Mystery Bag Madness

Week 6/5 into flower. I've stop using any food except molasses. I trimmed them up. Starting to flush heavy because I grew before I knew! Miracle Grow Potting Soil works good for house plants and Cannabis, but because of the time release nutrients in the soil, makes it difficult in the end to get the best bang for your buck. This I know now. But seeing this was all a fantasy, I mean test, I still think the sacrifice will be worth it. My buds are sticky, stinky, and hairy. Here's some up to date photo's I took just a short time ago.





I did a three gallon flush to the four pots this morning. The last gallon I mixed in two teaspoons of molasses and fed them the gallon evenly. In the sticky, piney smelling resin you can pick up hints of the molasses. I'm looking for yellowing leaves now during the next two to three weeks.

Man this has been fun :peacetwo:
Too bad about the outside plant. Although it was looking like it could be a female, after looking closely at it yesterday I discovered the sure tail sign of it being a male plant, not just in one section, but many, little, little, tiny balls! It was actually fun cutting it all up into compost material for the garden.

Week 7 into flowering today. Flush, flush, out goes the nutes... I will be medicating soon. :green_heart:
Sorry everyone who stopped by to read my posts here and left comments. As soon as the buds started clouding up I lost track of the whole thing here. I think I ended up doing fairly well. I filled two quart and a pint canning jars with bud. I used a little less than a $100.00 on electricity for the complete grow. The tub is all cleaned up and ready for next year. I won't be using MGPS though. That was one mistake I learned. I was adding MGPF and worm castings to the pots on top of the MGPF. Lots of flushing, lots of it! One plant was so hot nute wise I thought I'd never see the leaves yellow, but they did. The big tops were so sticky and the buzz I got did the trick with every puff. Man I wish I had a bone!.
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

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Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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