Purple urkel and mystery medicine

What does that mean? :peace:
18 days flowering
rootbound? means roots dont have any more room to grow , this cant drasticly reduse yield as well as create other problems, what size pots are you in? the look kinda like 6"
on the droop it looks like over water, id say if you know its the hermi and she/he dosent want to live that you got canna makings! replace her with a fresh sprout

if the other plant in the back is your fem, it kinda looks like theres a little yellowing going on
cant tell from the pic though
first night

Then I gave some water and the next night.


I ended up chopping the hermie and planting a new sprout.

Balls anyone?


If you think of the gallon planter as a well, and the plant roots as the pump, and the plant the rivers, when the roots get to the edges of the pot they introduce oxegen into the pump system, and the system looses pressure. Drying up all the rivers :)

Hahaha Good Analagy man. so that was because it was Rootbound? If I just watered it more would that fix the problem, besides getting bigger pots?
no, you're going to need to transplant to cure the rootboundedness of your situation.

Ohh alright, Thanks man. And also thanks boss. The rootbound situation fixed itself when the plant decided to be herm. I chopped it. Its drying now.
Gotta love an easy decision....... Sorry about the hermie but hey, that means more nuts and stuff for the cupcake...:cheesygrinsmiley:

haha yeah defentialy Simples the way to go. Thats excatly what he/shes going to. Well it actually had a little nug growing in the cola so I'm probably gonna smoke that. But everything else butter for sure. I made some last night with the male I chopped. Total yeild of leafs was about an 8th and I usued about half a half stick of butter. Still have some left. I got real high last night from it, started to get visuals. Like black shapes and objects appearing and transforming and moving all over my wall. I did also take a couple gravs before and after I injested it. So I dunno, it was good time.
how are things going dank havent seen an update for a little.
hope allls well
yea bro how goes it? any developments? hmm keep it real bro!
Hey shaggie and flillabong, I'm sorry its been awhile on the updating. But before I started this journel and started taking pics, I said I wasnt going to take any pics of the mystery because everytime I take a pic of my herbs it never makes it till harvest... :hmmmm: The mysterys looking good though last I checked she had a main cola almost the size of my hand, and her lower buds were getting bigger, she was also starting to grow buds underneath a bud that was growing out of a leaf. ?? If that makes any sense, Im sorry but I cant take anymore pics of my herbs. Maybe I'll experiment this madness with pictures on pepper plants when I start those up. I havent checked her in a couple days. I was camping again... I kinda feel as this journal has reached its end, I could keep updates on my plants and write about them, but their just wont be any more pics. I'm sorry. What do you guys want? Keep the journal? or has it reached its end?
Thank you everybody who has help and supported my grow. Shaggie, boss, fillabong. I'm sorry I cant remeber everybody who has posted in this journal, but you are not forgotten, thank you too . And everybody who maybe just read it and decided not to post thats cool too, thanks for the good vibes?
Let me know what you guys want, I will be glad to keep a No picture journal.
well glad that shes doing well still.
of course when she is harvested wed live to see some finished pics but understand if not possible. im sure that im not alone in saying, sad to see the end of the pic updates, but keep us updated on the harvest. good luck on the rest of the grow. we will have to go on a hike some time
:peace: brother
well i vote on keeping as long as you can take pics of the final product:grinjoint:
Thanks shag and fillabong, finished products pics are still debateable. Updates on the grow, I was too tired last night to make to one and passed out, woke up thinking I needed to water the mystery but after I did it I checked the calander and should have gave her nutes..Doh ! I'll have to give nutes twice next time, then all water untill harvest. I'm trying to make so shes cured and ready to smoke for 420.. Hey then earthday two days later! Thats gonna be a good couple of days I'll also have a baby going on 12/12. I kinda forgot I started to germ her then when I got back from camping last weekend I remebered she was still in the cup. Her root was sooo long, so I immediatly planted her and so far shes been doing good. I'm hoping she doesnt go in to flower to fast so when the mysterys done I can lower light again throw back on the veg lights and have her on 24 hr lights with the rest of seedlings I'm gonna start again. I forgot which seed I germated so it might be another mystery or could be an urkel. They way its growing right now, leads me to believe its a mystery. I hope I find different phenos in the mystery. The girl I have now, looks excatly like the bud I got the seed from. It cracks me up while also bringing back memorys of xmas. That was the bud I had at that time. So it should be intresting. Once again I'm sorry I cant do anymore pics, but will still keep everyone updated on the grow. Shag you gonna to phil and friends? Or How about darkstar on 420? Haha I'm psyched I cant wait for 420! Maybe we'll have to meet up and smoke a spliff on that special day.. Until then Peace everyone and everywhere !

Shag you gonna to phil and friends? Or How about darkstar on 420?
ya lost me on that..... darkstar the music group?
thats what i figured lol id be down but i got to work on sunday 4-20 till 5 pm.....:(
im sure we can figure something out brother
thats what i figured lol id be down but i got to work on sunday 4-20 till 5 pm.....:(
im sure we can figure something out brother

Sweet man^ Sorry to hear you got work though. Least its only till 5 I guess.
a little update on mystery. I started to flush her today. I am using double the water I usually use to quench her thirst. Is that right? :peace:
use double or triple the amount ie. 5 gal of soil use 15 gal to flush and so on
not sure but i think with organics a heavy flush is not always needed i stoped nutes for a week and dali began sucking herself dry at the end. might be able to just move her to a regular watering and let her use the nutes up.

if im off on that im sure someone will post
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