Still not sprouted?


New Member
So i put 2 seeds of Super Bud (Green house seeds) into wet towels last weekend (saturday) and when they both popped (sunday-monday) i put them into soil (not too deep) and now its 5 days from that and they are still not out even tho I kept the soil moist enough and temperatures were fine too? This is my 5th grow and so far all seeds from Greenhouse Seeds were successful -> after popping all seeds came out after a few days after. What should I do Im so dissapointed and mad :(
Both have sprouted finaly!! Im so happy they did but damn they sure took long maybe it was temperature which was around 17*C but that shouldn't have affected it that much or? Im in doubt of buying fro Green House Seeds again what you guys think?
I put them in medium very soon after they cracked so It didn't really matter which way they were turned because I was leaving my house for a couple of days then so I had to put them in before they developed that white sprout :goof:
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