Relaxed's Outdoor Medical Grow - 2016

Went ahead and chopped/washed/trimmed a Blackberry and a Jack Dawg. Tomorrow morning I'll do the stinky inky SDD.

Here's the JD, which came out a little leafy, but still will be a joy to consume (not my best batch obviously)

Here's that Blackberry

Took one of the newly flowering Blackberry, really this strain has done a lot for me, always yielded well and produced nice buds, it just doesn't compare to the other strains I'm going, but kinda a shame to stop growing it. This strain would be a lot better if crossed with Skunk #1.

Over & Out :volcano-smiley:
If it was me I'd have a bunch of hermies running around from interuted lighting regiment. . Hell sometime I only have 8 plants and I'll miss doing waterings every other day. I lost 5-6 plants this year alone to my stupidity like that. Or forget to plug the cloner back in to wake the next day to find all cutts fried. Well I did have a excuse, but now that I'm feeling better, that went out the window. Oh well.
Keepem Green
I pull plants inside too...sometimes. Mine go under lights on a timer. That way, as long as I pull them in before the lights go out, it isn't important exactly when I move them. It makes it pretty easy with no rigid schedule. The only time it is a pain is when they get big, are fully watered, and in big pots - HEAVY!
If it was me I'd have a bunch of hermies running around from interuted lighting regiment. . Hell sometime I only have 8 plants and I'll miss doing waterings every other day. I lost 5-6 plants this year alone to my stupidity like that. Or forget to plug the cloner back in to wake the next day to find all cutts fried. Well I did have a excuse, but now that I'm feeling better, that went out the window. Oh well.
Keepem Green

Haha yeah, I'm a rather routine and schedule oriented person so I haven't had much issues. My schedule is far from perfect though, I'm on schedule with an error of about +-15-30 minutes each day, there are multiple minor light leaks from the garage door, and not to mention my DP90 vegging tent is only a few inches away from the flowering ladies! A couple light rays might come through the zipper holes, but still never seen any signs of hermie. So either I'm lucky or these clones are really stable. ;)

I pull plants inside too...sometimes. Mine go under lights on a timer. That way, as long as I pull them in before the lights go out, it isn't important exactly when I move them. It makes it pretty easy with no rigid schedule. The only time it is a pain is when they get big, are fully watered, and in big pots - HEAVY!

Whatever works for the grower in acquiring his/her medicine, right? :) Because of circumstances, the only light that ever gets shined on my flowering girls is the Sun. They get approximately 12/12 right now and my schedule works good for me because when I put them in the garage its usually after dinner and a puff, and when I take them out, it's first thing in the morning. Seems to work good for me :Namaste:

Here's a pic of the SDD before today's chopping event


Alright now back to the regular planter coverage, things are growing quite nicely in here, I've got a couple of nice specimens doing their thing.


Here is the naturally flowering Underdawg

This is the pure sativa Blueberry x Santa Maria phenotype, I did some thinking & digging about this pheno, this phenotype apparently resembles the Himalaya Gold in that its essentially got a grass/coffee flavor, I was also reading that strains that don't have a lot of flavors/terpenes going on tend to be higher in CBD, I've seen a few high CBD strains in the medical dispensaries, they were good buds but didn't have flavor. So maybe this strain is high CBD, the high is definitely a lot different

Here is the Swiss Cheese specimen that I'm leaving in the planter to flower naturally and train a bit, already starting to flower as well.

Part of a JD branch in front

Here we have a trained Sour Diesel Dawg (and part of a JD branch), this is the first generation clone of whom I recently took clones off herself

Now we have standard force flower groupies (with the just harvested SDD in front)

and one without the SDD

This is SDD just harvested, the strain is the essence of sour/skunky motor fuel, very very dank; and this is the first time this particular hybrid cross has ever been flowered on Earth :welcome:

Oh, so since the 3 force flowers have been harvested, I took 2 plants from the planter bed and put them in force flower, so the force flower group now contains 2 Blackberry, 1 Swiss Cheese, an Underdawg, and a Jack Dawg. Next harvest probably in about 45-50 days
And that solidifies this afternoon's update. Over and Out mates :volcano-smiley:
Here are a few bud shots of the still drying/recently harvested 3 force flowers.

sativa Blackberry - (Raspberry Cough x Black domino)

Jack Dawg - (Jack Herer x NYCD x Chemdawg'91)

Sour Diesel Dawg - (Sour Diesel x NYCD x Chemdawg'91)

Alright time to note some journal plans... What's next?

