Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!

Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

should i use as a foilar feed or as a soil feed? and when you use other nutes dont you only use every other watering? My buddy says it every but i thought that was wrong
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

I use it every watering at 1/2 tbsp gallon.

There is a way to get temps down, but it's kinda ..

Use large water catchers under your plants, large container lids lines with plastic sheeting work well. Fill them with water a bit on the cool side, and place the pots in the water. Place fans at water level and fill/feed the in the mornings. You should get 4-5 degrees if you are lucky and have good exhaust air. Place the plants on blocks so they will stop feeding when the water level goes down a bit.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Awsome, thanks guys. Also i got a new little fan cheap so hopefully we can save her in the next few days. Only a few weeks till harvest.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Major Trouble, We have no fan leaves :( they all died off, before we could save her. Should we scrap this plant and start over or can she be saved?

We also updated our temp gauge to show humidity and right now its at 30% and we added a small exhaust fan.



How very sad looking :(
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Thats fine moose, i just dont know what im supost to do. So basically i just slowly dump two gallons of water through my plant and then after do the same with a gallon of nute water? All in one go.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

After you flush the soil will be saturated so don't use the nute solution directly afterwards because it will run right through. The soil needs try dry out a little to absorb the nutrient solution. In your situation I would wait no longer than a day and maybe as short as overnight.

What are the temps now with the exhaust? Boss provided great advice by cutting the light cycle shorter, speeds up harvest and would cut down on the heat from the lights.

In my own opinion I would avoid the full strength nutes as I would think the plant would burn easy in extreme temps. If the temps are down this nute boost would definitely help. I'm not going to argue with Boss though as he trumps with experience. Follow through with his advice.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Yep. That's what I would do. Use a flowering nute.

Can you water with nutes right after a flush? Wouldn't the soil be saturated from the previous flush and be unwilling to retain any more water?
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Alright thanks guys, :) ill see what i can get done in the next few days and post a report.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

How long you think she has left, pistals havent changed colors and we dont have a mag glass to get a closer look, i was only thinking three weeks or so. Boss i need to stay with you and be your apprentance.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

^ I was assuming the soil would drain as well. Your explanation is good though, a decently draining mixture would rinse nicely and the nutes wouldn't soak into the soil causing a burn. Thanks!
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