Still problems problems & yet more problems


Well-Known Member
Hi kids,
These are 2 (either) kush mintz or watermelon og clones that for some strange reason appear to have gone hermie on me !! Incidentally , they are 4th gen and no matter how much cal/mag has been thrown at it, it has always had the red stalks.
In the meantime can anyone make out from the photographs if they have defo turned or not coz they just don’t look right to me . All the other strains are cool btw.
Cheers for any input, Opih8




I don’t see balls, so I’m not sure they’ve Hermed. What I do see is some pretty brutal over fertilizing, the leaves are a very dark green with clawing tips, which usually means too much N. I’m also not sure why you’re “throwing calmag at them”. There are many reasons for red stems/ petioles it can be genetic and perfectly normal, it can be temp fluctuations, too high or too low ph, light to intense, or a magnesium deficiency, but I’m not seeing any classic mag deficiency symptoms.
clones should be same gender as host it was cut from but yes hermies happen

I’m seeing female calyx with 2 hairs and please forgive my eyesight isn’t great, but looks to be some 3 fingered fans which indicates photoperiod stress (based on 3rd pic) maybe even reveg but need better pics to be sure

what’s your light hours?
was the mom in veg or flower when clones were cut?

gotta run but will check back later
...they are 4th gen and no matter how much cal/mag has been thrown at it, it has always had the red stalks.
Calcium is not the answer to every plant problem out there including reddish or purple colored fan leaf stems. Some Calcium is usually needed if the plant is being grown under LED lighting. And, the signs that it might be needed are the development of bronze or copper colored areas on the leaves and not purple stems.

Purple stems and leaf stems (petioles) are supposed to be from a deficiency of Phosphorous but the plants do not look like they need any help with that either at this time.

The first thing I noticed was the fingers on the leaves do not look right. Are you using timers for the lights? Or, have you had a problem related to the lights in the past several weeks? Basically what @013 is bringing up.

I don’t see balls, so I’m not sure they’ve Hermed.
No balls, bananas or stigma/pistils so I am not sure that they even flowered yet.
. There are a couple of stigma on some of the older nodes a bit further down the main stems but they might not be much more than a few pre-flowers.

The dark green color could be the automatic exposure the camera used. Not only are the greens more pronounced but so are the background colors even if they are out of exposure. Then looking at the very last photo the colors are more normal, even closer to being washed out.
The dark green color could be the automatic exposure the camera used. Not only are the greens more pronounced but so are the background colors even if they are out of exposure. Then looking at the very last photo the colors are more normal, even closer to being washed out.

he's got waxy leaves as well.
I don’t see balls, so I’m not sure they’ve Hermed. What I do see is some pretty brutal over fertilizing, the leaves are a very dark green with clawing tips, which usually means too much N. I’m also not sure why you’re “throwing calmag at them”. There are many reasons for restems/ petioles it can be genetic and perfectly normal, it can be temp fluctuations, too high or too low ph, light to intense, or a magnesium deficiency, but I’m not seeing any classic mag deficiency symptoms.
Hi dude, I only mention the Calmag deficiency because everybody else has done so any time I posted red stalks etc on every forum I’ve been on the last few years !! Was only ‘throwing 3 - 4 ml per 2L at their moms when
clones should be same gender as host it was cut from but yes hermies happen

I’m seeing female calyx with 2 hairs and please forgive my eyesight isn’t great, but looks to be some 3 fingered fans which indicates photoperiod stress (based on 3rd pic) maybe even reveg but need better pics to be sure

what’s your light hours?
was the mom in veg or flower when clones were cut?

