Shout out to all my fellow growers!

Good Nature420

Well-Known Member
Much Respect to all my people on 420.. It has been almost a decade from the last time I posted here. Many years ago I had a DIY grow opp when I was a caretaker for my Moms and countless people from this site showed me mad Love and Respect.

That being said I have a new adventure I started unexpectedly by seeing if the 3 seeds I planted would grow? I got some seedlings now and a very cheap diy setup. I bought a grow light that does veg and flower. I plan on an upgraded my version of this 35 dollar diy setup. 35 dollars for the light the Cardboard boxes aluminum foil I had at home

I got two unknown strains but it was fire and a glue seedling.

I planted 3 seeds and never thought they would grow and do not know if there are female or Male until I switch to 12/12. This is my make shit grow tent.

Just my Luck I have a green thumb!
I planted 3 seeds and never thought they would grow and do not know if there are female or Male until I switch to 12/12. This is my make shit grow tent.

Just my Luck I have a green thumb!
That green thumb needs to back off the watering on those babies, or you'll get root rot, just spray them until they get bigger...and you can stop that stretch by putting the light closer :goodluck:
Welcome to the 420 Mag Train Good Nature ! You're starting out the same way I did 4 years ago. I had a foil lined box with 1 of those 4 bulb bathroom vanity lights that I ran 4 - 85 watt CFL's in. Only got 1.5 - 2 oz. per plant & the weed gave you a buzz, but nothing special I can brag about. Never the less getting to watch weed grow for the 1st time made it all worth while. It was very exciting for me to actually make buds for the 1st time.
Obviously, you will have to up-pot the plants you have. Those Peat cups you are using can be a problem when it comes to up-potting. I know they are suppose to be bio-degradable; but they take forever to break down so your roots tend to grow downwards instead of out sideways. Your best bet would be to break them apart to remove them before you up-pot.
When you get ready to upgrade your light, if you don't want to break the bank & still get great results I'd go Mars Hydro.
I started using them 2 years ago & haven't even considered switching brands. Just ordered my 4th TSW 2000 & I have the TS 3000 also. I have so many lights because I run 3 tents plus a Flower Room & not because I need that many in 1 grow area.
The two taller ones are an unknown strain but was The smaller one is Glue I got from a good plug and it happened produce some seeds



Welcome friend cute garden. :welcome:
I was thinking the exact
That green thumb needs to back off the watering on those babies, or you'll get root rot, just spray them until they get bigger...and you can stop that stretch by putting the light closer :goodluck:
They stretched so much because for the past week they have been by the window. I just got a smart electrician LED grow light yesterday and did a make shit grow area to keep my damn cat away from them. I did have four by the window until she ate one. The little shit loves to eat plants. I just watered them yesterday as well and I dont plan on watering them again for at least two days. Thanks for the advice and stopping by.
Welcome to :420: @Good Nature420.

Looks like you've gotten some veterans here giving some great advice!
I'd startup a grow journal, drop the link to it in your signature and come back here to let everyone know where to find it.

Best of luck:Namaste:
Welcome to :420: @Good Nature420.

Looks like you've gotten some veterans here giving some great advice!
I'd startup a grow journal, drop the link to it in your signature and come back here to let everyone know where to find it.

Best of luck:Namaste:
Thanks Rexer, once I figure out how to use this site again I will start a journal. This site has always been good to me and the people are amazing. I had a computer years ago and seemed easier to navigate and figure things out and now posting from my phone is a learning process all over. I miss having a computer screen it made things easier to read than on my smart phone. Until figure things out I'll just keep posting here.
A little history on this adventure and learning process, I used to be a care giver for my mom years ago when Michigan first went legal for medical purposes so I know a little bit about growing. The smoke was decent but not anything out of the world. I only used CFL lights. (roughly 20,000 lumens give or take) and a DIY grow space. No money for a big boy light. I worked with what I had..

Fast forward 13 years Mom's has been gone 5 years now and 8 for my Pops and I was smoking on some killer a few weeks back and found 3 beans put them in some soil 2 weeks ago and like what the hell one might sprout, I did not expect all 3 to pop up. Of course my cat would not let them be in the window getting natural light and ate one. A week later I was enjoying some GG I got my my cousin and found a bean in there and was like what the hell it might sprout too and guess what it did. So now I got three babies and had to hide them before my shithead of a cat eats them.. Don't get me wrong I love her to death she is a really good cat and one hell of a mouser but I dont need her to eat my babies..

That is when I went to menards and picked up a cheap grow light and asked a local grocery store store if they had any big boxes they wanted to get rid of. When I got home I made this contraption to protect the babies from the mean putty cat..

