Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!


New Member
Alright guys, we have started our second grow finaly after a move to a new house and a few mods to the box. Unfortunatly do to a family member illness I havent been on lately and havent been able to read up on other grows to further my knowledge.

This time we have 6k Lumens with our cfls and will have more soon. This time we cut a hole in the side so that we can blow fresh air in and have it leave through a hole on top.

We just started our fourth week and switched to 12/12. Any help or comments are much loved! Smoke On :grinjoint:





















Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

So if we just let it dry out some more will it recover?

We are feeding her Beastie Bloom, and Open Sesame, i believe we also have Cha Ching, but idk for sure. Also we are using Fox Farm Ocean Forest for our medium. So do we need to add more, cause i believe we added it to a gallon jug and are watering from that.

What can we do better to get her fed right, also i dont have all the details at this moment but i will have more info tomorrow.

Thanks for the help Joe!
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Opps finished my reply before i saw your post Boss, But thanks im glade to back and growing, just wish it was under my control.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

B bloom sesame and cha ching will not work on their own for nutes,
they are just an extra boosters so to say,
go ahead and get the rest of the ff line up you will be happyer
i also agree with the over water make sure you are on the wet/dry schedule
welcome back
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Two great resources.

If there is a deficiency involved here, I think it is brought on by water. What had happened (It looks much better now) was a ph drop due to over watering. This most likely locked out some trace elements and twisted your leaves sideways and gave them spots. Once you got the EC corrected, she seems to be picking up well again.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Alright thanks guys, im going to see her for the first time today and we will get that sorted, first we will let it dry out and just get a better water schedual and then should we get liquid grow plant food?
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

i disagree with the mag def and zinc def
to me it looks more like over water and a ph like boss said
dont water the girl till you can stick your finger in 2 in and its dry feeling wieght is also a good one to use, i use both methods.

as for nutes you DO NOT need another supplement you have 3 great ones B bloom Sesame and cha-ching,
your already using FF so id recommend getting the Grow big, and big bloom

as for the splotches on the leaves it looks like a bit of nute burn from the full strength nutes dripping on the leaf (mine did the same when i splashed on the leaf)
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Thanks everyone for your great input like usual. Everything is a learning tool for me.

Today i went to see the baby for the first time and she looks so much better, not wilted or anything.

And shaggy i also believe your right, i happen to see drops of water on the leaves that i didnt notice before. The water is in a gallon jug and is pre mixed. So im guessing they just spilled by accident.

Can someone tell me the best way to water with nutes? Is it better to have them all mixed together in a jug then poor in that way or no? And if im not mistaken arnt you only suppost to use nutes every other watering.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Welcome, and glad to have you here at 420 Magazine. About the watering, if you are using fox farm nutes, give a cup of plain water to the plants before you use the nutes(which should be mixed in a gallon jug). This will wet the roots and they will not get shocked by the nutrients when it hits them.

Are there holes in the bottom of that pot? I hope so. If there are, are you watering till there is run-off?

The plant looks great so far, your doing a great job.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Hey Viper, like you I also have questions about watering with nutes in soil. During flowering I may water every 5 days or so and also want to know should I only give nutes every-other watering or water with nutes every time since it is about 5 days or so between waterings.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Here's what we got from the last few week, and when i get uploads working agian i have about 15-20 more photo's.




Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Good, Just had to wait a day.











Everything seems to be going fine as of right now (knock on wood). Had a underwatering problem but we got that fixed now. Does anyone see anything that looks wrong or should be done better?

Thanks to everyone for all there help, right now we are on week 8.

We both think that its an indica strain but who are we compaired to you gods! :)
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

Well earlyer it was wilting and then when we felt soil it was super dry so we watered and then it perked up so are we underwatering or overwatering.
Re: Second Grow, Still Need Lots Of Help!!!

I was wondering about ozone generators, we have one in the room with the closet that we are growing in but out buds arnt filling out. Its been six weeks and its super crystaly but has super tiny buds, does this ozone generator have something to do with it?
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