Snakelad - Auto Grow

Cheers beast.nah I'm done with was my 1st time.and I completely fucked up.destroying the equipment.just not worth the hassle.they must be convinced I'm doing it again,by sending out a helicopter 3 times.the prob is this,once the street knows,its like Chinese time people are finished adding their own spin on it,your an international dealer.public enemy number 1.I know it was just 2 wee plants,but you can be assured rumours spread like wildfire.2 plants turn into "did you hear your man was growing a full cannabis factory" its a joke.
Ok snakelad nice1 il have a look. And feel.sorry for u.mate not good i live near which is like like wispers fly round like leafes in the wind complete wank mate. Best to.never let ya guard down mate. And hope they realise soon that there totally over reacting lol:)
Cheers beast.its my fault.trusted someone,thought the person was dead on.turns out I was completely wrong.people throw a fit over a little instead,you should just get drunk,act like a dick,maybe throw your fist in someone's face at the end of the night,then just say sure its the see people tolerate that shit,cause sure,its just alcohol.then when you end up in court,I should just say make your fucking minds complain when I want to smoke cannabis.and you complain when you drink and act like a dick.I'm sick to the back teeth of the UK.sick of it.Amsterdam here I in bloody peace.there's to many people taking the piss aswel and turning rented houses into cannabis farms.that's taking the piss in my eyes,and cocking it up for small growers that just want to grow a plant or two for themselves to enjoy.what can you do.peadoviles don't even get as much shit as growers do.the worlds completely screwed up beast.
Snakelad yea our government is complete wank and all about control. My attitude has always been the same its every man for them selfes on this planet!!! Cannabis cures cancer but govermnent wont tell u that because its a billion dollar industry. Cancer research what a load of bollocks. I hope ur sorted soon snakelad.and all this will.soon just be a bad memory in ur head.:)
Thanks beasty.means alot.unfortunately I've learnt the hard way.what makes the whole thing worse is the shtye who I trusted,at the end of the grow,did her best 2 try an talk me into growing again,the whole time knowing she was trying 2 set me up.she would have sat an chatted,pretended 2 be friends,and when the police came crashing through the door,she would of watched me being taken way in handcuffs,and enjoyed every minute of makes me sick 2 my stomach even thinking about it.2 think I was in her house,cooking a BBQ,all paid 4 out of my pocket,plus I phoned sky,got her discount,£15 of her monthly agreed 2 paint her back yard walls,4 free.stabbed in the back wouldn't even begin 2 describe how I feel.sickened.
Yea mate thats shit. Just goes to show sumtimes ppl arnt who.they seem. And to try stitch u up again is just pathetic mate sooner ya move the beta mate. Sum ppl just that bored of there own life like to cause shit for others either that or just a straight dickhead for been that way but always ask a favour. Cheeky is been nice lol!!!
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