The 1st photo is of my cardboard temporary home for them until I can figure out what to do and yes the top opens up but when closed does let light out. I am not to worried about the light seeping through or that it's the most beautiful set up, it keeps the cat away from the plants The 2nd one if of the unknown strain plant in the big pot and thought I might as well start it young with some minor LST'ing. The 3rd photo is of my GG baby, the 4th pic is of my other unknown strain with a little LST'ing as well and the last photo is from the box of my grow light I absolutely don't understand. My light is uses only 18 watts but equal to a 20 watt light.. I know the watts are low but untill I figure out if any of them are females their is no need to go all out and get a tent better grow lights because I seen on Amazon I can get a 600 watt LED with all the fixings for like $50 bucks.. Only time will tell and if I continue to LST all of them like I am I should be good for at least the next two weeks but who knows.

Have a wonderful day and Much Love from The Glove!




A little history on this adventure and learning process, I used to be a care taker for my mom years ago when Michigan first went legal for medical purposes so I know a little bit about growing. The smoke was decent but not anything out of the world. I only used CFL lights. (roughly 20,000 lumens give or take) and a DIY grow space. No money for a big boy light. I worked with what I had..

Fast forward 13 years Mom's has been gone 5 years now and 8 for my Pops and I was smoking on some killer a few weeks back and found 3 beans put them in some soil 2 weeks ago and like what the hell one might sprout, I did not expect all 3 to pop up. Of course my cat would not let them be in the window getting natural light and ate one. A week later I was enjoying some GG I got my my cousin and found a bean in there and was like what the hell it might sprout too and guess what it did. So now I got three babies and had to hide them before my shithead of a cat eats them.. Don't get me wrong I love her to death she is a really good cat and one hell of a mouser but I dont need her to eat my babies..

That is when I went to menards and picked up a cheap grow light and asked a local grocery store store if they had any big boxes they wanted to get rid of. When I got home I made this contraption to protect the babies from the mean putty cat..

The 1st photo is of my cardboard temporary home for them until I can figure out what to do and yes the top opens up but when closed does let light out. I am not to worried about the light seeping through or that it's the most beautiful set up, it keeps the cat away from the plants The 2nd one if of the unknown strain plant in the big pot and thought I might as well start it young with some minor LST'ing. The 3rd photo is of my GG baby, the 4th pic is of my other unknown strain with a little LST'ing as well and the last photo is from the box of my grow light I absolutely don't understand. My light is uses only 18 watts but equal to a 20 watt light.. I know the watts are low but untill I figure out if any of them are females their is no need to go all out and get a tent better grow lights because I seen on Amazon I can get a 600 watt LED with all the fixings for like $50 bucks.. Only time will tell and if I continue to LST all of them like I am I should be good for at least the next two weeks but who knows.

Have a wonderful day and Much Love from The Glove!




Cute babies my friend. Imo they are not getting adequate lite. And are too tall and thin. I'd transplant so there is only top sticking out an inch. Don't get carried away training yet. Let's get them growing well first.
Cute babies my friend. Imo they are not getting adequate lite. And are too tall and thin. I'd transplant so there is only top sticking out an inch. Don't get carried away training yet. Let's get them growing well first.
Watch what happens within a week or two Bill284. Up until yesterday when I created this make shit area, they have not been getting any good light, you are correct and I know this for a fact! They was sitting on top of other plants pots by the window getting natural sunlight. We haven't had any good natural light in Michigan for a while now. Just because Mr. Red is shines bright does not mean it is warm
I do have a green thumb, this is either a Grapefruit or an Orange tree that my Father and Daughter planted together 11 years ago. He passed away three years later and I have taken care of this tree for both of them from that time. Here in Michigan this tree would not survive the winters here so every years I bring in in for the winter and put it outside in the warmer spring months. It is in a 25 gallon pot and grows in soil I scooped out of Mother Earth with a shovel. It does need a good watering and when I clean my fish tank and rotate the water it will get a very well needed drink. Would you believe I have a circle sled underneath it to trap the overflow water when it is watered.

The 1st photo was taken about a week ago and the 2nd was taken 11 years ago after it's first summer growing and I taught my daughter how to transplant trees or plants in general.


The reason why my seedlings are so stretched is because to stop my cat from eating them I had to put them in the pot with my Grapefruit or an Orange tree to keep her aaay from them. The babies have been sitting in the big pot that has thorns in them branches feet from the window for the past week or so..
The reason why my seedlings are so stretched is because to stop my cat from eating them I had to put them in the pot with my Grapefruit or an Orange tree to keep her aaay from them. The babies have been sitting in the big pot that has thorns in them branches by the window for the past week or so..
My uncle lived in Lansing, I loved going down there. I'm a ways north now.
Hope all your seeds are females and the sun shines bright for you my friend.
Keep those kitty's at bay too.
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