Thirstymuppet's Indoor Soil Grow Of 1 Cinderella99 & 1 Northern Lights 2018

Very interesting. As cold as it is here at times, it hasn't got that bad in the tent. I have a month pic coming of temps and humidity...
Yeah me too. I find It's hard to appreciate someone else's squigildy lines on a graph, so fair play to ye. This is the lowest temp I could find in the last month. It's not too far from 10C. You might be onto something alright. Incidentally, it's at 2pm in the day here when it's warmest outside! Hashtag...Good Insulation!!! :p:cool:

The humidity went crazy on me. I was leaving the 'door' of the tent open towards the end. That's when you see it going up and down like mad around 5-5. I put in an extractor fan then and it came right down.
I found an article about it, here's the relevant section:

Temperature plays a vital role, as cooler temperatures inhibit chlorophyll production. Chlorophyll, you might remember from 6th-grade science, is the plant component vital to photosynthesis.

For cannabis, depending on the lineage of the strain, certain other colors will appear when you drop the temp and the light cycle shortens, mimicking the change in season.
Great links Ozmo. I enjoyed them reads. :thumb:

So I didn't get to re-pot anything today. I sowed a climber in the garden and went on a ridiculously long drive for weed! Nicely toasted now on god knows what! It had to be done though. Genuinely! I needed a bit to test out an Arizer Air 2 that I bought. It's my 1st vape so I did a lot of :nomo: (...Finally got to use that emoji :D) before buying it. I'm pretty pleased with it. It's doing the job and apparently there is still juice in the vaped herb for edibles.
Anyone else vape? Is that the case?
....By the way I'm not plugging them or any shite. I just bought one based on reviews n stuff. Plenty of choice out there.

Pruned a few dead leaves and watered with water left out 2/3 days. pH'd to 6.5, added calmag and seaweed ferts. They needed a watering. Its increaded a bit I think and the smell in the room is back so I think things are improving...for 1 of them at least!

Dodgy fan leaf on Northern Lights...that I said I would prune...(and did)

You might be able to see the red tinge on the leaves of the Northern Lights. It's actually living up to its name quite well!...

I'm hopeful for freakshow. The higher leaves are better than the ones below!...

" fan leaves off. Northern Lights on the left and The Replacement C99 on the right

2 Days apart. Older one on top. Bottom one has them trimmed and waiting for a good feed!

And this is what 5hrs on minimum wage gets ye in Ireland. 3 grams on the kitchen scale. It stinks though and is not bad at all. :volcano-smiley: Whaaaaat?, No other Vape emoji's...emojii?!!! Time for some fresh prince in @One Strange rock. It's an awesome documentary series. I'm on 5of10. Hope you are doing well my friends. :peace::hug::passitleft:

Lighter and earbuds for scale. Everyone must have an iphone earbud lying around? -From dark times!! :laugh:
Those are the probably the most common lighter to anyone in Ireland, from my generation at least.I'm assuming they are not just confined to this island!:Namaste:
Hey thirsty, you good?
That’s a cool looking vaporiser, I bought one a month ago, not as nice as yours - it cost about half as much but I just wanted to try it out. I like it a lot, took me a while to get used to not really seeing any smoke come out when you exhale, but damn do they get you high! I still find my self wanting to smoke something but I think that’s just habit! As for left over thc, there Definitely is, maybe I get more left over because my machine isn’t very high quality.. I know it defeats the object but I smoked a j of vaped weed when I couldn’t sleep and it did the trick, tasted rough as but needs must!
Yeah I'm well happy with it. Worked a charm. :ganjamon: I do reakon it's just a matter of getting used to it. After I gave up the fags and went back smoking a bit of grass I wasn't sure what to do. IMO blunts are wasteful no matter how skinny. In between drags the grass is burning and you aren't inhaling. That to me is a waste. I am a miser though!! I only ever did edibles with hash. It wasn't ideal for me. The bong was the best option I felt. It really did feel weird at 1st, using the bong 100% of the time but I got very used to it. To the point that making a joint seemed like a weird idea! Good to know there is juice left in the vaped stuff. :D
Alright cannagrow. Good to have you. :welcome:
I can't wait to see those colours in the northern lights. And I really can't wait to smoke...vape her!! :p
Yeah it's not great. Seems to have gotten worse in the last couple of years in terms of value. Bag is a bit lighter now. Back in my day it was all hash. That was late 90's, early 00's. I didn't get grass till I was well into my 20's! Much nicer but hash was great for putting in coffee. I used to crumble it in on my school lunch break and an hour later I was in a heap!! Didn't learn a whole lot though!! :D
Awe no way! I'm an hr south. Not even.
Legal :rofl:The powers that be haven't got the balls to push for it. One crowd
-sinn fein- came out in support of medical cannabis recently which is good to see.
They are not a main party though. Prohibition makes no sense. It's infuriating to think about it. Judges sentencing lads and giving them a telling off for ruining their lives! ...for a few smokes every now and then!! Aggghhhh!!!
We are all voting next week to legalise abortion. That's how far behind we are! :eek:
Things move slowly. Hard to believe they still enforce pot laws. I live in California now and recreational is legal. It is really surprising as I really don't notice much difference after it became legal. The first time I went to a dispensary I was really surprised. The average age of patrons was above 60 and the majority of what sells are edibles.
The first time I went to a dispensary...

A momentous day I would imagine! I would love to go to California. It looks pretty cool. I'd love to go to a lot of places in the US.
Just on the older patrons. I know someone here in the mental health service that claims most of the people they deal with that have cannabis use in their files are all older too. I hope the next generation are smoking the herb!!
Right so. Weekly Saturday night update time. And I have a headscratcher for you tonight!! I'll get back to that.

All is going well. Ever since the 'health scare' the frequency of watering has shot up. To what it should be really... given its a mix of compost and perlite. So every 3 days or so. The Northern Lights was re-potted. Badly needed looking at these roots. I put a bit of soil from the garden into the mix for the craic! The pot was very light before. I think I was using a little bit too much perlite.

That was during the week. I took them out to take a pic today. Even with watering yesterday the replacement C99 is feeling a bit light. Too much perlite there too. I will re-pot her during the week. There are enough roots showing at the base.

Freakshow getting trimmed here.

I topped her even though I said I would let her do her own thing. I was afraid of her getting too tall compared to her LST'd sisters.

Northern Lights...Here comes the head scratcher!!

All good

All good

:eek: What the fuck is this?! :eek:

I know what it looks like! Could it be something from the soil outside. Can cannabis do this?! Whaaaaat?!!

There are other tiny little things growing here and there in each of the plants but nothing the size of the other fella!!

And the C99 replacement

Lots of cola sites.

So that's it. I will take a video of the setup soon. Is it still called a video?!!
A momentous day I would imagine! I would love to go to California. It looks pretty cool. I'd love to go to a lot of places in the US.
Just on the older patrons. I know someone here in the mental health service that claims most of the people they deal with that have cannabis use in their files are all older too. I hope the next generation are smoking the herb!!

I grew up in and around New York and settled in California. I cant imagine ever living back east. I think the thing I like most is we don't get snow and only frost occasionally.
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