Spraying Bud

Tarek N

Well-Known Member
Hello! Another newbie question..... I know Humate foliar spray is good.... is that through every stage? I mean is it good for the bud itself. Then because the whole plant is darker, extra spray with regular water after or leave it?


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Personally I wouldn't spray anything on the buds late in Flower, or at least not all of it as if it makes it taste/burn funny better a little bit than all of it. Depends on conditions and tons of other variables, but I would worry about moisture on the flowers (from even spraying plain water on it) issues like budrot and stuff late in flower cycle (just like how growing outdoors too much rain at the wrong time can cause you lots of grief).
What’s up Tarek? I’ll bite... typically we avoid spraying anything on our buds.... but we make exceptions for critters or powdery mildew. The reason we make exceptions is to get to a successful harvest.

Spraying your vegging plant is reasonable,

spraying anything on your buds is risky and following up by spraying additional water on them increases the risk even more.

foliar spray is one thing, the concept is to spray the leaf underside to reverse feed via root exhudates thereby feeding the microbes in the soil. why not just feed the soil which feeds the microbes which feeds the biomass buds and all?

So yes foliar spraying is acceptable in veg but in flower cycle spraying the buds themselves provide no gains and increases risk. Like those English muffins -there’s too many nooks and crannies in the bud structure that will hold moisture setting you up for pm or bud rot. Never had it personally but I’ve seen many peeps here hacking up their prized colas after 4 months of growing hard due to botrytis or pm
Thank you for the input so spraying the underside aswell as the top due to reverse feed via root exhudates? Never heard that! I spray plenty of water before dark and during light once usually 2 times a day.......
I harvested my outdoor right after a 2 day rain. I'm happy with the result.

It's when you have a 2 day rain and you are trying to let them mature another week or two that can cause grief. First year I tried to get it mature first outside before harvest and lost a lot, 2nd year I just harvested early as early better than tossing 25-30% of your flowers. But again outside is a different critter, though I did have some bud rot once on an indoor plant and it also varies on the Strain as some are resistant to it and others it don't take much to have it.
Sure I get outdoor plants get rained on all the time but what I was saying is most foliar feeding is intended for underside of leaves, Hess you can spray on tops of leaves too. But spraying buds with water in a tent especially before lights out is not a good idea. If you are gonna spray then best before lights on is what I’ve always come to understand. I’m hoping @bobrown14 will jump back in to clear this up.

Tarik may not know my position but I’ve always maintained that the taste of your buds can be manipulated or impacted by whatevs is added to your soil, air, water and foliar feeding.... I may not be able to prove this by science at this point in time but everything I’ve seen and done tells me this is true...
Foliar feeding can do that during lights on. I wouldn't do it AT lights out but up to 15 minutes before is fine. The leaves dry up while I'm still in there spraying... it dries pretty quickly unless you RH is +60% or more then I prolly wouldn't be spraying unless its for PM/Mold then it dont matter when you spray.

I actually like to spray closer to lights out so I dont get burn spots from excess water + hot lights.

I don't add anything to my soil for nutrition maybe some llama poop or fish emulsion. My flower doesn't taste like poop or fish.... so not sold on the flavors from soil amendments thing. I'd be feeding my plants skittles if that was a thing. lol

I suppose abiotic and biotic stress are factors in terpine production. There's some science on that I think. Pretty sure....
Ok - I wasn’t on point there..... are you spraying buds when she’s in mid to late flower?
We know it’s not gonna hurt the trichs but from an aspect of preventing pm for a brand new grower that’s spraying water or humates on buds during flower.... good idea or bad idea? that’s the main issue I was trying to get clarity on.

The old "depends who you talk to" ;) :rofl: personally I don't see the advantages over the risks of spraying the flowers themselves towards the end of Flower, unless like you said earlier you are combating a problem and trying to save whatever you can out of it....but again that just my point of view ;) , and tons of variables like humidity %, and air flow, and how tight the plant is, etc.......... along with the gravitational pull of the moon ;) :rofl:
That's great info guys.... I'm getting that I should not risk humate water spray while buds are forming, and I should stop spraying them with regular water after lights out. I know this is off topic but can you tell me a reliable ph meter that's not expensive? I'm not so sure about this 20$ one I got
That's great info guys.... I'm getting that I should not risk humate water spray while buds are forming, and I should stop spraying them with regular water after lights out. I know this is off topic but can you tell me a reliable ph meter that's not expensive? I'm not so sure about this 20$ one I got

You in soil or a hydro-like medium? Most soils have buffers built in so don't have to be as tight of tolerance as hydro or hydro-like mediums. I been using PH tape for a few years now for my soil grow, and it more accurate than the $20 meter I bought when I started (think sticking my finger in the water and then in my mouth probably I could guess a more consistent number than what it was giving me ;) :rofl: ). The old sometimes you get what you pay for and other times you can make do w/o spending a lot.
Ok ph tape so it’s a roll and goes in brother label gun, well isn't that cool?

Well some in a roll like tape (mine is) and some are more like a swab looking kind of thing or like a strip. They come in a variety of ph ranges and price ranges, as some of the more expensive ones have 3 diff color swabs to narrow it down more to precise (different applications than growing). Worked in a factory that made flower pots and packaging stuff out of recycled paper. They had one product that was made out of wax paper and it wouldn't break down in the Beater fast enough (get too hot and make little wax BB's in the pulp and not a good finished product), so we had to bring the PH up to over a 12 and then once broke down back down to a 4.6. Use even a top of the line probe in a 12-14 range for PH and it will fry it pretty much right off the bat ;) , so we used the little strips to make sure we were above a 12 and then the meter once we got it under an 8 or so to dial it in to where they wanted it.
Ok ph tape so it’s on a roll... ok wow that’s cool,

The drops work well like in swimming pool water where the water is clear unlike nutrient water we use ;) , but pool places you can find the tape sometimes as it more expensive but easier than the drops (otherwise you can buy it online too), as swimming pools need to be in a range of PH but not a precise exact number.
That’s insane, Nope you wouldn’t want to fry meters at that rate, that’s neat tho tape or strips.

I‘m a new grower running home brew faux mix modified water only supersoil too, don’t check ph, mind you my plants are not always picture perfect but I’m just not gonna chase ph.

I say water only but yeah little fish ferts, eye of newt, full teaspoon of jimmy hoffa
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