Sensi and The Bandit - A Grapegod, OG Kush & Mutant LA Woman Journal

Thanks for stopping by fellas!
The grow room is shut down right now in an effort to sterilize it in case any mold spores are still in there from the mass. I'm sure it's fine but I want to be safe rather than sorry.
Everything is being aired out and repainted or cleaned.
Unless I find a water cooled mini gen for real cheap co2 will not be used here. I'll just go back to massive volumes of fresh air.
Thanks for checking out my journal! Hopefully the op will be up again soon!
Sorry to hear that!

But on the plus side, Im imagining a team of scantily clad women on their hands and knees scrubbing down bandits grows rooms. Pics needed!


I think it's about time for me to pull this journal off the scrap heap and give it some updates!
After the mold fiasco the room was cleaned and repainted. The crew of bikini clad ladies did an excellent job SB lol!
Since I last updated the second wave of the outdoor garden has been chopped yielding just under an lb dried & cured.
The indoor garden which is now called SkunkWorks has been jacked up to be a high performance SOG and is kicking ass! So far it looks like this thing will be able to produce close to a dry lb every 8 weeks.
I'm using an ebb&flo and a 5 plant custom passive hydro system I call Super Hempy in the indoor bloom cab.
If anybody needs details on anything please dont hesitate to ask

Picture time!!


The Bandit Cruiser


OG Kush cola & Laser Guided Trim Shears












Next is the progression of what's been going down indoors











Making Hash with a Bandit

One of the greatest benefits to being a grower is the access to all of the trim and extra bud to do with as we please.
Some make edibles and some make hash as well as a myriad of other stoney things like tinctures.
Me, well I'm a hash guy.
This year I made a big effort to jack up my grows just so I could make more hash. I ended up growing enough to where I was able to not only use trim but I actually began to donate entire plants to the hash bucket.
These pics are from the trial run of a new washing machine i got off ebay as well as a press & a set of five one gallon bubble bags to use as strainers.
I used about 4oz of frosty trim to make a big slug and a fat puck of hash.


Ready for action!


Sack 'O trim & ice



Drop in the bag and then fill up the machine with ice water


Turn the timer to 15 minutes and the machine goes into action!
This is a good time to fire up a lefty and trip out on what going down!


This is what the concoction looks like when the machine stops


The next step is to drain the machine thru the various bubble bags. For this one I just wanted a big fat puck so I used the tightest micron bag i had to catch everything that was'nt liquid


Fresh out of the bag


Pressed on wax paper w/ a rolling pin and then left to dry for a couple days


T press w/ magnetic handles ; another ebay special!


The Puck


The Slug

All in all I'm very happy with results! The hash I made is very stoney and is great on it's own or mixed with a joint or bowl. The high is very euphoric and heavy. It's great on a Friday or Saturday night chillin' at home with friends & family.
It took me about a month to burn up that batch. Hopefully this week I'll be able to brew up another batch with 5 gallons of frosty trim & nugs i have in deep freeze :Rasta:
As you can probably tell from my name, I am quite envious.
LOL!! It is nice to have some decent home grown hash! The water hash still has that deep rich hashy flavor too. + it burns forever!
The batch above was made with White Widow & Yumboldt 47 trim but the next batch will not only have those two strains but it will also have some Grapegod, OG Kush, Auto RoadRunner, & Auto Haze in the mix.
Should make a wonderful potpouri for the Holidays!
:bravo: you are my hero Bandit! :bravo:

HD you're too much!! lol:rollit:

Bandit, is that the bubblebagdude kit? I just checked out their site, and I am contemplating a personal christmas present. :ganjamon:

Is the machine worth it, or should I stick with a drill and mixing bit?

You are correct!! This is from the one and only BubbleBagDude!
My first attempts at making hash was also with ice water, a drill, & some bubble bags and i can tell ya the machine makes my life a whole lot easier!

I dont have a scale to get a weight on what it produced but I think it will pay for itself with only two or three runs.
The washer was $150 w/ free shipping. The last time I bought hash it was $30/gram. I think I've already produced about 5g and my next full blown run might produce about 40 grams so if it does'nt break it should pay for itself several times over!
The only bad thing is that it's made completely of plastic and it's from China. With that combo I could never say it's high quality but it does seem to work very well for now.
I think the key to getting it to last will be keeping it clean by flushing it completely after using and keep it protected in storage
The bags are knock offs too but they also seem to be decent quality bags with double stitching and durable screen mesh bottoms

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