Thrip control

the best solution is a solution

of safers soap and water,,

then add a ton o persistence
i think think there is a drench sns makes you can use as a preventative in veg and likely for at least a time in flower.
i have a pouch of sns 209,, had some given to me several years ago,, i tried it for a while,, it did not work,,

i just looked at the pack now and noticed it sates that it 'repels' pests,, i guess that makes it repulsive?

means nothing in reference to 203 or others,, just noticed

i might suggest that you check the dilution you used with the safers soap,, and mix up a fresh batch every 'three' days

near impossible to eradicate them once you have them,, especially in a perpetual grow,,

i have been battling thrips for a while now and perhaps because my grow room is near empty now,, i just might have licked them,, maybe
are you in flower or veg ?

if you are still in veg hit them with some hotshots or no pest strips. death from above. continue with neem / sns / iso spray / or any combo of spray treatments in tandem.

limit your exposure to the grow area to 8hrs a day while the strips are in use. i use mine for 16hrs and bag them for 8 when i have them in use. i am in a bit closer contact.

treatment period is a minimum of three wks. usually takes a 4 - 6 to ensure.
are you in flower or veg ?

if you are still in veg hit them with some hotshots or no pest strips. death from above. continue with neem / sns / iso spray / or any combo of spray treatments in tandem.

limit your exposure to the grow area to 8hrs a day while the strips are in use. i use mine for 16hrs and bag them for 8 when i have them in use. i am in a bit closer contact.

treatment period is a minimum of three wks. usually takes a 4 - 6 to ensure.
Just flipped light this past week I will get strips and continue to spray. Thanks to all for all the information. Much appreciated
I've been down this road, and can say for sure that spinosad will work very well. I use Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew @ 2oz per gallon.

we have no access to that here. our gov't is still firmly against anything that works .. :p

out of curiosity can you use it flower at all ? would you recommend a bud wash at harvest ?
we have no access to that here. our gov't is still firmly against anything that works .. :p

out of curiosity can you use it flower at all ? would you recommend a bud wash at harvest ?
I have used it in flower. It was early flower ( 3 weeks or less). It killed them all pretty quickly. Generally I'd shy away from doing this, but I didn't have many other good options.

Not sure about bud wash. I've personally never done it.
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