gotta run but will check back later

in late ish veg so not exactly going OTT , ditto with over feeding - these 2 clones have very well developed root systems going as they’re 4 - 5weeks old , they get 4ml biobizz grow & 3ml calmag per 2L water ,in light mix with xtra 15% ish added perlite same as all the rest of the latest girls . They got stuck in a brown glass btl and took bout 3 or 4 weeks to root .They have gone thru certain amount of stress of the light variety - they got taken 2 or 3 days before switching to 12/12 in the big ass ‘A-frame’ problem therein lay that downstairs was also on 12/12 !! Ooops , with my memory it took a week ( while their mom got the chop) of a few days them being in darkness for extra hour or so til I remembered and then stuck under an inconspicuous led bright kitchen til I went to bed . So their routine has not been ideal.I had wondered about them going back to veg but I didn’t think they’d been out of the amount of light source that they needed for it to be a problem . As noted my first thought was some kinda stress but They just look fucking freaky to me. Also because of the suspected Hermy issue I removed them both straight away upstairs to logically create more SHTF coz now have it under daylight and only daylight and they’re only 15 hours of a day here. Btw notice I said daylight not fuckin sunshine. Welcome to écosse


Hi dude, I only mention the Calmag deficiency because everybody else has done so any time I posted red stalks etc on every forum I’ve been on the last few years !! Was only ‘throwing 3 - 4 ml per 2L at their moms when

in late ish veg so not exactly going OTT , ditto with over feeding - these 2 clones have very well developed root systems going as they’re 4 - 5weeks old , they get 4ml biobizz grow & 3ml calmag per 2L water ,in light mix with xtra 15% ish added perlite same as all the rest of the latest girls . They got stuck in a brown glass btl and took bout 3 or 4 weeks to root .They have gone thru certain amount of stress of the light variety - they got taken 2 or 3 days before switching to 12/12 in the big ass ‘A-frame’ problem therein lay that downstairs was also on 12/12 !! Ooops , with my memory it took a week ( while their mom got the chop) of a few days them being in darkness for extra hour or so til I remembered and then stuck under an inconspicuous led bright kitchen til I went to bed . So their routine has not been ideal.I had wondered about them going back to veg but I didn’t think they’d been out of the amount of light source that they needed for it to be a problem . As noted my first thought was some kinda stress but They just look fucking freaky to me. Also because of the suspected Hermy issue I removed them both straight away upstairs to logically create more SHTF coz now have it under daylight and only daylight and they’re only 15 hours of a day here. Btw notice I said daylight not fuckin sunshine. Welcome to écosse


he's got waxy leaves as well.
I’ll waxy bloody leaves u lol, as I explained zillions of times before (maybe a slight exaggeration), I have a shitty iPhone 7 which I refuse to update because it still works ( apart from the camera obviously)!!
Anyway to the matter at hand I didn’t give situation any time to develop I just lifted those motherfuckers out of the cupboard ,soon as I saw what I thought were a couple of wannabe nans ,and put in front of the window upstairs. There are a few bambinos squatting there currently just now also and didn’t wanna take the odds. Gave me but more time to figure out what to do with them and give em all a repot. Apologies for the blurry weed pix but , in my defence, I refer u bk to phone issue 😄 cheers all.



he's got waxy leaves as well.
I’ll waxy bloody leaves u lol, as I explained zillions of times before (maybe a slight exaggeration), I have a shitty iPhone 7 which I refuse to update because it still works ( apart from the camera obviously)!!
Anyway to the matter at hand I didn’t give situation any time to develop I just lifted those motherfuckers out of the cupboard ,soon as I saw what I thought were a couple of wannabe nans ,and put in front of the window upstairs. There are a few bambinos squatting there currently just now also and didn’t wanna take the odds. Gave me but more time to figure out what to do with them and give em all a repot.
I’ll waxy bloody leaves u lol, as I explained zillions of times before (maybe a slight exaggeration), I have a shitty iPhone 7 which I refuse to update because it still works ( apart from the camera obviously)!!
Anyway to the matter at hand I didn’t give situation any time to develop I just lifted those motherfuckers out of the cupboard ,soon as I saw what I thought were a couple of wannabe nans ,and put in front of the window upstairs. There are a few bambinos squatting there currently just now also and didn’t wanna take the odds. Gave me but more time to figure out what to do with them and give em all a repot.
I’ll waxy bloody leaves u lol, as I explained zillions of times before (maybe a slight exaggeration), I have a shitty iPhone 7 which I refuse to update because it still works ( apart from the camera obviously)!!
Anyway to the matter at hand I didn’t give situation any time to develop I just lifted those motherfuckers out of the cupboard ,soon as I saw what I thought were a couple of wannabe nans ,and put in front of the window upstairs. There are a few bambinos squatting there currently just now also and didn’t wanna take the odds. Gave me but more time to figure out what to do with them and give em all a repot.
Hey dude, can u tell if it is mold ( coz there was 7 in that cupboard) Leaves just started dropping off from the bottom up the way. Mold or something sinister do u think ? Have done a combo neem/isopropyl spray on all of them- and moved 4 upstairs reluctantly (landlord issues) 95 % of all crops I’ve done have ended up being cool ( the last ‘problems, problems’ lot gave 700g @end of day. This lot I’m worried bout tho !🙏





