more accurate opinion. As your last post mentions it was outside which is different than "just threw the seeds in the potting soil set it under a bulb". As what you growing it in, what type of lights, how often you water it, etc.... all can factor into play.
Should have been more specific mot sure what kind of soil just found an old potting with some in it and decided for fun to throw in some seeds i had previosly found in some bud i had purchased just curios to see if they were any good after 2 days or so saw 4 sprout 2 died and the other decided to grow at first i watered them daily till i read i could drown then to feel the soil if still moist and cold they cpuld still feed i live in the south so it rarely gets cold here feel like spring and summer all year long but decided to place them inside incase offl bugs and nosy people i noticed they started growing really long am assuming because they were teying to reach for the sun i had them outside for the first week or so ip until 4 days ago now i turn the lights on for about 12 hours and give them about the same amount in the dark but i see the top where my leaves coming in is starting to curl ill try posting pics
If 12 hours or less a day of light the plants think Winter is coming and they go into Flower mode, they give up on trying to grow roots or spend a lot of effort in making vegetation. So even if it doesn't get cold there outside the amount of Sunshine per day will vary depending on time of year and where you are in the world. Majority of folks go 18/6 (18 hours on for light) or 24/0 (like many things in life, different points of view and "evidence/logic" why each side thinks they right) while in Vegetative State to get the plants to grow awhile before you put them into making Flowers. You can spend hours reading topics (especially the sticky topics on top of pages) here and learn all kinds of things and still be new at it like me ;) as I'm on my 2nd grow technically LOL
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