Raccoon attack


420 Member
Surprise attack of racoons, knocked two plants over with tomato rings.....had to resort to exreme tactics...not that extreme. Hopefully his will quench their destructive desires.


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We used electric to keep them out of the coop at night. One still managed to get in there. They can flatten themselves out and crawl into tiny openings you would never have thought that they would fit in.
Nasty little things, they were introduced here by some idiot that thought they could be trapped and sold for their fur. Now they’ve wiped out many species where I live, including a huge amount of our seabirds. Sorry if I offend anyone with, but I generally shoot the ones that come around my place.
Another option is to live trap them, which is easy enough, and relocate them far away. Kind of a half-ass solution but it might give you some peace and quiet.
Property behind my home had a bunch of Pine Trees Removed, this displaced a crap load of racoon s.
Heard noise one night and found about 5 or 6 playing and having fun on my outdoor shed. I used
the metal drop door cages and stopped counting at 13 traped (many more before I was done)

Removed them about 10 miles out in Undeveloped land near stream. Found it funny how smart
they are but still seemed to fall for the cage :) orange empty bowl was all I used, I think they thought
it was a orange :) Was getting them 2 and 3 at a time (mothers with baby's)
I’m surprised that 10 miles is far enough Gazoo. I trapped a feral cat that used to come into my house at night through the cat door. I took it to town, which was well over 10 miles away, but the cat came back again the same night.
Amazing really how it could know where it was going, such a long journey for little legs.
It ended up at the SPCA. They’ll be pissed if you bring in a pile of coons though.
I’m surprised that 10 miles is far enough Gazoo. I trapped a feral cat that used to come into my house at night through the cat door. I took it to town, which was well over 10 miles away, but the cat came back again the same night.
Amazing really how it could know where it was going, such a long journey for little legs.
It ended up at the SPCA. They’ll be pissed if you bring in a pile of coons though.

I was not sure if that was far enough but seemed to work. Maybe because they were already displaced
( tree house gone ) At first I was taking them to the ASPCA
but they wanted to charge me after the 3rd drop off so had to figure out another way :)
I am in the city..with a treed area behind me with ten or twelve maple and oak trees..lots of nesting areas....the raccoons still walk thru my back yard..but seem to have stopped attempting to get into the plants, as my trail cam has had no activity for two nights. So while my plants look like caged exhibits..they are now stress free............as am I.
a .22 doesn't make much noise...

we are over run by rabbits. they invaded the city because the coyotes wouldn't follow. the coyotes got over it, came in to the city, and cleaned out the cats. turns out the cats were easier to catch. now there's mice and rabbits.
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