T5 - Space Candy - Cabinet Grow

After adding the hydroguard the brown hasn't moved not sure if that is from the hydroguard or not but I will be using it for the remainder of this grow
So I will be switching my girl to flower tonight hopefully I can block any light leaks before they become a problem. other than that she looks real good I will post more pictures soon
Space candy day 1 flower

Thanks I think she looks pretty good not sure if I should've thinned her out a little though I guess I will find out.
Subbed :popcorn:

Looking good Marv, can't wait to see some buds popping up on that pretty girl.
Try adding aqua shield. I feel like that's what saved me when I did dwc. I would recommend recharge but idk if you can use it in dwc.
So after doing a little research I think that I am going to go with either a 13/11 or a diminishing light schedule. Any suggestions?

etaffate - I think that hydroguard replaced aquashield, but im not sure thanks.
After work yesterday i went to check on my girl and she had little baby flowers everywhere hopefully I don't run out of room
week 3 flower

Hi madmarv I will be starting off an indoor grow and was initially going to use a single 25W full spec LED (supergrow Halo) but i'm in a small space with height issues so opted to get myself high output T5 bulbs. Got 8 x 24W purple (8500k) lights and 4 x 24W warm white (2700k) - all 2ft length. Can only fit 4 bulbs overhead but could possibly put 4 up the side - was going to try just the 4 overhead first and experiment with colours.

My Q is: I see you started with the same (4 x 2ft T5) - did you think they worked well as I see you eventually got a 400w system. I was hoping to be able to run veg and flowering off 4 bulbs but could possibly add 4 more up the side wall or use my LED as a boost if I keep it low (almost certain I will need to do some LST if I want to maximise yield with my height restriction).

Thanks and keep up the good work - looks like you got some sweet ladies there!
Definitely need to make it bushy and short but the t5 will work good for veg although I saw a huge difference once I got the 400w mh/hps you can use the t5 for the whole cycle but from what I hear the buds would be more airy and less potent plus the yield would be smaller

Thanks for the complements everyone I will add more pics soon she is looking beautiful
Week 4 flower

She is getting big, and trichs are forming all over the place. Still not much of a scent but the slight one that there is smells sweet and delicious. This plant so far has been very tolerant of my noob skills. I am on the fence about defoliation though. I want her to taste as good as possible, and I'm worried that the stress will come out in the taste. Also I think i may have seen some web looking shit on her that im keeping a close eye on. I don't see any other signs of mites so hopefully i will get lucky.

So I didn't get lucky and it's definitely spider mites what is the best way to get rid of the bastards without hurting my baby
So I didn't get lucky and it's definitely spider mites what is the best way to get rid of the bastards without hurting my baby

Sierra Natural Science – Extraordinary Results…Naturally! Best, safest, most natural way I know of. And highly effective. Their sprays have killed bugs instantly that I had appear in my grow.

They even offer sample packs, you just pay shipping and handling. That'll let you try the product first, without a big commitment on a purchase.

But I guarantee you'll love how well it works, and won't use anything else. :thumb:
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