Squidgy Black


New Member
My first time smoking squidgy black was a great ride, initially i though 'Da fuck is this shit?' but after that first toke I was in love:love:! I hadn't had it for quite some time up until recent. I got the squidge out assuming it would be as great as the first encounter but needless to say it was a disappointment...

Anyone else had any bad encounters with certain squidgy's?
yes. when i still dealt with dealers i used to get the same stuff every time, it was kinda pollen heavy and was just called "pollen", though it would often have some sort of stamp on the bar to give the illusion of quality (like gold through the assay office lol)

she hit me with this soft black and i remembered it from days of old; back in the old country. This tasted like fucking rubber elasticbandsb and petrol.

told her to sort it out. She never got that crap again.

She did, however, get this crap stamped " liverpol" (with one 'o'). It literally refused to burn. I stopped smoking pot altogether, there was no point anymore lol
When I was 18, there was a guy in my neighborhood who would scrape resin out of his glass and sell it to all the uneducated smokers as hash. I don't know how people actually thought it was legit but he did it nonetheless.

It's never happened to me with hash but when I was first introduced to BHO, my first 3 grams were of horrible quality! I've since learned and now I only touch H20 extracts I make myself
I've had desperate times, and have smoked "rez" scraped out of my bowls. Horrible. I assume that's what squidgy is. I've even rolled the shit around in kief, still horrible.
Legit squidgy can be sticky reminiscent of degenerate resin scrape, but if its prepared as quality the additive could be considered a precursor in its preparatory form to what is now sold as moon rock, caviar, etc.
Moon rock? Caviar? I must be getting old... lol
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