Well, once these force flowers are done drying I'll clip the buds off their stems and jar/burp followed by vaporization.

Now that I've taken as many as I can fit in the force flower area, I've got a little bit of room in the natural flowering tent so squeeze in another little batch of clones. They'll have to go pots that are a little bit smaller, just because I'm running out of room for plants and soil.

I will be releasing one of each specimen; 1 UD, 1 JD, 1 SC, 1 BB x SM. I will keep one of each strain in vegetation (this includes the SDD) except the BB x SM which I'm probably gonna stop growing because I didn't dig it too much. But boy she has a nice pure sativa look and might very well be the winner for a winter grow, seems like the pure sativas grow the best through the winter.

Anyway, so transplanting and releasing a few more specimens is on the agenda, as well as vegging the main strain specimens until its time to clone and repeat the cycle again.

Good news is that the Blackberry plants have been saved due to my emergency application of D&S Step 3 (I'm sure you noticed some of those necrotic leaves), well problem solved, she shed a bunch of her leaves and is flowering nicely. The current force flowers are flowering quite rapidly, especially the Underdawg which has her hairs pointing out in all directions.

Now, it's time to go fertilize a particular SDD specimen that I recently released, need to hit her with a dose of emergency D&S Step 2 (for vegetation). After I fertilize with it, we should see direct and fast results within only a few days and she'll turn all nice and green.

So far my favorite specimens are that Swiss Cheese and Underdawg. Oh, I recently sprayed a fresh round of Azamax to combat the mites. And thank god no signs of worms. I had some broccoli in a neighboring planter that went to seed and like 7 broccoli plants sprouted up, these companion plants are undoubtedly helping a lot.

Not much else to report on, just back on regular schedule now photographing + maintaining the force flower and planter. Also I recently tackled and eradicated a minor/isolated powder mold infestation that was on my UD clones in the DP90. I used Q-TIP swabs of SNS-244 followed by Q-TIP swabs of 99% IPA, followed by more swabs of SNS-244, followed by hours of direct UV contact, which I believe has killed them, all that remains now is a faint residue of dead PM. So I think I'm in the clear, as long as I can avoid the runaway greenhouse effect in my propagator.

Hope everyone's gardens are good and green. :Namaste:
Here's a continuation of one of the previous updates.

Here is the new Swiss Cheese I have put into force flower

the last Blackberries I'll ever flower

an Underdawg

Here's a fresh JD

Here is the next lil' wave of clones

One of them, a small BB x SM sculpture in training

One of the Swiss Cheeses ran into a deficiency that it is recovering from (via D&S Step 2), I think it grew so much out of the gate there just wasn't enough micronutes, all better now

Back over the main planter, this is the other SC specimen that I've had to do some training to open her wings up a bit and let her breathe some more

This was the particular SDD specimen that was hungry as hell, she's been fed and should positively react within 3 days

Main planter groupie with different Sun angle than normal

Force flowers


I'm digging this Swiss Cheese

Here's an Underdawg, roughly furthest along of the litter

A Jack Dawg, you can tell there's some nice sativa in there ;)

Man, you got alot going on. Just my 2cents, looks like the girls are hungry for some nitrogen. Hey, all that toting plants back and forth seems to be keeping you in herbs for sure. Looking great Keepem Green
Man, you got alot going on. Just my 2cents, looks like the girls are hungry for some nitrogen. Hey, all that toting plants back and forth seems to be keeping you in herbs for sure. Looking great Keepem Green

A lot for my little garden, yeah. I'm about at max capacity for things. Planter is full, and force flower area is full. Propagator is full. I decided I'm no longer gonna grow the Blackberry and Blueberry and that I'll focus on growing more of these higher quality Diesel Dawg variants (and of course the ol' Swiss Cheese).