can u tell me please if there is something I can do or are they fuckd ? 4 have been hit with this and only 2 out of the 7 upstairs (touch wood) appears to be affected. As soon as u touch leaf it crumbles and drops off !!! HELP
Looks like blight…

how often do you water?
temp & rh?
do you water to run off?
do you empty drain pans or allow them to sit in their pee?

Temp is bout 29 downstairs 27 ⬆️ Eh is bout 40-50 ( all daytime obviously) I do know that it’s way too hot and Rh is way too low (which accounts for the continual problems problems thread) but it’s been like this the last four or five crops and still manage to survive somehow I have not had this one before though .
Feed biobizz grow 1ml/litre and up it week by week when they look big enough. Feed/water everyday , coz with the temperature they need it . Don’t water enough to let it run off , I just give them enough NOT to drain coz in soil/perlite mix. Not to mention that my other nom de plume ? on this site is grillers and I truly use it in all the methods I can utilise so being on the ground there is electricity nearby so not such a good idea to let them drain off very much !!
Used all mix this time instead of light mix so don’t know if that’s anything to do with it.
So million dollar question- is there anything I can do coz is fuckin heartbreaking watching mainly them but also £’s disappearing in front of my eyes .
looks like a ph issue or a nute excess. the feeding practices followed here would indicate ph trouble. if they were weak when they got sprayed down that would also take a bunch of leaves out.

won't be mold if the rh is low.
looks like a ph issue or a nute excess. the feeding practices followed here would indicate ph trouble. if they were weak when they got sprayed down that would also take a bunch of leaves out.

won't be mold if the rh is low.
With the pH level cause the ends of the leaves to go black and and then turn to dustl and henceforth die very quickly ? I always have to keep an eye on the pH levels here so that’s why I don’t think it’s pH I think it’s a bit more sinister .. early on in my “career “ I wiped a crop out overnight because the ph was too low - since then I’ve found, through experience that unless it’s really high it might account for the radioactive looking leaves but not the black death
With the pH level cause the ends of the leaves to go black and and then turn to dustl and henceforth die very quickly ? I always have to keep an eye on the pH levels here so that’s why I don’t think it’s pH I think it’s a bit more sinister .. early on in my “career “ I wiped a crop out overnight because the ph was too low - since then I’ve found, through experience that unless it’s really high it might account for the radioactive looking leaves but not the black death

did you have them near a fan ? what ph are you feeding them at ? not watering to runoff will spike ph in a soil pot.

edit : black is fungal infection, stress ( wind or light ), and ph. almost always a combination, not just one thing. i'm hoping you missed the fungal infection. that would take them all out eventually. guessing it's ph and stress related.
did you have them near a fan ? what ph are you feeding them at ? not watering to runoff will spike ph in a soil pot.

edit : black is fungal infection, stress ( wind or light ), and ph. almost always a combination, not just one thing. i'm hoping you missed the fungal infection. that would take them all out eventually. guessing it's ph and stress related.
Unfortunately they’ve had same growing conditions as most of other crops - always oscillating fan on lowest setting . I’m presuming if it is a fungal infection , which would appear likely, that even iso spray would do nothing for it ?
As some are not noticeably affected ,or not much , can anything be applied to save those ones . Also , sorry for all the questions mate thank you very much for your patience but one more thing - what causes fungal infection in weed plants ? poor hygiene or what , had got to the stage of not really having the time to clean flower and veggie cupboard out coz they were continuously in use.
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