Strains in main planter:

- 1 Underdawg (currently with centralized flower heads in flowering)
- 1 fresh Underdawg clone (post-fim and looking to veg hopefully)
- 1 trained Jack Dawg (not quite flowering, still a bit of vegging)
- 1 fresh Jack Dawg (post-fim and vegging)
- 1 trained Blueberry x Santa Maria (a very nice natural bush with lankyness for airflow)
- 1 fresh Blueberry x Santa Maria (the "sculpture" for vegging)
- 1 Sour Diesel Dawg (trained with 3 symmetrical tops)
- 1 Sour Diesel Dawg (the hungry as hell specimen that is currently positively reacting)
- 1 Swiss Cheese (trained bush which is beginning to put flowers out)
- 1 fresh Swiss Cheese (trained and post-fim)

Force flower area

- 2 Blackberry (metabolically fussy and shedding leaves rapidly, also signs of leaf necrosis, but still making fine buds)
- 1 Underdawg (centralized flower heads)
- 1 Jack Dawg (beginning to flower now)
- 1 Swiss Cheese (overall a nice specimen that turned green after a fertilization event)

Propagation Tent

- 1 Swiss Cheese, multi-top specimen in training (awaiting next gen clones)
- 1 Underdawg (fimmed + trained, awaiting bottom branching for next clones)
- 1 Jack Dawg (fimmed + trained, etc.)
- 2 Sour Diesel Dawg (freshly rooted clones)

These will be my main strains now.

In the mason curing jars I have:

1 jar of cured Swiss Cheese flower tops
1 jar of curing Jack Dawg
1 jar of curing Sour Diesel Dawg
1 jar of curing Blackberry

As you know, I grow small plants (for several reasons), so even with this cycle of clone and release, it can be difficult to grow enough for myself where I don't need to visit the medical dispensary. However, with the current cycle I believe I'm setting a bit of a buffer up and hopefully can get a foothold on filling the jars up. This is undoubtedly the best time of the year to be flowering plants (for me at least). The force flower buds I produce in the spring and summer are so much better than the natural flowers that come in September/October. I have a lot more control over the force flowers, they're easier to inspect, hidden from insects at night, and get full Sun all day long.

I did go ahead and sample a Sour Diesel Dawg bowl in the vaporizer and it's absolutely incredible. So happy to have a real deal Diesel strain. Still waiting for some more curage before doing a proper vape session, but my initial impressions were very high, so to speak.

All I need to do today is spray a round of Azamax at dusk, and probably photograph some plants.

Hope everyone's gardens are going well and green. :Namaste:
Well I did take some pics for today :surf:

Vegging mother clones of the 4 main strains

Force flower groupies

JD force flower

SC force flower

force flower group

over to the planter

this is a SDD

a BB x SM


SC newly released

SDD getting better after fertilizer dose





recently released UD (fim recovery)

BB x SM recently released

JD recently released post fim

planter groupies

I did have to water and fertilize a few plants today, so they dig it. I'm just hoping those little recently released plants will fill in the front row.
I have a few more pics to add onto that update, I really like to get the shots at this particular Sun angle, but there are a lot of good angles to capture going in through the fall transition :surf: :adore:

Main Planter vs. Force flower area


Beautiful as Always :thumb:

Aloha and Mahalo brother CHH! :thanks:

Hope all is going well in your world my friend. :Namaste: So happy to see you throw a few plants outside this year. :cheer:
Here's a progress report on the current force flower batch, an up close shot of each developing flower top

Here is the Underdawg, who is one of the furthest along so far

Here is the Jack Dawg who is in last in terms of development (she was put into ff later than others), but showing signs of coloration on some lower leaves

Here is a Swiss Cheese doing very well in terms of filling out this early, always flowers real fast this strain (via Skunk#1)

Here is final Blackberry plant #1 who is putting out a musty raspberry pepper aroma as usual, probably furthest along with the UD

Here is final Blackberry plant #2 who is a little bit behind plant #1 in terms of development and still a bit fussy in terms of metabolism (recycled soil).

Every plant today drank like a fish by the end of the day, but its best to wait until the morning to water. They generate water at night after they switch from photosynthesis to cell respiration - the little things can make a difference. All plants are hungry and very thirsty, I've got a nice & organic Flower Girl tea brewing for them to serve in the morning to the flowering ladies, which is all the force flowers and 2 natural tent plants.

After that, I will focus on watering the the vegging specimens with vegetation fertilizer. Everything is very hungry.

Aloha :Namaste:
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